help with myspace chick


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
hey all, new to the site, and first time posting. just got a quick question.

i sent a message to this chick on myspace, a friend of my friends cousin, not really expecting a response. a few weeks later she sent me a message just saying "whats up lol" just need some advice on how to respond, i was thinking something along the lines of blah blah blah, how about yourself?

im horrible at getting a convo started, but once it gets going im usually good to go. not too worried about it, although it would be nice if it could lead to something :). any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. thanks.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
A good idea is to check out her page.. find out what all the rest of the guys would say by the content on her page or have said.. in the comments..

Then use that knowledge to turn it on her.

Say her name is Cleo alot of guys would bring up Cleopatra.. tease her about it..

Like I bet all these loser dudes.. come on and telling you that they are Ceasar looking for Cleopatra..

Or if you spot some dork comments then tease her about it.

Use their mistakes to control the frame.. and that frame is that you are a cool guy.. and not a loser.

Then proceed to Tease her in a funny way.. tell her your cuz's best friends ex dentist paid you to write her.. because they felt sorry for her on the account she was a dork..

I say all this in a funny way.. it is meant tongue and cheek.. but be ready if she gets mad.. then Turn the Tables on her and just say you have a sense of humour and most girls understand it.. well the normal ones anyways.. again this is Frame control..

Test 1 Be Confident
Test 2 Be Playful/Humourous
Test 3 Be The Challenge

Good luck..


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the advice, but she doesnt have many comments. and the ones she does have are mainly from her female friends. i did notice her background was something that i had on mine at one point. its not some basic myspace background that you can set up from myspace, its from an art website and ive never seen anyone else use something from there. should i bring that up or something?