One of her family friend's son, slightly younger than her, they were friends but not close or anything. Died in car crash last night.
Shes gotten all emotional and super sad...crying and acting silly.
She's been calling me and saying stuff like:
'He is laying there, so still, he looks so handsome, and so tall..**Cry**Cry**"
me thinking wtf! am i supposed to do?
i let her cry it out, and listened but i told her, not to go look at the body again coz she'll get more upset.
She goes "im not gonna listen to you on that, i have to go see him, his folks and sisters need me there.."
what do you guys recommend?
she's a plate, but a good plate/fwb.
she's been there for me when i lost my friend, and although i didnt get that emotional.
do girls really get that emotional? just because other people are crying that they lost someone?
i dont feel the need to get so upset about someone else's loss. its not like they hung out or were even good friends. but yeh i dunno if thats me basing in on 'my' past experiences with losing 6 of my close friends.
Shes gotten all emotional and super sad...crying and acting silly.
She's been calling me and saying stuff like:
'He is laying there, so still, he looks so handsome, and so tall..**Cry**Cry**"
me thinking wtf! am i supposed to do?
i let her cry it out, and listened but i told her, not to go look at the body again coz she'll get more upset.
She goes "im not gonna listen to you on that, i have to go see him, his folks and sisters need me there.."
what do you guys recommend?
she's a plate, but a good plate/fwb.
she's been there for me when i lost my friend, and although i didnt get that emotional.
do girls really get that emotional? just because other people are crying that they lost someone?
i dont feel the need to get so upset about someone else's loss. its not like they hung out or were even good friends. but yeh i dunno if thats me basing in on 'my' past experiences with losing 6 of my close friends.