Here Is A Real Topic Of Discussion

Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
I have be studying and researching deeper into this, masculinity, and maleness, and being a real, man thing......all I have found are characteristics of a man, like aggressive, strong, etc...but we all know, men can be sensitive, emotional, etc. Now, testerone is a male hormone, it would seem like the more of it you have, the more MAN you are, but really, how do you know if you have it or not......forget all the characteristics of what a man does, what is a man, where is he within you, how do you really and honestly know if you are embracing your maleness within, how do you know? While its easy for women to embrace their nature, by putting on some makeup and nice clothes and being very feely emotional type of people, how the hell do you embrace your nature, and know that you are embracing it..........I believe testerone has something to do with it, but how do you know if you are in your testerone or not........:confused:


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Good question Cardio, but really has to with the essence of being male and that means having domineering qualities and taking action and being bold. Females by nature have submissive qualities and thus are natural nurturers. One sex is dominate, the other submissive.

Having 'maleness' does mean a higher level of testosterone but also means projecting dominant qualities. This is why jerks are so popular with women, because they have what is perceived to be a dominant personality.

This is also why Russell Crowe and Arnold Schwartzenegger (both whom aren't cosidered attractive) but are very much attractive to women. It's their perceived 'maleness' or domineering attitudes - the take it or leave it. The projection of dominance, but not over-dominant.

You have to find for yourself where you're lacking in these dominate traits that make you male, such as being subserviant or feeling guilty, or seeking approval. This is more submissive than dominate behavior and even some the most male of males can be privy to these things due to their insecurities from bad experiences or the way they grew up.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score

im wondering if Mr.Cardio could be:

a) is someone who could be actually successful with women, and just trolling for fun.
I mean if you stick around here and post around long enough, you're boung to learn things that are vital in the game.


b) he is still an AFC, or could be learning the game but still does not have the balls to approach.

Which is it? :confused: :D


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Dude you are way too obsesses with this whole testosterone. More then professional bodybuilders, more then a man should really be.


I have be studying and researching deeper into this, masculinity, and maleness, and being a real, man thing
You my friend have been reading way too much into this. Way more into it then you need to be.

No matter how much testosterone you have it’s not going to get you laid.

Listen Cardio your not going to find some magic cure or uber technique through hours of research and analyzing that’s going to get you laid by anybody you want.

I think you just need to step back, breath, and then go out and find yourself.

Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
tmp, okay, I read your post on how women and men go for the other who fulfills a what the other is lacking.....its the estrogen v.s. testereone thing...

Okay, now, my question is, I believe I have a lot of testerone, while I am not the type to go around beating up people, I have a lot of drive, competiveness, etc.....are the only ways to show my testeone is by being, what I guess, a tough guy.......give me some examples on how to show it naturally........and to be honest, I have not been in the field like I want to be, because I still am a little lost on this thing, some clarification would really help.....and I loved that site, she really broke it down and explained what I was already thinking about the don juan, alpha male, SS question is, tmp, how do I show my testerone, and still be myself, and show it in a way that is.....natural and not an act, because I have a lot of least I think I do, can you also tell me how do you know if you have it or not.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
You can go to your Dr. and have your test. level analyzed from a blood draw. Jeez, if you're horny for the ladies then you most likely have plenty enough of it. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
The feeling which testo gives for me broke down somewhat:

- pure power, like I could do anything and beat anyone
- i don't give a fvck about anything (still not being an *******)
- i can handle anything
- feeling that i could fvck with any girl around.
- playful mood
- confidence

So, if you have your sh1t together then you just KNOW it and you know how to act also. Good understanding of attraction and game is important, then you can direct the powerful feeling of being a MAN.. to gaming the girls. Otherwise have a hobby or sth.

..Not having the game together, the same feelings can get you confused and frustrated, which leads to anger and all kinds of bad things.

For you who honestly can't embrace your masculinity, here is how you WILL feel it:
- stop masturbating for a week.
- do something physical, like 100 push-ups/day (my favourite).

..if it's not working then your testicles may be malfunctioning :p

You can study how to be a man. You can adapt the right bodylanguage and signal right things.. You can study and learn to FAKE it. But if you are still a mouse inside your head the incongruency will appear on some level.

When you are in tune with your manliness then it's easy. To show it you only have to take ACTION, start a conversation, do anything. It's hard to explain but when you are really really in tune then you don't have to think too much anything but you just follow the natural flow and vibes and you know that what ever you do is a good thing. 3 sec rule is simulating this mental frame.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Testosterone and estrogen exist in quantities within all of us.

Just by ACTING a certain way does not mean you encompass qualities of someone with high testosterone. In fact, it's the people not conscious or conscientious of it that have loads of it.

Testosterone by and large, is controlled by genetics, unless you down d-bol.


Litmus tests concluded most high test candidates were construction workers, prisoners, and football players/athletes (pro's; like you didn't already know). It isn't about acting like a symp trying to pawn off your testosterone nature or faking til you make it.

You have what you have. That's it. How you do it? You just do it. That's how. There's path or plan.

To me, by TRYING to do it, you totally kill it. TRYING to do anything means you naturally are NOT DOING it. It's like most women are not being women, nor are they men. They are women ACTING like men, which is an impossibility. They aren't acting feminine and they aren't acting masculine, because they can't.

Remember the lion from The Wizard of Oz? He ACTING like a lion, and he was one, but when the situation called for it, he wasn't a lion. He had the outside world (the wizard) give him his courage. He'd lost his courage, at least in his own mind. Thing is, HE is a LION by definition, so there isn't anything more than he must do than growl, claw and kill.

Same as men. You can't be MALE and try to act it. That's the thing about PUA/DJ/ must be molded into who you are.


I have a feeling you're very young Cardio, even if you're pushing 18 or more. Young in mind, young in heart. And that's ok. But this male-thing isn't what you make it. It comes. We are who we are through what we do. People aren't brave because they walk a certain way. They're brave by their daily actions. By the way they live. By what's in their heart.

Get off the site for awhile, or for good. Truly ALL sites of this nature, if not for reasons OTHER than women really and truly hurt them. I believe because it makes men CONSCIOUS of what we are. It's a reflecting pool, like "oh my God, other guys are doing this, too!" So when you're at a party you're playing some game of SIMS in your mind feeling out the whole scene, trying to predict what's gonna happen, and what moves are going to happen, etc.

HOW LAME is that? Life isn't meant to be that planned, if it was, it wouldn't be fun. Quite honestly, I don't want people to tell me what to do. I like to figure it out and fvck it up on my own. Why?

Because if some guy posted a FR on it, it may have not worked, then I might not try something that might have worked for me based on my situation and personality.

You guys put WAY too much emphasis on this shyt. Really. I'd rather here guys spitting time about XBOX 360, because at least women EXPECT boys/men to play games, and I know some cool cats that score tons of pvss and play games late at night, with even their chicks playing. Why?

Because THAT makes them happy. They're gal might not be a HB10 the elusive wonder of all men on the site, but she's damn hot enough to get him going when he gets home from work. And guess? She's cool enough to let him play games, give him a BJ during them, and make dinner after.


Any PUA site, like anything out, develops a mental society. A following. Other sites do the same. It's all a bunch of realities, fake or otherwise, operating in the world. You worrying about people following it? Don't. Just like some guys won't go PUA, others won't go DJ.

I know there's a lot of NOOBS, daily, I bet, and I have cousins turning 17, just getting in to things, and the one thing I tell him is "don't be afraid to fail". I laugh everyday at the shyt I did, and by doing it, not only did I learn what WORKED and didn't, I developed a hard enough shell NOT to care. I don't even NEED the attitude to care or not, because I went through it. If you need the're working through the SYMPTOMS. You're giving power to YOUR fear. And guess what?

Fear grows faster, because you must beef up the confidence.


Dudes THIS IS FVCKING LIFE. Not a science experiment. i know the site, and any site proposing that there's a tried and true method of getting chicks appeals to the logics out there, which is why there's so many posts, so many questions, so many ACTUAL methods...but this isn't rocket science anymore than being a millionaire is a precise science.

The best chances available to ANYONE is merely to act. That's it. Stop -thinking life through so much. Seriously. Bring your fingers if you must to prevent the question-asking.


To me, the question on chicks, is like anything else, something that is a "tell" of how you are as a guy/man. It's not the ONLY area that is questionable for guys, it just seems to be the most obvious and popular to guys. That's why we post on it. That's why guys come to it.

I'm by no means 100% right even now...but I do know it's painful to watch the mounting posts that seem like more pain than pleasure. If there was TRUE pleasure, guys would come back with "hey check this out" whether it was video games, cars, chicks, business, work. Sure it might be a girl-pickup site...BUT the best pick-ups happen when you're not TRYING to do it.

I could be completely wrong for the lot of you guys...BUT I do know that women don't consume my life, and the biggest wake up I had about women is that women I came to sites like this, I ALREADY PLACED THEM ON PEDASTAL WAY TOOOO MUCH to get them regularly. Once I began coming here to read, to assist, and to spit time on video games, business, motivational things, I was benefiting.

That's just me tho...


Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Interesting. What still beats me though, is that I cannot help but relate women to sales, and I just started learning how to sale. I dont understand, why women seem to different, or........some type of chess game to be won. I dont know what I am saying, I guess what I am saying, is that women seem to not be women anymore, its like, i dont know, fvck it, forget what I even said.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
I've been using testosterone in one form or another (on and off) for about five years. I think I actually get less pvssy when on it. I've read about guys getting more when 'on'. It really depends on your personality.