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help me with the next step


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score

Alright Ricky, that's you and me so far. Let's see if JoeBlack get's on the bus.

Today was weak...worked 12 hours, went to a Bar solo to grub and couldn't keep my eyes open...managed 2 measly hellos on the way home. totally unsatisfying. More news tomorrow...3 more days to 50 and 41 hellos to go.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Report...

I've got 35 to go. I'm not getting enough opportunities and I'm anxious to get to week 2. The tactic of only doing this to women who I've made eye contact with has further delayed my progress. So tomorrow, it's balls to the wall and anyone and everyone is getting a hello dammit.

What's interesting is you really have to program yourself to do this instinctively. Look, Smile, Hi, Look Smile Hi...no hesitation...ever so slowly ...I can see that after a while, this gets internalized to the point of being completely automatic.

Alright Ricky, what's the report?


Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys!

Sorry for the delay in replying, I haven't been on for a little while.. I figured my thread was dying ;)

I think it would be a good idea to keep each other up to date on our progress..

I am still deciding whether to do the boot camp. Seemed a little rigid to me and I figured I would just read, read, read and then read a little more and just get out there and try and make some approaches..

Basically what I mean is I don't care about doing 50 hi's... but I could get out there and just start saying hi to people if you know what I mean...

I definately have a long way to go but its good there are some like minded people about keeping tabs! Lets keep each other up to date on our progress and situations! Spur each other on...

Some background on me...

I am 25 and am from England.... I guess on paper I seem like I have it all.... Well paid managerial job, own my own company outside of that job which I am trying to go, run a few websites, have awesome friends, and am a funny guy. Not bad looking either..

My main issue is I lack confidence and the proactiveness to just put my balls on the line... Its getting easier though....


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Guys not too much of a report here, except Thursday night I got an e-mail from a waittress at a college bar.

It was very interesting actually. I was there with another guy and we started the typical convo with her about what she was studying. She started to talk to us about it, and it was an easy subject to roll with: Nutrition was her major, and so very easy to talk about favorite foods and drinks, etc.

We built quite a bit of rapport with her and talked about various restaurants. I told the one guy I was with that I'd probably get her e-mail. She sat down and talked to us for some time after she had told us she was done for the night and asked if it was OK for us to cash out.

She definitely was interested in both of us, it was very hard to know who she was more interested in though. I'm always biased to think it wasn't me (still a product of many years of low self esteem, and the only other reason is I've had this feeling before with another girl I talked with. I think it's because the other guy and eye are about equal attractiveness (although for all I know girls may think he's alot better looking, not too sure about that one). One thing is for sure is he's very good at talking to women as well.

The good part is he already has a GF, I also have one but it has gone so bad that just today we decided to take a break from it all.

Anyways she came back again after we paid the tab and made it a point to tell us to request her when we come in next time and how she had a great time talking to us. I knew she had some interest then, so I took down her e-mail and told her I'd let her know when we decided to go to this certain restauraunt. I probably should have got the number at the same time, but in no hurry, since I'm sure to see her again there.

Also I talked to another girl who wants to set me up with her friend, I told her I'd go out with her friend sometime in the coming weeks. Once again this is in part to me being newly single. Being setup is a hard gig to play though since there is a bit of awkwardness. I'm going to take it easy and use the rapport building skills that the last few years have helped me with.

I'll post a story about the bad night I had with my girlfriend last night in another message.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score

Hey guys,

Welcome back JB, glad you could make it. Thanks for the lowdown on yourself...it will help us all to relate.

Hey Ricky, gives us the quick scoop on yourself so we know what we're working with.

Ricky, I hear you about the 50 hi's. But we really should try to 'stick to it' here if we're going to make it through to week 4. But it's your call, I've gotta do this by the numbers personally. And JB, yeah, we've all got a long way to go here, so youre in good company.

Our goal here is simple: a) to get dates at will b) to meet whichever girl we way to meet at any time and c) to live life completely without regret. That last one's a biggie...the only regret I have is about this stuff...talking to those 100's of honeys over the years whove smiled at me or otherwise said 'come over here you turkey' with their eyes and my AFC ass talked myself out of it. This behavior will terminate by my 34th birthday.

Anyways, my report. I've got 31 to go...I seem to be doing ALL of my hellos on walk-bys. No 'static' hellos so to speak...just standing and turning and saying hi. I need to do that, because that is exactly what I'll be doing in bars, clubs, in line, most places. However, I haven't made much opportunities in that aspect. Friday I went out with a bud to a cool place, and really only had 2 ops, but didn't get them off in time...YOU MUST DEVELOP AN INSTINCT for this stuff. It's crazy how your AFC programming gets in the way every single time. I can see how shortly it will be automatic look, smile, hello. No biggie.

Anyways, got a few off yesterday walking around the city doing a little shopping, and then I had a blind date last night. Yes, yes, AFC I know. it's the second one I've ever had in my life...so it's not a habit. But I knew a little about her and I wasn't disappointed. She was a cutie and in great shape...and this is Sweden, so even the cuties are pretty freakin' hot. Turned out she had a brain and everything...lots of convo, good drinks, made out with her and put her back on the train.

Now, I'll say my game is OK once I meet someone. Kissing, sex, whatever all seems to come whenever I go for it....But I took the chance to practice some of the other
goods I've been reading on this site to boost her IL. So I dropped way more Kino than usual...instead of the usual hand on the back of the arm I went for the thigh...numerous times, nothing but googly eyes. Did the deep stare a bunch, result, staring at my lips...looking around my face. This girl wants to make out. I did the arm-in-arm trick on the way out the bar (not on the way there...too soon for a blind date) she ate it up. We talked so much, we walked in silence about a half of the way there and I could see the smile on her face. Got to the subway, did the kiss test...went in for the slow hug, this girl wouldn't have it. She went right for it...small kiss on the lips...ok...so put my hand lightly behind her neck and let her have it...lite touch, slow...ahh...there's her tounge...and then I did something distinctly DJ...I pulled back...drove her nuts...she was back in...pulled away again...this time she grabbed me...I indulged her a bit...and pushed away. "I really want to see you again." she says. "I'll give you a call" and said good bye. Made a quick exit...no linger, just a turn and confident step away.

Now, this doesn't come off well in the forum. But the power of these techinques truly impressed me. You basically have to be Brad Pitt on his birthday to get the "I really want to see you again" line. I've been with girls who I knew where hot for me and I still had no clue of IL after the date.

If I can only address the meeting issue, and I will, I will be a machine.

Ok, gonna try and knock out a few more hellos today. Going out tonight with a fellow DJ from the list...he's way ahead...may just sit back and observe.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
dj good job.

Yeah i need to do the 50 hellos as well. Have to admit I didn't give it much more thought.

Interesting you had a blind date as I'll probably be having one this week or next as well. Not sure how those type of things should go. I have only done that once myself.

I always never know what to do after the first date as well either. Either it's totally obvious she wants to see me again as in your case, or I'm uncertain.

The only times I'm 100% certain is when I bang them the first time LOL!


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Damn hellos

Hey Ricky, Joe,

Well, these damn hellos are taking freaking way too long. I'm about sick of them and anxious to get to week 2 (which should have been 2 weeks ago).

2 questions:

1) I seem to be waiting for eye contact before doing the hello thing. This is easy at the gym but nearly impossible on the street, especially here in the SWE. Do I need to wait for this? Or should I say f*ck it and just say hello, whether they're looking or not? I really want to get past this damn exercise.

2) I think we should consider restarting this thread on the Mature Man board under a different heading. Maybe that way we'll get some more input...right now, we're not getting much help here, and I think we need some.

What's amazing to me is the perception that I have that there are no opportunities, when even the walk, bus or subway ride to/from work is enough to bang this exercise right out. Argh!

RICKY: Yeah, this is my second BD in my life...the key to fun is to have absolutely no expectations. Promise yourself you'll be done in 2 hrs...if it goes long, it's cool. But honestly, blind date or not, I'm never certain someone wants to see me again is EXACTLY how you stated. Once I've banged them...Eddie Murphy once did a skit called "making the OoooooOooh" sound. "Once you get a girl to make that noise, you think to yourself 'that's right I got this mutha-f*cka now. Whos ***** is this?' "

While I like the whole idea of gauging IL, there are so many women who are SO good at faking positive emotions, that you really can't trust what you see.

Now give me some reports DAMMIT! I'm not doing this crap alone. ;-)



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Phil, one thing I've learned in this eye contact thing is not to put too much stock into worrying about someones response.

For instance there are a couple of very common responses

1) Girl doesn't make eye contact, eyes go to the floor. The traditional viewpoint on this is that she has low self-esteem or doesn't seem to feel worthy of your interest

2) She looks at you then looks away eyes level. This indicates a girl with high self esteem, if she looks away quickly she might be interested, she might not.

3) The girl locks eyes with you and says hi. She's friendly and/or interested.

But really in a walking situation it is hard to say which or any of these apply.

Something happened today that really threw my game for a loop. It sucked but I'm overanalyzing it.

The girl I'm supposed to get set up with shows up with her friend where I work. I'm working for a bit so the girl trying me to set me up says keep working. Well at one point I walk out and take a look at her. The girl is really cute. But I'm there for a minute or two and the two are blabbing away in their native tongue (a language I'm not fluent in). In any event I wait for a minute and they seem to interested in their convo (dont' think it was about me). So I walk back into the other room and finish some more work. When I come back out 10 minutes later both are gone.

Apparently the other girl just stopped by on her lunch break and had to go back to work. The bad part is I felt invisible. Honestly the girl didn't even look at me when she walked by. Not the best sign for a blind date in the making.

I'm not going to push it anymore. If the one girl mentions setting me up with her again OK, but seeing as how she didn't even introduce her to me, I think it's a lost cause.

That made me feel bad most of today (when I thought about it). I hate letting stupid crap like that get to me, but sometimes it does.
I'm sure part of it is this sense of insecurity after breaking up with my gf of almost 3 years recently.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Oh I also bump the idea of us keeping a running dialogue. I might not get on here every single day, but I'll do my best. That will motivate me to get out there and have a story or two to tell.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Hey guys,

You should probably start a new thread since readers won't realize that there is an interesting dialogue going on in this thread unless they just happen to click it.

Also, I'd like to tell dj2l8 (aka Phil) that I can totally relate to his feeling about being pretty good with the ladies once in a dating type scenario, but also having difficulty meeting them. I really think that is an instance where following the DJ Boot Camp can really pay off.

Today is the day that the new boot camp is starting in the main board, and I intend to participate and start a boot camp journal thread on the main board.

I'd recommend you other guys do the same if you are going to do the BC, because everyone can benefit from reading those journal threads.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
New Boot Camp thread

Hey MrCode,

Thanks for the pointers...can you post a link to the new Boot Camp thread?

I've got 15 hellos left...I've got 2 dates lined up and got action this weekend. I must be some wierd AFC who can't say hello yet still manages to get some ass. WTF?

I propose a new acronym. ALAFC.

The Accidentally Laid AFC.


Let's see...Joe Black, what kinda reports you have?

The only interesting thing to mention, I happen to sit next to these two *maybe 6s in my book* at bar this weekend. I tried to lead off with the seat taken routine and tried to say something funny about my swedish being bad. I got the "what do you mean by that routine" and a complete confused look? After 2 attempts I gave up and turned around.

This girl was genuinely confused. She didn't know if I was hitting on her or why I was talking to her...why? Because I said it like it was an accident! Like I tried to slip it in there...Yes, AFC, I know. The DJ is direct, calm, focused and his intentions are never misconstrued. I'm so freakin' embarassed by my desire I have to hide it...Oh I can't wait to take that trait out and kill it.


Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score

I will report some more stuff later tonight..

The guys got a point though, it might be best to start a new thread here called journey to DJ or something.. That way people will know what it is and anyone can join!


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
Reaction score
I tell you what.

I'll sticky a boot camp thread specifically for the mature guys. Anytime you want to post a field report, you can click that link.

You guys had better keep active, or else I WILL delete it.

Good luck fellas...:cool:


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rickys blind set up

hey pal,

I've just moved to the sticky thread. Please do the same.

Regarding that 'set up' Ricky...If that's your friends idea of a set up, man, she needs work too. She didn't even introduce you? Are these women asian by any chance? There's generally a definite shyness factor there that is way too much for me to get over. It just bugs me, as much as my shyness does myself.

Anyways, I would stick that one in your back pocket. If it surfaces, practice convo and get her number...a freebie. If not, forget it. The DJBC will make you so freaking uncomfortable you'll forget about that 3 year action...you'll be too busy sweatin' it out with us.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah I still haven't followed up on that setup.

The university where I'm interning just got back into session, so there are plenty of "Soft targets" as one of my friends used to call them.