Help on my appearance - inlcudes pics


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
Rome, Italy
You're alright, I wouldn't call you ugly, at the same time you're not exactly Brad Pitt, but that's fine.
Your face = 7
Your body = 4

You know what to do...

BTW, there'a a dress code at your university? is it that you're forced to wear what you are wearing because of the administration, or are you saying "that's what everyone wears"?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
For example, if your shirt's untucked, t-shirt showing, hair over ears, wearing jeans, any of those you're stopped immidiatly and given 6 reps I think, fines start at 18 reps, lose all scholarships and visit a dean at 25 I think, and you get kicked out of school at 50.

So yeah, it's both enforced by the administration and it's what everybody wears. I mean, on the casual end, some people wear polo's, and kakis, but I always prefer the slacks and shirts, I guess because polo's make me look skinnier for some reason. (no undershirt underneath maybe)


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by skinnydart
My clothes can't be changed that much because of the school, but I was wondering as a person should I be to worried about my looks or am I above average / should be able to get a 7.5+ (i.e. now just start focusing on my attitude and overall charm)
Well, you say your clothes can't be changed... but don't you go out? you said you're a junior in college. that'd normally make you 21... no bars or anything?

first priority should be your looks. we've all said it before. workout. tan. wardrobe change. haircut.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't work on your attitude at the same time... in fact, you should.

It seems from this last post that you didn't expect people to tell you to improve your looks anymore and now you're looking for the green light just to get out there and get *****. Well, you're not getting the green light anytime soon. We've given you advice man. Go out and change if you wanna get better. Don't make excuses.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
It is a full body workout

OK, my vicarious apologies to diesel for not re-reading his program. He does say once per week per body part. The only thing I question is how many sets. Unless I'm reading it wrong, it looks like a 3 hour workout! I've done best with 2 or 3 sets per exercise.

Yes, my weight workout is full-body, once per week. I do other sorts of light exercise throughout the week (drumming, dancing, sometimes a little running, sometimes karate), but I don't find that light stuff causes muscle breakdown if I don't overdo it.

Again, my reason for the full-body workout is that I find it really impossible to isolate muscle groups well enough using as heavy weights as I do. The lower body exercises strain the arms and shoulders just by picking up the weight to do squats or heel raises. If I had a Smith machine that might be different, but all I have is free weights. Muscle breakdown has been a big, big problem for me. That's the relevance to this thread.

Really, the best thing for you to do if you want to bulk up, skinnydart, is experiment. It's not a one size fits all thing. But one thing for certain is that it's important to warm up before working out, and start light and work your way up. Nobody makes much progress if they're always getting injured.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
If your 17 and in college then you must be a ****ing genius. My opinion on this is somewhat different I think, I dont believe you will get farther by completly changing yourself but by basicly freeing yourself from yourself. Fear, anxiety, self-consciousness are things that are hindering you from becoming an offensive force, they trap you inside yourself. By all means workout and change what you are, but always stay true to yourself, thats why I dont like the way you "changed" yourself in those three pics, I dont know you at all, but I know that those pictures arent you, you actually seem stronger and better on the first picture(with the Führers hairstyle).

As for the working out part, I suggest you start with bodyweight exercises before you start with weights, I bet you probably wont go to the gym in your condition anyway because you feel you dont belong there.
Do pushups, squats, crunches and legraises. Look up exercises for your abs, so skinny as you are they will start showing very quickly(if you train good after maybe two weeks) which will show you results and boost you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2004
Reaction score
I would go with some baggy(er) pants
Now I'm really confused... some of the people are telling me my shirt was to big (in the first pic) and pants were to baggy (in the other 3), now I need to more baggy?

Yeah, that chick was hot, that 1st pic was taken 8 months ago, and I think she graduated, plus, I 'm not allowed to hit on my customers.

And it's funny, when i flex, I get a nice six pack, I can't figure out why. People laugh when I tell them that, maybe it's because they is virtually no fat to cover it up? lol


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by fuzzx
your a good looking kid! You remind me of the gym dude from night at the roxbury.
I would go with some baggy(er) pants (from randy river $20) and a nice shirt and tie($10 at sears). Forget 'bulking up' that is crap that joe six packers like to post! Do 100 pushups a day and 50 situps period. Eat normally and enjoy life! Otherwise your all set

P.S. Get crackin on that orange haired chick... she's fine!!!

lol true say.