Here's another example of what's wrong with women nowadays....

Sep 27, 2008
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"CC08, all you do is come on here and ***** and moan about how bad modern day society is because you can't get some dumb ho to jump on your ****. It's your own fault you can't meet women, and I can't really blame them for licking my ballsack instead of hanging out with a whiny loser like you.

This website is about improving your inner game, and since you've made little attempt to actually do that, then I think you should leave."

"I'm not going to tell you to shut up and stop *****ing, that would do you nor I any good. I've been where you are albeit for a few weeks this summer, but I know how much it sucks. This site isn't helping you either. The more you read this seduction crap, the more of an "understanding" about the world and society you get. But that same "understanding" makes you question your own reality and leaves you confused and even more apathetic. You can "understand" the entire world, but until you do something with that understanding then its worthless. THink of what you want. Forget your definiton of successful. Is successful the person who makes a ****load of money and gets all the girls? TO some yes but to others no.

Even worse, youre in overanalyze mode. Ive been there. I got out of it by
1) getting a therapist
2) taking antidepressants

You're clinically depressed, and it isnt your fault, its an illness. Go seek some professional help because this is something you cant beat alone."

You're both right, I found this site, hoping it would give me some answers,instead,just more questions. Instead of actually improving, all I seemingly do is question,debate,and argue. Is that some sort of complex or syndrome? I have gone back and forth from blaiming myself to the world. I have been trying to set something up with a therapist,but insurance issues got in the way. I think sitting down,talking with someone,and laying it all out will help me solve alot of these hang ups. I have some rather severe social ones.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, you're overanalyzing yourself and you're going to tear yourself to bits until theres nothing left if you keep this up. It's an illness. Search depression symptoms on google and I'm positive you'll find a lot of correlations between those symptoms and yourself. Also buy the book feeling good (not sure who its by, but search it in amazon)