Help with my routine


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2004
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I'm pretty much a begginer at working out but I've started a new workout based on what I've read so far. Here are the workouts I do for my back and chests/shoulders (mostly based on Deisels guide to bulking up)

Pullups 2 sets
Deadlifts 2 sets
Bent over Barbell Rows 2 sets
Widegrip Pullups 2 sets
Close Grip T-bar Rows 2 sets

Incline Barbell Bench Press 2-3 sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press 2-3 sets
Weighted Chest Dip 2 sets
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes 2 sets
Military Press 2 sets
Arnold Press 2 sets
Dumbell Lateral Raise 2 sets
Dumbell Rear Lateral Raise 2 sets

Right now I'm not sure what to do with Arms and Legs. I'm also wondering if my routine above looks pretty good. I'm not sure about the chest/delt day since it seems like a lot sets for one day and I found out I get a little tired toward the end of the routine.

I was wondering what you guys did for Arms and Legs. I know I should do stuff like squats and curls but what else?
Dec 14, 2003
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kingdom of latveria, central europe
Originally posted by Faze
I'm pretty much a begginer at working out but I've started a new workout based on what I've read so far. Here are the workouts I do for my back and chests/shoulders (mostly based on Deisels guide to bulking up)

Pullups 2 sets
Deadlifts 2 sets
Bent over Barbell Rows 2 sets
Widegrip Pullups 2 sets
Close Grip T-bar Rows 2 sets

solid... but t-bars and bent overs are redundant in the same routine. You could try alternating them every 4 weeks. Try doing deadlifts LAST in the workout.. it's a whole new definition of pain! Also doing deadlifts before rows will mess with your rows (your hamstrings will be jell-o) and your form will be sloppier.

Incline Barbell Bench Press 2-3 sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press 2-3 sets
Weighted Chest Dip 2 sets
Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes 2 sets
Military Press 2 sets
Arnold Press 2 sets
Dumbell Lateral Raise 2 sets
Dumbell Rear Lateral Raise 2 sets
This should split into 2 days. 1 for chest, 1 for delts. Kill the Arnolds and replace it with straight DB presses... you can go heavier.

Also, on chest day kill the flyes. It's garbage. Add a set to incline bench and flat bench so you get 3 a piece for those movements.

For legs.

Squats and Stiff-Leg Deads it's all you really need. (don't forget your calves! )

For biceps

Incline Bench DB Curls
Heavy Barbell Curls
Close Grip Chin-ups.

For Triceps

Close Grip Bench
Heavy Triceps Pressdowns.

basic. raw. brutal.

Now get to work!


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
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Would broadly agree with Victor too. Keep it tough and basic.

Personally I would only incorporate one overhead pressing movement on delt day, bb or db press, agree with leaving the Arnold's - although I do like them from time to time.

Yes, ditch the flyes for now.

With regard to t-bars and bent bb rows in the same workut, if you keep the t-bars close grip I don't see a prob with doing them both as I find CG t-bars hit more of my middle back and bent rows more of my lats although I can see Victor's logic especially for a novice. See what works for you, I like to alternate exercises and you could drop a current back move anyway and perhaps put in some shrugs.

Deadlifts last are indeed nasty and I prefer them first purely because I like to be 100% and have all my strength for them as they are so tough. Due to my structure - ie longer torso, I prefer rack deads, or deads with a trap bar. With deads, however you may do them, keep reps to 6 or less in my view. Once you start going higher your form is prone to suffer. That also goes for stiff leg deads but for the reason that hams respond best to lower reps - although up to 8 is good in my book so slightly more.

I find if you follow deads with chins you fly up as the load is light compared to what you have just done. This is similar logic to Charles Poliquin's 1 to 6 method. Interesting stuff if you fancy a little light reading. Bent rows after deads can be tough and I don't normally do them in the same workout anyway. So if I do deads I wont row (bb or t-bar) and vice versa.

As for arms, one or at the most two direct bi and tri movements as they get so much work with back and chest respectively and I will go further than that and stop all direct arm movements for a month or so from time to time. Your arms won't suffer a bit and when you return to them they should get a nice growth spurt.

Just my observation on all of the above, decide which advice you like best, experiment a little, see what works for you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Also, on chest day kill the flyes. It's garbage. Add a set to incline bench and flat bench so you get 3 a piece for those movements.
Yes, ditch the flyes for now.
Yall dont seem to be big fans of flyes...why?(just wondering)
Ive never ever tried them actually cause my chest has been growing so fast that Ive kinda had a hard time keeping up with the other muscles anyways and Ive only used bench presses and incline bench presses....I always thought and Ive heared that dumbell flyes might even be more effective cause they work out the chest without the triceps... ? (Im a big fan of bench presses though ;-))


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
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I am in two minds about flyes of late. I don't think faze needs them in his routine right now. I think the stretch you get with flyes is good if you do it right but the concentric element is without a lot of tension and it is all too easy to cheat - ie bend the arms and turn it into a press. When you reach the top of a flye the tension is all but eliminated. A 30 degree pec deck is better although this is a specialist piece of kit and you won't see many about.

I would perform various pressing movements and wide grip dips for chest before considering flyes.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2004
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Thanks guys for ur replies. So far I've changed my routine a little bit to this.

Day 1 Legs

Squats 3 sets
Leg Press 2 sets
Leg Curl 2 sets
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2 sets

I think this should be pretty good for a leg workout. I'm not too sure how to do the stiff-leg deads correctly so I was wondering if anyone could post a link that had an animation for it. I looked on exrx but could only find the straight leg deads.

Day 2 Back/Traps

Pullups 2 sets
Deadlift 2 sets
Widegrip Pulldowns 2 sets
Close Grip T-Bar Rows 2 sets

Anyone know good trap excercises btw?

Day 3 Chest/Delts

Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press 3 sets
Weighted Chest Dip 2 sets
Military Press 2 sets
Dumbell Lateral Raise 2 sets

Since I shortenend my workout for delts, I think I can fit it in with chests. Good/bad idea?

Day 5 Arms
I found diesels workout for the arms somewhere on this forum and I'm gonna use that. It looks something like this.

Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets (12, 8, 6, 4 reps)

Set One x2
Skullcrushers (4-6r eps)
Close Grip Bench (8)
Skullcrushers (10)

Set Two x2
Tricep Overhead Extensions (6-8 reps)
Pressdown (10), Reverse Grip Pressdown (10)

Set Three x2
Barbell Curls (4-6 reps, 90% max weight)
Barbell Curls (10 reps, lower weight)
Barbell Curls (25 reps, lower weight)

Set Four x2
Preacher Curls (10-12 reps)
Preacher Curls Reverse Grip (10-12)
Dumbell Hammer Curls (10-12)

The arm workout looks a bit intense but I think i'll still try it out. Tell me what you guys think.


Master Don Juan
Mar 7, 2003
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Looks good. Shoulders with chest is fine. A search will show you an illustration of stiff leg deads but if I can attempt to explain: Knees slightly bent but maintain that position througout. Stick ass out like you are trying to touch a wall behind you - so you instigate the move in this way rather than bending from the waist, keep back flat. Done properly you don't need a lot of movement to get a great feeling in the hams. Overhand grip.

You could perform an extra set of military press if you liked. Maybe a set or two of bent over lateral raises for the rear delts - optional. Some calf work. A warm up set for biceps before going in at 90%?

Shrugs for traps. Low reps (4-8). Best on a chest press machine if at all possible in my view but any way is fine. Traps and calves recover pretty easily and can be trained a little more often.