Here goes...


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
There's only one way to go about it. No Contact.

After all of the mindfckery and the bs THAT YOU ALLOWED HER TO GET AWAY WITH, you need to use the biggest tool you have in your shed. No Contact.

What I mean by no contact is to never respond to text, phonecalls, emails, NOTHING. Go completely ghost. At this moment you are acting like a supreme btch beta chump and its time that you get some of your pride back.

Dont question my advice, just do it. It has a 100 percent success rate. I promise you will thank us later.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
So here's a little update on how things went after this. We got back together, and it lasted until yesterday.

What happened is the day before I told her I don't wish to go out with her that night because I wanted to hang out with my friends and smoke weed (which she is against because she thinks weed is more important than her).

One important thing, during this conversation things excalated a bit so I didn't want to continue because I don't wanna fight. I called her like 15mins after that to try and explain to her it's not that I don't want to see her or be with her it's just that I'm more in a mood for hanging out with my friends (and smoking weed). Which I think was a mistake, shouldn't have called her at all but you know.. emotions and ****.

So I go out and like half an hour later I realize she sent me a text, and it said: "you're just a coward". I didn't respond anything, nor did I tell her when I got back home or anything, just completely ignored her until yesterday morning when I got a text saying "call me when you wake up, we need to talk". Also, I was really confused as how I should take this "you're a coward" thing, I know it means she totally lost all respect for me but how should I react to that, for future reference?

So I do, and she basically says "it's either weed or me, choose today!" I tried to rationalize with her but she got all fussed up and I didn't feel like fighting again so I ended that conversation. A few minutes later though, I call her back.. I said I don't appreciate being given an ultimatum and I don't see the way me smoking weed hurt her so much she had to make me choose.. she started yelling and sh!t even when I told her to stop, getting agitated myself I tell her I don't wanna talk to her and hung up (which she hates). She calls me two times after that, I don't answer. Then she sends a text saying "I'll call you one more time" and I don't answer that call either. I get a text saying "we're done". That was it. I was kinda hoping she would end it but I still have doubts if I should blame myself for not being man enough for her and stuff, but in the end I don't think it would ever work between us.

So I've engaged No Contact, and I know I won't do a thing to contact or get in touch with her it's the way I am, even though deep down I'm still hoping she'll call.

My question is if she does what do I do? The chances of this are small knowing her, even though she told me she called her ex to have sex two times after they broke up and she didn't want to get back together with him even though he did, she did it just to see if it's really over or something... What should I do in this case, allow the sex or ignore even that?


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
Wow, OP is beta as fvck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
RandomLegend said:
My question is if she does what do I do?
lol is this really a question? A major idea behind NC is even if she makes advances you stay strong and don't respond to her BS in any way shape or form.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, thought so. Need to find something else to bang pretty soon then.

Another question, how long should I wait before I delete all our pictures from FB? She didn't delete the ones on her profile, even though she uploaded pictures to the album last night... I proceeded to delete every one on mine though.
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Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Believe it or not, I have some new stuff to share. It's going to be fun, it involves getting back together only to break up again. Then we met again, I was pathetic, she wants to move on and "try something new" with another guy. At least I got some kind of closure, and I generally feel better if only a little bit.

More to follow up soon, I need to go out.