Hey Stuff69, I was in your position a couple years ago. You're taking the right steps by reconizing that it's there. I would suggest reading pickupguide and fast seduction. Say hi to every girl you walk by for a while. Just hi. This trick works wonders.
Just dont give up man,
p.s. keep learning and improving 24/7. Work on your body and mind, and girls will notice the change. Even if they don't right away _you'll_ feel better and more able to survive socially.
Work on yourself first well until your comfortable about being who you are and not to care about what others think i use to be a chump but i realised sometimes you just have to step up. Imagine the girl your approaching as butt ugly or even just as a friend. Practice by even just talking to anyone of the opposite sex friends family whatever, until you feel comfortable around women keeping conversation going and you'll feel at ease later when doing cold approaches.
If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.
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