Help needed


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
I have not come here as a pua or to learn to pu,however I can't help notice that the pu community have excellent social skills.
I am a married man 38 years old.I have been married for 3 years and have 2 children.
My wife gets very jealous (low self esteem),however I have recently realised that a lot of her jealousy is also a **** test,the thing is I get so pissed off that I react i.e start an arguement (threaten divorce etc).
I know I should just ignore her jealous behaviour but this has been going on for around 10 years (yeah kids before marriage),so her behaviour and my reaction are rather engrained in me.
I recently tried to ignore some of her jealous outbreaks and was doing well untill she kept it going for a 3rd day and I found her ranting on about a phone number I had written down (it was a buisness contact but I had not written down whose number it was)so immediatley she gets suspicious.
I reacted badly by ranting back instead of ignoring it as she caught me first thing in the morning.

I don't want to leave her but I am so pissed off with this behaviour that I feel Iam being pushed to my limit.
She does admit she has a jealousy problem and has enrolled for counselling with her doctor.

I think I may also need to improve my confidence,at school I was a cool guy,funny popular sporty,people knew I could handle myself.But I never developed any social skill I probabaly fell back on being the tough guy too much,whenever I am in a social situation it feel as though I'm bottom of the pool.That is I'm the one most likely to get the piss taken out of me.

I just need some direction maybe website to read or books to get.I don't have the life experience to be The main Alpha guy at all times as in I never have a story to tell,but I can be quick witted,and sharp,also I am sometimes quietly spoken and people often ask me to repeat myself,this is usuall in every day situations dealing with cashiers or small talk to people I don't know.

Thanks in advance


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Whoa, I just had a major computer glitch, and it posted my response ten times, then it corrected itself.

Anyway, I was throwing out the saying that when someone constantly accuses someone else of cheating, it may be that they're cheating themselves. Maybe not though.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
WTID said:
I don't want to leave her but I am so pissed off with this behaviour that I feel Iam being pushed to my limit.
She does admit she has a jealousy problem and has enrolled for counselling with her doctor.
Does she readily admit that she is overly suspicious and mistrusts you without cause ? In other words, does she "own" this problem and accept that her accusations are baseless ?

I had a relationship with a woman like this once- it was exhausting. That taught me how impossible it is to prove that you did NOT do something. I spend a lot of my time and energy fending off her attacks and mindgames which she set to snare me into admitting that I did things which I did not do.

Exhausting .


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the replies it gives me something to read and work on .