As you say, she's an AW...
...normal women pick up on this vibe and combined with her being older, I don't think any of the younger HB's are going to see her as social proof (in your favor) - no matter how hot you think she is. And worse yet, when these younger HB's see you pursue her I think they may actually categorize you as an AFC because an ALPHA would realize this one is a broken mess and waste of a ALPHA's time.
Plus, this just seems like way too much planning way to far out. There's no on-the-fly confident c0cky arrogant swagger to it.
And there's always the option that she'll pick up on your game and throw it right back at you. Actually, if her game is good she'll lead you on the entire time and then at the last minute (as another poster called out) she'll purposely hook up with another guy to get her rocks off by making you jealous. I don't know about you, but I'd sure feel like a tvrd if I went to all this trouble to drive her there under some multi-week plan to bed her only to have some other totally indifferent dude take her home right in front of me. If it is merely a game (ie you are absolutely 0% emotionally invested???) then go for it. However, if you have even the slightest hint of feelings for this chick and she reverse the game on you - you are gonna be hurtin' dude (which may be a blessing in disguise but I digress).
The absolute best way to bed this woman - start rationing your time with her. Start spending time with other women - especially younger attractive ones. Her clothes will come off [only if truly needed] to prove she can still control your attention.
I found myself wrapped up with an AW a few years ago and allowed intimacy to be dangled in front of me for months (ugh I hate even thinking about it now). In the end do you know what it took. Just one actual date with someone else. My time (ie attention) was perceived to with someone better, someone younger, someone more interesting. Her crack addiction (in this case *attention*) was withdrawn. And she did whatever she had to to get another fix. And it ended sh!tty anyways so it was never worth it.
I'd downplay the party (w/r to AW). Go there and have fun. Throw out all these plans and just go with the flow. Try to number close at least two younger HB's. She will pick up on this. Then on the ride home when she asks if you had a good time just give that c0cky smile and say "Yup!". Don't hint of s3x. Take her home. If she offers to have you up, say "No thanks, I was out last night and have plans for tomorrow so I need my sleep." Say that last part as if s3x with her is the last thing on your mind. Let her stew for a week or so. Then invite her over for something really simple (watch a flick). Your frame the whole friggin' time. Make your move. You'll have your answer.
90% - She c0ck blocks you yet again
6% - She reverses the game on you and beds another guy
3% - She goes home with you but doesn't go all the way
1% - She goes home with you and goes all the way.
100% - In the long run she OVERTLY LJBF's you.
...normal women pick up on this vibe and combined with her being older, I don't think any of the younger HB's are going to see her as social proof (in your favor) - no matter how hot you think she is. And worse yet, when these younger HB's see you pursue her I think they may actually categorize you as an AFC because an ALPHA would realize this one is a broken mess and waste of a ALPHA's time.
Plus, this just seems like way too much planning way to far out. There's no on-the-fly confident c0cky arrogant swagger to it.
And there's always the option that she'll pick up on your game and throw it right back at you. Actually, if her game is good she'll lead you on the entire time and then at the last minute (as another poster called out) she'll purposely hook up with another guy to get her rocks off by making you jealous. I don't know about you, but I'd sure feel like a tvrd if I went to all this trouble to drive her there under some multi-week plan to bed her only to have some other totally indifferent dude take her home right in front of me. If it is merely a game (ie you are absolutely 0% emotionally invested???) then go for it. However, if you have even the slightest hint of feelings for this chick and she reverse the game on you - you are gonna be hurtin' dude (which may be a blessing in disguise but I digress).
The absolute best way to bed this woman - start rationing your time with her. Start spending time with other women - especially younger attractive ones. Her clothes will come off [only if truly needed] to prove she can still control your attention.
I found myself wrapped up with an AW a few years ago and allowed intimacy to be dangled in front of me for months (ugh I hate even thinking about it now). In the end do you know what it took. Just one actual date with someone else. My time (ie attention) was perceived to with someone better, someone younger, someone more interesting. Her crack addiction (in this case *attention*) was withdrawn. And she did whatever she had to to get another fix. And it ended sh!tty anyways so it was never worth it.
I'd downplay the party (w/r to AW). Go there and have fun. Throw out all these plans and just go with the flow. Try to number close at least two younger HB's. She will pick up on this. Then on the ride home when she asks if you had a good time just give that c0cky smile and say "Yup!". Don't hint of s3x. Take her home. If she offers to have you up, say "No thanks, I was out last night and have plans for tomorrow so I need my sleep." Say that last part as if s3x with her is the last thing on your mind. Let her stew for a week or so. Then invite her over for something really simple (watch a flick). Your frame the whole friggin' time. Make your move. You'll have your answer.
90% - She c0ck blocks you yet again
6% - She reverses the game on you and beds another guy
3% - She goes home with you but doesn't go all the way
1% - She goes home with you and goes all the way.
100% - In the long run she OVERTLY LJBF's you.