okay, me and this girl who is soooo freakin hot have been hanging out for about 6 months now. before we started hanging out we were in serious relationships and we werent really looking for anything serious. well things have progressed alot in the 6 months. everything that goes on feels like we are pretty much together but we havent really had a talk about it as to what we officially are. i know the dj bible says to never ask the girl to be your girlfriend, wait for her to bring that up. well, im wondering if there is something i can do to speed that up. i need to do something that will put her on edge and start to pursue me more because i think she might have the idea that she already has me. the reason i want to get her to bring up this topic to make it official is because i think if things keep going at the rate it is now, ill eventually get the LJBF. my guess is to ignore all contact for a few days. the only problem is this: i dont want to ignore her calls and contact for a couple days and have her think im pissed at her about something and give up on it completely. thanks in advance bros.