HELP: "reformed" a.f.c. with a few dilemmas...


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
Thanks in advance for reading my post and offering advice. I'm somewhat new to the forums. :rockon:

I am very lucky to have always been socially intelligent. Also a sharp dresser and constantly getting compliments. However, I was never confident in my looks, and I also never put two and two together that I could use my social intelligence to attract women.

A year or so ago, I read Sr. Finger's post, "Weapons of Mass Seduction", which opened my eyes to the community. I became familiar with SS, the Mystery Method (and its derivatives), "The Game", and other resources like Robert Greene's "Art of Seduction".

I am attending a small Catholic liberal arts college, and I feel that this surrounding has done wonders for my game. This is because I have made it my empire, I can go anywhere and be recognized by anyone, "merge" groups together effortlessly, and it puts my social proof through the roof. (I know I sound like a douche saying this, but its the truth.)

Anyway, one of my concerns is that after I graduate in May and move back to Chicago, I will be starting fresh as a chump again. I never really even learned how to "open" just because everyone would approach me. It was just sort of a natural thing to start talking to people or get introduced through friends of friends. I feel like after studying the game for such a long time, I may have not even learned anything.

This is obvious to me when I pull a different girl every night up at school, but then get home to the city and end up going home alone every night.

Its kind of like what Neil Strauss did in his chump days, memorizing every tip from opening to seduction, while postponing actually trying it in the field. I know what I "should" do, but I haven't put it all together yet. I think I may have to go through the "Stylelife Challenge" 30 day thing and work on everything one step at a time instead of memorizing it all at once.

Here is the situation in question

The summer before I started college, I was seeing a girl from my neighborhood that I meet at a party. She was a bit younger, and quite immature at the time, but cute. (also was the younger sister of an acquaintance) The result was that she was great to get hammered with and fool around with, but things didn't work out and it wasn't a big deal. I remember her being crazy about me though.

The last night I saw her, we had some big argument about something stupid and I ended up deleting her number from my phone. Fast forward to now, I see this girl on facebook and she has blossomed. (HB9 or 10).

I shoot her a message saying we should hang over break (which I just got home for) and get her number. Now I'm back in town and I want to play things right.

I know I should avoid the whole "oneitis" thing and I have other girls on the backburner, but I'd also like to see this work out. I have this sneaking feeling that she has probably grown in to her inner-hottie and realizes how smoking she is and it won't be as easy as it was before...



Don Juan
Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Worcestershire UK
Just treat her as any other potential girl. If she's not interested, then that really is her loss, and you can hook up with someone worthier. If she does like you, then awesome =D

Win-Win =D


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
i'm wondering if i should "invite her into my world" with my group of friends in a social setting or just assume the frame that things could start back up again and invite her over one-on-one...

i guess i will just have to calibrate the vibe when i call her...

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
ABC - Always Be Confident, never take her seriously, take things she says out of context in a humorous way to frame it as her hitting on you, maintain your frame, don't give serious/direct answers to any questions, be yourself, play to win, don't be afraid to lose, don't play to "not lose", when she says "well aren't you ****y/confident?", remember, why shouldn't u be? I mean, ur only young, handsome, successful, and achieving all of ur goals. When she says, "you should be more humble", remember, you should be yourself, win, lose, or draw.

Most importantly, spin more plates.


Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
Check for Plate Theory by Rollo Tomassi (sp?) in the Archive. It's in the archive for a reason ;)

My take on spinning plates is basically this: I "date." I'm young and having fun, not taking anything to seriously. I don't flaunt plates with other plates, but I don't lie about the fact that I have other plates if asked. I don't state to plates that I sleep w/ other plates, but only that their not the only one I spend time with. One may come with me to a Suns game, a different may come with me to a Coyotes game.

I started out with volume, then went to quality over quantity. The jump from quantity of plates to quality of plates was after I got my swagger astronomical from the quantity of plates I had, as this was new territory and an achieved goal of sorts. Eerily like clockwork, I noticed that quality plates I previously wanted to go after but didn't go after, started to come after me.

Lastly, I didn't get it right the first time. In retrospect, I (specifically) noticed that when I was actively trying to acquire multiple plates, it was difficult for me to get more plates. When I moved to new city and started over, I was good with 1, then #2 started making advances at me, swagger grew, #3 started making advances at me, swagger grew, and then #4 started making advances at me. Each additional plate came at higher quality. This led to #1 and #2 getting reduced from full time to part time to short hour status.

That's pretty much it. I'm at a solid 4, but aiming for 10 purely as a challenge to myself. Obviously, the more plates I spin the more difficult it becomes to juggle them. Nevertheless, #5 is squarely in my sights and my reach.


Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
i believe this is the thread on spinning plates... some really interesting stuff in there... definitely makes a big difference with the whole oneitis thing...