Okay, so I've been dating this girl for like 2 months. We just made everything official about a week ago. We connect so deeply! My feelings for her are intense. I express that to her and she expresses the same thing back. Everything with us is good! Damn near perfect it's just one thing. She's a people pleaser & I personally think she has a minor case of anxiety. Allow me to explain.. She could get into a argument with a friend and do the absolute most. She will do whatever to fix the situation so this person isn't "mad" at her mind you her friend could totally be in the wrong. She has a ex that she was involved with for a long time she says her feelings are totally gone and they will never rekindle what they once shared but she will always want to remain a friend to him. I totally understand but he is taking her kindness for weakness and he is "confessing his love" for her and expressing how he wants her back. She rejected him and told him to repspect what we share but she stresses out over it, he still has her contact info so anytime he texts her, calls, etc she gets stressed out so stressed she has to take time to herself, lay down in peace, etc. (she is best friends with his sister, therefore she will have to cross paths with him) I don't want my girlfriend to feel this way. I told her she needs to cut people that cause stress out of her life but I don't want to cause her more stress by telling her to tell this guy to **** off, he was there before me and I know she wants me and only me but I feel like this could be a big problem in the future. Mind you, she's like this with everyone! Her ex is just a situation that really grinds my gears. I am a very nonchalant type of person and I rarely let people control my emotions. I live a very stress-free lifestyle. How can I help my girlfriend? & do you have any advice about the coo coo ex? Thanks in advance guys and I apologize for the long thread.