You're mistaking protein shakes with AAS(roids). Anabolics/testosterone injections can give you acne and imbalance your hormones, and when you come off a cycle you'll lose at least a portion of the muscle you gained.
Protein shakes are just protein, like you'd get from eating an egg, having a piece of chicken, or even some steak. The good thing is you don't have to cook food or prepare much to have a protein shake.. Just stir it into a cup of water or milk and drink it.
You're at the perfect age to start lifting dude, for a few months just get into the gym and move around some iron, the harder the exercise, the better it is. Do some bench pressing, some squatting, some deadlifts, and some pullups/chinups. Start with the bar and add a little weight each week.
As for eating, tell your parents to make you meats/vegetables/potatoes/eggs/chicken/etc., and even ask them for an allowance to buy your own groceries. Buy plenty of meats,eggs,chicken,vegetables, and fruits.
Pretty much, lift some heavy weights and eat some good food.