ok im new to this site, maybe im too new to be starting a thread but i rly need help. ok i met a girl im 17 shes 16 and we talk when we manage to see eachother cause i live in a building and she's my neighbor so watever to make a long story short , she left to dr today but earlier like 4 hours before she left i saw her in the hallway i asked her if she can give me a kiss, and she smiled said "not now" so im like "why not?" she said "because i wont be here till august" so im just like watever then she said "let me think about it i'll knock on your door later (for the kiss) so im thinking in my head right now:all this for a freaking kiss?, but i tell her , "ok cool you better knock" she smiles and enters her mother's apartment time passes... she didnt knock..... shes probably in the plane right now as im typing this, ill see her in august i kno i made a bunch of mistakes but can you guys point them out plz, im a newbie