you would be suprised how much of it is a test. firstly i got to say its like a scale if you get really low then you are a pu$$ey nice guy if you get really high you are a jerk so you do nto want to get to high.
So basicly a lot of the tests are her asking you to do somthing, now if it is reasnable then do it, like if she needs you to hold her bad whilst she ties her shoe laces you can do that. but if she says can you go in to town FOR me to pick up such and such for me, then do not.
by the way she does not plan these test, she does not think to herself oh now i will do this to see his reaction, this is just what girls happen to do, and they will see what you do.
my rule is a genrall rule for the obvioust tests, there are other subtle tests but they are hard to pick out let alone decode and if you did you would be over anyilising, aslong as your are confident and a man then you will not fail these subtle tests