Her ex wants me dead

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Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
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face your enemies


running into traps that your enemies set for you is foolish

THIS TIME some teeny bopper lost the nerve

but next time ?

Lost In Translation :D



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Out There
SOLID you are the biggest douchebag ever. well perhaps not the biggest but you are up there and so are 90% of wannabe Dj's here. Calling cops and telling your parents about shyt like that. are you a man or a fukkin pu$$y eating mofo. cant believe what i read. you are prrbly one of those douchebag rednecks that talk shyt before they get theyr teeth knocked the fukk out and then call cops. anyway dont know why i got so pissed about the whole situation. to me it just soundz ridiculous. i guess cauze i spend most of my time in mean streets on NYC. anyway be a man not a fuking pu$$y what can i say ur prrbly 16 17 yr old teenage mofo.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Typical don juans, going mad flames out, you know that what you do is the right thing, your always right!

At the end of the day I'm not getting death threats anymore, and his life is alot worse off after this. Mine is alot better, it was the perfect reason to bomb her out.

And if i'm this 16 year old which doesnt know what hes doing how come I'm up there with the guys who get all the girls on this forum?

You guys just rant on now.


Don Juan
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
I had a gf of 2 years, and before we both went home for the summer (college) we decided to take a break. It was more of my choice than hers, but the fighting was pretty bad and I think a little time apart would do us good, however I made it very clear I wanted to only be with her.

Well come mid summer we start talking alot again and I try to see her, but she kinda seems like she has alot to do or something, so I brush it off and continue talking to her daily. I move back to the college town 3 weeks or so before school and keep talking to her, at this rate Im seeing her MAX once a week. Very Strange. I think somethings very weird but I cant really do much about it, and continue talking to her.

Well one night on the way back from a show I get a call from her cell at 4am, kinda weird....I answer and its a guy, he says:
"Hey man how are you? This is ____'s boyfriend. I hear you've been calling her and she's told you to stop. So please stop. AND IF YOU EVER CALL HER AGAIN...." bla bla. What an idiot.

Fast forward a week of drama then a almsot 2 months of not talking at all. She shows up at my door crying when me and my 2 roomates are home late one friday night. She runs in to me and starts rambling about incoherant BS. Meanwhile my drunk, southern, and very angry roomate sees someone leaning against his truck, immedately grabs a butcher knife and runs out there (luckily roomie #2 takes the knife before he gets outside).

Apparently it was her bf, who had threatened me tons of times but never has had any balls about any threats, hell, he wont even call me on his cell phone, always hers. As soon as I find this out, I run outside with her chasing me and see him with my 2 roomates in front of him scaring the **** out of him. I run in and get my shoes as fast as I can and run out there, but by that time they already are driving away as fast as they can.

The reason was probably that me and both my roomates are pretty huge, ones 5'6 195 solid, ones 6'1 205 national champion powerlifter and im 5'11 190 powerlifter. He apparently told them he was at the wrong house and was sorry for bothering them....what a fag.

Anyway, even though I inadvertantly averted a fight, I still wish everyday that I had run out there barefoot and knocked that SOB out, no one threatens me and comes to my house and calls me out.

Moral is if you put me in the situation, and the guy took it past the girl in the situation and made it personal between him and you, Id fight him 100%. I dunno about at a party necessarily, but if thats what it came to.....bring some buddies....

Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
And if i'm this 16 year old which doesnt know what hes doing how come I'm up there with the guys who get all the girls on this forum?
I really don't know, judging by what you have to say I am amazed you get any girls to put up with your tedious dribble for more than 5 minutes. Quite frankly mate I think your full of yap.

I mean what sort of guy comes on to a message board to try and brag about a fight he nearly got in with a guy with a knife?
and then tries to finish it off with the statement regarding you getting all the girls?

Sounds like you are riddled with insecurities buddy or you are 12 years old, I am not sure which.

Hey I get people wanting to take my lights out every weekend but you don't here me bragging about it, it just comes with the territory of being a threat to the male race, the thing is is you have to just put up with it and walk away, If I fought against every guy that started on me I would never have a moment where a bruise would go down.
The same with pulling chicks every weekend or at least having the opportunity too if I feel I can be bothered, I like others here do not feel the need to brag about them, the novalty has warn off, it is no longer a supprise to us when a women wants to bed us.

I am sure many on here will have simular stories and be in very simular position, but they just get on with it and help those who want to learn how to have the ability.

Sure you are right to defend yourself all the time but don't go looking for it.
We are not here to encourage meat heads.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know why i reply to you concidering I dont respect your opinion. Anyways at the time when all this happened I wanted to vent my fear and get some support. I said i'd update it, which i did (not sure even if you understand the thread...).

You flamed me for doing the wrong thing even though i ended up better off after it. Your insults and flames only show me insecurities in yourself. I mean what are you trying to prove by writing your emotional opinions to me? Do you expect me to care or something.

Anyways your the Don Juan I'm just some wannabe who can get more dates in a week than you can in a year. I have one lined up already, whoooo I rock (sozs, just felt like rubbing it in ya face, waits for angry flaming response).

Mods this thread serves no purpose to me now, I handled the situation, had some good advise, had some idiots blab on, achived something (faced a fear), had a great reason to bomb that girl out (shes soooo sorry and its all her fault) and got a hb8 after it. Not bad for a wannabe :D


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by S0LID
I dont know why i reply to you concidering I dont respect your opinion. Anyways at the time when all this happened I wanted to vent my fear and get some support. I said i'd update it, which i did (not sure even if you understand the thread...).

You flamed me for doing the wrong thing even though i ended up better off after it. Your insults and flames only show me insecurities in yourself. I mean what are you trying to prove by writing your emotional opinions to me? Do you expect me to care or something.

Anyways your the Don Juan I'm just some wannabe who can get more dates in a week than you can in a year. I have one lined up already, whoooo I rock (sozs, just felt like rubbing it in ya face, waits for angry flaming response).

Mods this thread serves no purpose to me now, I handled the situation, had some good advise, had some idiots blab on, achived something (faced a fear), had a great reason to bomb that girl out (shes soooo sorry and its all her fault) and got a hb8 after it. Not bad for a wannabe :D

Theres a thread you should read S0LID.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Think Prince, but slightly more gay, if that's possible. Emblazoned across his skin-tight midriff was the word "S0LID".

If that's not the best flame I've ever seen...

sorry S0LID

BrotherAP :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
lol that thread is pritty funny. Some of you geeks entertain me and thats why I stay, bless you :)
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
(sozs, just felt like rubbing it in ya face, waits for angry flaming response).
Your really not worth an angry response, and your way too easy for a witty response, I like challenge.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Indeed you are the wittiest person in the world, nothing can hold you back Old rusty boy. Concentrate less on flames and trying to put me down and more time into your game.

You tried to make out that way I reacted was wrong but it worked to my advantage. Now you know you were in the wrong and nobody likes being wrong. I came here, learnt a bit, studied different methods, hung around with naturals, field tested and now I get more than my fair share of girls (especially the past 3 months). I do pitty you though because people like you never get anywhere.

Mods close the thread already, the nerds are getting a bit exited :D
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