Help Needed (What To Do?)


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Alright I guess I will describe my situation and see what kind of advice I can get.

There's this girl. I'll give you a little background on her before I start. She is gorgeous and she knows it, but I also sense that she is lacking a little in true confidence and self respect. She wears the "I do what I want" persona, but I think there is a lot going on underneath. She is very independent and has been in her fair share of relationships.

We met two weekends ago through some mutual friends and spent the day at the beach with said friends and then came back and drank for a while. (We are both 20 btw). There was a good deal of attraction I could tell, I opened, and raised my value on this first occasion. We ended up kissing, just one 5 secondish kiss, I leaned in, but made her kiss me...just kinda teasing her. We ended up in a contest to see who would give up their phone number to the other first. She left to work on a paper she needed to do for school.

I let a couple days go by, she added me on Facebook and on Wednesday I see she is on and message her. She says she is going to go for a run, but gives me her # and tells me to text her. I wait an hour and a half and then text her a couple flirty messages then stop. Once Friday comes around I text her to see if she wants to go on a date. She agrees and we meet up at 3 on Saturday. We have an amazing date (Mini-Golf the beach, and dinner) and she invites me to stay and get drunk with her. I sprinkle in some neg-hits and play a little of the points game throughout the date and we are having an amazing time, she tells me how much fun she is having like 3 times throughout the date. Of course I agree to the invitation to drink and after a night of drinking she takes me back to her place where we eventually end up having great sex. I sleep there and we wake up and talk for a little while and then something in my brain tells me get out of there before she gets bored with you/ leave her wanting more.... so I leave.

Later that night I run into her and some of her friends at the movie theatre. I am with some platonic female friends and she has been drinking and acts weird as I say hi and give her a hug. Apparently when I was giving her the hug she gave my female companions a "back off" look. One of our mutual friends was buying her ticket and I jokingly said ohh big spender. This is a guy I casually joke around with all the time, I don't feel threatened by him at all.

So we all get our tickets they pick their seats and my friends and I find our seats farther back. During the previews she texts me not to be jealous because of the comment I made and says you have your two girls you can hop on right there. I text back that they are just friends and that she can either believe me, or not believe me. She texts back telling me to chill she's just ****ing with me about the girls, so at this point I am done with the conversation, I just text back I am chill and turn off my phone. We leave the theatre, don't see each other, don't talk at all.

During the night I get horribly sick and go to the hospital and apparently I may have had appendicitis and I may have had to go under and have them surgically remove my appendix, so instead of waiting till at least Wednesday to contact her I leave a message on Monday on her voice mail saying "Just wanted you to know I may have to have surgery tomorrow"

Today i find out they have no idea what is wrong with me, but that I probably won't have to have surgery. She is on Facebook when I get home so I message her asking if she got my message. No reply.

So basically what I am asking is what should I do in this situation. I really like this girl, she seemed to be very into me, but I am at a point where I am not sure to about this. Any help and suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
So today you sent her one message and she didn't reply yet?

Help me understand what the big confusion is about. After reading all that, I was expecting a much bigger ending.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
So today you sent her one message and she didn't reply yet?

Help me understand what the big confusion is about. After reading all that, I was expecting a much bigger ending.
I guess I am wondering what the next step should be?

Apparently I am clearly overreacting to the fact she hadn't replied to my messages? It may be because of the fact I've been really sick and unable to eat for the past 48 hours and had all kinds of needles and **** jabbed in me, I am just a little worn down and stressed.

I guess I am asking you what I should do/what would you do in this situation?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Spin plates. What's up with the 2 hotties you went to the movies with? Spin plates.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Tiguere said:
Spin plates. What's up with the 2 hotties you went to the movies with? Spin plates.
The two hotties I was there with are longtime friends, no sexual attraction there. One only likes skinny emo-sh dudes ( I'm athletic and built) and the other has wanted to date me, but i have no interest.

I am sorry, I'm not familiar with the term spin plates, could you explain?


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Lunacyde said:
I am sorry, I'm not familiar with the term spin plates, could you explain?

Spin plates = date multiple women so you don't overreact to one not INSTANTLY responding to your facebook message.

Also - How to proceed from here? You maybe try to get in touch with her one more time. If that doesn't work, forget about her. There are more.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Spin plates = date multiple women so you don't overreact to one not INSTANTLY responding to your facebook message.

Also - How to proceed from here? You maybe try to get in touch with her one more time. If that doesn't work, forget about her. There are more.
Aight..I actually have been dating other women, but this one stood out from the others. Naturally I tried not to overreact, but being sick has put me in an emotional state the past few days. Thinking you may need surgery isn't exactly calming.


Don Juan
Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Spin plates = date multiple women so you don't overreact to one not INSTANTLY responding to your facebook message.

Also - How to proceed from here? You maybe try to get in touch with her one more time. If that doesn't work, forget about her. There are more.
Right...well do I wait a couple days before trying to contact her?