Here's another example of what's wrong with women nowadays....


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
...LOL... this sis wonderfully revealing.. she is admitting that she is a slut who will not be controlled or told what to do in or out of a relationship.. she is the modern woman.. liberated powerful and full of perogative... OH HOW WONDERFEUL WOMENS LIFE IS NOW THAT THERE ARE MEN DESPERATE ENOUGH TO AGREE TO BE FINANCIALLY AND EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED WITH A WOMAN AND SAY ITS OK FOR HER TO STILL BE A HO..LOL Cause after all she will only be with men who allow her to be a slut... so if you want her then you have to accept what she is..

Men and women are living the same lives and pointing fingers as to who is in the wrong. but soon that will end once the old traditional way is completely forgotten..
Sep 27, 2008
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haha. yeah. can you detect my bitterness? I realize something now though, and I think it may be the cause of bitterness, I don't know if I have, or had, the dominance/or balls even, to be that controlling,dominant male. That's what they are attracted too, I almost feel less masculine, and yet, haven't figured it all out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
CapedCrusader08 said:
haha. yeah. can you detect my bitterness? I realize something now though, and I think it may be the cause of bitterness, I don't know if I have, or had, the dominance/or balls even, to be that controlling,dominant male. That's what they are attracted too, I almost feel less masculine, and yet, haven't figured it all out.
They say they attracted to that but they will still do as they please... Point is never expect monogamy from a human. just dont. fucus on other stuff like how long you can keep them willing to F you...
Sep 27, 2008
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why not? why can't you expect it? I mean, is my view of things, even reality, off? Or are the old "traditions" of you would, just not followed. I now fully realize the effects of the change in social norms and whathaveyou,and it's impact on today, back in the 60's and 70's, least that's where I am looking at, people got married,started a family, and that was that right? I see how women's lib/feminism has now so more benefitted the woman, in terms of everything, and how it has screwed guys over.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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If you want a traditional woman you need someone who is hard core religious like an Amish babe or a non-westernized woman. If I EVER get into another LTR it's gonna be a young foreign honey.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2008
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It's the guy's fault. If he doesn't have the brains to kick sh!t like her to the curb then he deserves what's coming to him.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
This is an interesting article that brings things to my mind. I took a sociology class this semester and I encourage others to take when they get the chance. You'd be surprised by what you will discover about the world. I will mention somethings I learned and try to tie into the topic in question.
I learned that on some level we are products of our society and culture, products of subcultures (e.g school, sports team etc) and within those cultures there are rules and some of those rules are taught from a small age and when you grow up you incorporate the ideas. In some ways the rules are not even taught yet we some how figure it out within the particular culture or subculture (e.g when you go to class you sit facing the teacher yet the teacher never instructed you as to how you should sit in the class). All the same within a culture we still have our individuality. The point is that the rules within a culture has the purpose of keeping order (although it might be viewed as a form of control which people tend to rebel against) and when our individuality works against the rules of the society or specific culture it is considered deviant. So, what has all this got to do with the topic.
Well, after reading the article. The idea of family (getting married and being in a committed relationship is to maintain order in that aspect). I think especially in the western culture sexual freedom has been elevated so much that it has become what makes or breaks relationship among individuals who might have as well gotten along in other aspects of life. Now the feminist lady talked about having an open marriage where they can F whoever. The problem this creates is that it opens up the way for a potential strain in their relationship. I can understand if she wanted to be single and F around. Situations of open marriage can lead to lack of focus, when one spread's him/herself it's hard to be effective in any of the areas involved. While our feminist might think she has freedom to F around. It could end up tearing her family apart in other ways. She might find that she likes the new guy better and then abandons the other family and within a few years find out that she likes the 3rd new guy better and the cycle continues. Sex and marriage doesn't necessarily bring one happiness or fulfilment. They are just parts of a whole of someone's life. Imagine what chaos the world would be if everyone went around F'ing and not taking responsibility. You and I may not be here today. A mother can F and abandon baby (oh actually that is happening today, abortion (at least that's the supposed proper way to do it)) and same applies to the father. Why do we frown upon incest and rape after all it's someone trying to express their sexual freedom. For the record I think both are wrong but looking at it from the POV of people who do such things they probably feel they shouldn't be bound by these rules society makes. In the end there is a reason for the traditional rules of marriage. Even for those of you who dont believe in God and religion. When the bible says "do unto others as you would done to you... and love your neighbor as yourself" those instructions are supposed to protect us, keep other and make us live in some state of peace. After all I don't suppose anyone would wish to be raped while going to their car. Why then inflict the pain and humiliation on another. Ok, folks that's my piece.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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Guys you fail to realize that this is nothing new. There will always be sluts out there... and there always were sluts out there. I remember my mom and my grandmother talking how women used to cheat on their husbands "back than". Sneaking out at nigh or going to another guys place when their husbands were out watching livestock. Mind you this was happening in villiges in Europe. The key is to find a good girl that can think for her self and will respect her body enough not to let everything inside her. I will admit that it is getting harder and harder to find that girl especially if she is very attractive but believe it or not they still do exist. I think guys that are experiencing this problem are looking for girls in wrong places, IE clubs,bars, unis. Think about it, there are guys out there that cheat too but i am sure that half of the people here including my self would never cheat on his wife/long term girlfriend...
Sep 27, 2008
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I was gonna post something, but it would be more of the same ****, I think I am beyond help now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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CC08, all you do is come on here and ***** and moan about how bad modern day society is because you can't get some dumb ho to jump on your ****. It's your own fault you can't meet women, and I can't really blame them for licking my ballsack instead of hanging out with a whiny loser like you.

This website is about improving your inner game, and since you've made little attempt to actually do that, then I think you should leave.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Prodigy746 said:
Guys you fail to realize that this is nothing new. There will always be sluts out there... and there always were sluts out there. I remember my mom and my grandmother talking how women used to cheat on their husbands "back than". Sneaking out at nigh or going to another guys place when their husbands were out watching livestock. Mind you this was happening in villiges in Europe. The key is to find a good girl that can think for her self and will respect her body enough not to let everything inside her. I will admit that it is getting harder and harder to find that girl especially if she is very attractive but believe it or not they still do exist. I think guys that are experiencing this problem are looking for girls in wrong places, IE clubs,bars, unis. Think about it, there are guys out there that cheat too but i am sure that half of the people here including my self would never cheat on his wife/long term girlfriend...

Soo true/... but people now have less incentive to hide their deviant behaviour... in fact its cool to flaunt it now... humans will be humans.. just make sure you are mating. though..
Sep 27, 2008
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"CC08, all you do is come on here and ***** and moan about how bad modern day society is because you can't get some dumb ho to jump on your ****. It's your own fault you can't meet women, and I can't really blame them for licking my ballsack instead of hanging out with a whiny loser like you.

This website is about improving your inner game, and since you've made little attempt to actually do that, then I think you should leave."

Boy,how wrong you are. I blame myself more than anyone,hence the *****ing. It is a real problem for me, and if you can't see that, what more can I do? It has gotten to the point where changing what I want and becoming the person I want to be,or could have been,is closing day by day.

I mean, it's my own fault, and somewhat theres. I regret not becoming a natural like everyone else, or perhaps I don't know what I want, maybe alot of this was caused by add or something, or hyperactivity and weirdness as a kid. I'm not gonna get into that one right now. I can't look forward,hence the reason for all the missed opportunities over the years, or maybe it isn't my fault so much. All I know is I have this and these problem(s) that need and have needed fixing for some time. It started when I was 16, and I was convinced I was this total loser for not having the life I wanted, so it distorted my view of reality. I haven't even barely figured women out, but yet would like to marry one and start a family,without all the b.s that comes with it. Maybe I just need to move out to somewhere else,instead of my current lifestyle of constant boredom.

I am also concerned about how much looking at porn over the years has affected me in regards to all this. I won't even get into what happened the first time I had sex,let's just say due to inexperience,i.e not holding you're **** together emotionally, afterwards I said some of the dumbest things about myself to the girl. Believe me, no wonder she left me not too soon after. It's not like I go around telling this to every person I come into contact with.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Blaming yourself is not even close to improving yourself. It's almost totally different. It's so different that it is actually debasing. You can't always blame yourself for not attracting more women. Women turn men down all the time for many reason's, the least of which have anything to do with you personally. She might be having a bad day, she might be in love, she might even be a racist. Who knows.

Point is don't take it personally and don't blame yourself. Just take responisibility for it by learning from the experience and moving on to someone who actually wants to spend time with you. Same thing with your past if you let it control you, you won't be able to move on.

I went through the same things you went through as a kid. But when I look back it seems so far away. You just gotta keep moving forward and stop blaming yourself.

You seem to think that you are a broken, and need to be fixed. I can tell you that once you stop thinking like that and start thinking about your self in more positive terms you'll realize that no woman really rejected you because you were just rejecting yourself first.
Sep 27, 2008
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It does have to do with my own self image. This started a long time ago as I said before, and I haven't been able to change it since. Why? i don't know.

I blame myself cause I feel like I let this happen to me, all while venting my frustrations at the world. I feel I could have become this different,ideal person, had I taken action a long time ago, and until I seemingly find a way to let go of that, I don't know what happens next.

I do see myself as broken, esp in regards to experience, or inexperience with women, and everyone else is so far ahead, reading about certain things doesn't help either. I guess there is this underlying fear of not just rejection, but more so I will be seen as broken due to my own inexperience. I mean, all this time gone bye, and I still haven't taken the steps, I need to do something about this.

Reading stuff like all this:

makes me think about alot of this stuff.


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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I'm not going to tell you to shut up and stop *****ing, that would do you nor I any good. I've been where you are albeit for a few weeks this summer, but I know how much it sucks. This site isn't helping you either. The more you read this seduction crap, the more of an "understanding" about the world and society you get. But that same "understanding" makes you question your own reality and leaves you confused and even more apathetic. You can "understand" the entire world, but until you do something with that understanding then its worthless. THink of what you want. Forget your definiton of successful. Is successful the person who makes a ****load of money and gets all the girls? TO some yes but to others no.

Even worse, youre in overanalyze mode. Ive been there. I got out of it by
1) getting a therapist
2) taking antidepressants

You're clinically depressed, and it isnt your fault, its an illness. Go seek some professional help because this is something you cant beat alone.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
CapedCrusader08 said:
"all you do is come on here and ***** and moan about how bad modern day society is because you can't get some dumb ho to jump on your ****..
LOL.. that is a funny truth about humans they usually complain about the game when they can play in it or it beats them... men who are getting HB10 PU$$Y every day seldom complain about women laking moral values etc..:yes: - until they are looking fro a wife to settle down with then they wonder where all the good women