Help!! need target rich areas in Malaysia!!

The GameX

New Member
Sep 16, 2005
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As mystery once said, the hardest part of the game is to find, thus I¡¯m hoping to get some advice and feedback from all you international pua out there who¡¯s actually been to Malaysia, KL specifically.

As our local lair is small, we¡¯re just beginning to take the time to explore the club scene on a weekly basis, due to the cover charges we usually try to stick to the same club once we¡¯re in. The problem is most of these clubs isn¡¯t target rich.

So if any of you have ever been to Malaysia or KL specifically, then do drop some advice on where¡¯s the cooler or more target rich clubs or other spots to sarge.

"What's a game, without players?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
From experience and from my numerous conversation with girls, picking up chicks in clubs here in Malaysia is a tough task.

Girls just seem to go clubbing without the idea of getting picked up. So they pretty much put up a shield from the get go. Plus there's the whole language thing. I'm assuming that you're Chinese, so it could either go Chinese or English. Approaching an English speaking chick with Chinese is a sure fire way of getting yourself shot down right from the start. I don't know whether that's true for the Chinese speaking girls since I don't know many of them.

Here's a few tips to make you stand out in any club. First of all, go in a close group. The kind of group of friends that you can have loads of fun with. Second, know how to dance well. Third, make dancing the focus of things. If a girl ever feels that you're only in the club to pick up girls, she's not going to give you a chance.

That's my tips on picking up the type of girls I hang with. For the Chinese educated ones, I have no experience with them whatsoever.

Oh yeah! Almost forgot. Kino doesn't usually work unless you know for certain the girl is interested. As in she's grinding against you to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
By the way, are you focused on Chinese hang outs?

Cause if you are, try Poppy, Rush, 12 SI and Zouk.

Otherwise, try sarging in a quieter spot. Like bars or bistros.

The GameX

New Member
Sep 16, 2005
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Good advice!!

Hey man cool advice, fancy seeing a local pua hanging out here :p
Why not join the local lair and meet up with some of our aspiring members as well :p

What other type of clubs are they, do you mean there's a fav club for chinese, foreigners, indians, etc?

Would love if you could name a few.

And are those gals that you've talked about mostly local chicks that have studied abroad or just local chicks that prefer to speak in english :p I would love to meet the former, since i think they're probably more interesting than our local chicks, i know i'll be damned for being so choosy, :p

Thanks for the sage advice again.

"It's all about the game, and how you play it"


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Are you trying to pick up, or rob people?


New Member
Apr 18, 2011
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Well generally i find as long the clubs are pack, it target rich. You must have the balls to approach mix sets, and you might find surprisingly that most of the girls sometimes are just friends with guys. And if your game is tight, you can walk away with the girls of your choice. Why? Because most guys go to club tries to look cool or they try to hard? They dont know about the stuff here and girls here are unaware of our small community. It a great opportunity to pick up girls!!!

If you dont like clubs, try go to events, like pc fair, food fair or generally any kind of public events that will draw crowds is great to pick up chic.

This is where my "dojo" are, now get out there and sarge!!!