A few rules here:
1: Never believe what a women says, instead believe her actions. I.e look to what she does, rather then what she says.
Women will tell you one thing then do the complete opposite. for example texting an ex-bf - Is a large red flag to me. Regardless of what she says, her actions are proving otherwise -
ALWAYS LOOK AT WHAT THEY DO, rather then what they SAY.
Remember that!! Its important, evey man should drill that into his skull.
2: Being too nice to a girl, will turn them off as well has a few other things.
A: It shows they have you, they dont need to 'try to get you' anymore.
There is a saying - Being too nice is almost worse than being a total dic* - it is actually a turn off - It's like your value and your attractiveness takes a nose dive - It seems to lower your sex appeal, it reduces you to something that does not seem attractive. In essence being too nice does not build attraction.
Here is how to turn it around.
1: Don’t be so accommodating.
Go out with your friends, tell her when she calls, your out with your mates tonight - spend at least 50% with your mates or doing your own thing and 50% with her - in actual fact spend 60% doing your own thing and 40% with her.
When she calls and your busy doing anything - tell her 'I’m busy, call me back tomorrow'. It sounds counterproductive, but it actually believe it or not builds attraction.
Women think deeply about this stuff, being too nice, does not get her emotions flowing, being too accommodation does not keep her thinking about you. But doing your own thing and having a life outside her, when you refuse her company, because your busy doing other things, it keeps her thinking about you, you’re in her mind and thoughts - She will also try to create more contact, if you push her away a little.
Women are like cats, yes that's right cats - You give a cat a piece of string it does not go for it, you dangle that string and move it away from the cat, it goes wild - You go to stroke a cat, it moves away, you move away from a cat it comes over to you wanting to be stroked - You push a cat off your lap, it wants to get back on, you pick a cat up to put on your lap, it bites its claws into your jeans.
This is called push/pull.
Being too nice does not create attraction.
The Texting to the Ex-BF.
When she does the texting, simply look like at her like your 'disappointed', hold it for a second or two - then don’t mention it, but make it shown that her value in your eyes is dwindling.
DO NOT give her ultimatums, do not tell her you don’t like it - unless she asks - and when you do tell her, if she asks, you simply state 'I'm not really comfortable with you texting your ex bf, that stuff always ends in tears and I dislike drama with a passion'.
Do not listen to her excuses, stick to your guns - "sorry you won’t change my mind its, the way it is, choice is yours" (meaning if she does not stop you will do some walking of your own).
But hopefully when you show her, your interest is dipping due to her poor behaviour she hopefully will get the message and cut out the texting - But this depends on her 'interest level' - It must be pretty low for her to be doing this in the first place, a girl with high interest simply won’t do these sort of things, especially not in your face. I predict her interest is around 60%, due to your 'too nice' attitude, your chipping away at her attraction level and lowering her interest, hence this is probably why she is texting the ex, in front of you, your 'too nice', she can do no wrong.
Flirting with other guys:
If she flirts with other guys, ideally you should flirt with other girls, but this is not always applicable - If she flirts with other guys - do not orbit her - let he do what she is doing, you go grab a beer, go talk to some mates and leave her to it - But you observe in a subtil manner, you want to see her ACTIONS rather then her words - when she flirts it is a great opportunity to see what type of girl your dating, dont be a fool and let your ego stop you from seeing the type of girl your dating - let her show her true colours, ideally she will come to find you, but if she does not and continues working the guy she is flirting with and your not even on her mind, you have a problem - she is probably not that much into you has you think. We are talking about spending over 15 minutes with a guy, allow your women some freedom - dont control her, let her do her thing, that way you see exactly what type of person your dating and how she feels about you. Worst thing you can do is orbit her and be nice and accomodating, whilst she is flirting with some guy in your face - walk away do you own thing and wait for her to come find you.
Even though I wrote all the above, I doubt you will take notice and put into practice what I wrote, 'nice guys' hardly ever do. If anything you will carry on and hope your 'nice actions' will win the day - They won’t, her P***y is drying up faster and faster and the only way you will keep this chick, is if she does not get the option to branch swing onto a guy who makes her emotions flutter and isn't so dam accommodating.
You have to make a women fight for you, make her work for you - they love it! Even though they will never admit it to themselves.
Reboud girl or not, guys need to take accountability and in your case - your doing all the wrong things, whilst thinking your doing the 'right things' - 'nice guy things!
P.s, its not her attraction level you should be concerned about at this stage, its yours. So far this chick in my book will be hovering around fuc* buddy status unless she started to wise up. The only thing your doing wrong is lowering your value in her eyes, what you should be doing is judging her character, and so far her character is failing - that should be your focus point -
Also I know your too nice, by stating - 'I dont want to show her my interest is lowing' - Stop thinking about 'what she wants' FFS.