You got a lot learn yourself! Behave.Stupid dorks! Of couse he's conscience. He's trying to exhagarate the body language that alphas portray naturally. When it's natural, you don't look like a dork. Funny thing is, people critisize him but they don't learn anything from him.
Trying to demonstrate "alpha body language" - confident bodylanguage and "don´t give a damn" attitude, with seemingly no confidence and concentrating only in looking like something you´re obviously not... is the same as trying to demonstrate lovemaking techniques without a partner. That´s masturbation.
The video was good, we got good laughs. We all learned how we should not do the things.
To me it seems he really was.Was he worried about what everyone else thought?
Is this your idea of a manly man?What this guy is doing defiently flys in Croatia...Europian girls are not used to *******s and thugs like here in US. So it does work as you seem to be different and all manly man.
Exactly.But the reason we are noticing stuff is because some of us can intuit and sense he's really not what he's trying to be. It is human nature to see when one is stepping out of the pecking order where we know they should be. Some of us get an aggressive feeling inside to place this person where he deserves to be.
(edit: english is berý fooking difficult
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