Help me game asian girls!

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Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles, SFV
From my experience with dating asian women is that they hang a lot with each other. It's one of my biggest gripes because when you sort of enter that world, and aren't asian, you kind of stick out.

For example, I dated an asian girl a few years ago and she was into going to clubs. I didn't really care about except for the fact that I never would want to go with her because I hated sticking out like a sore thumb. These clubs were asian-promoter-driven and I'm not a fan of purposely promoted non-diverse environments.

I suppose this could be an issue with almost all ethnicities, but in LA, it's a fairly dominant one.

What I would suggest for a non-Asian, if they really wanted to mix it up with some Asian ladies is to make some friends in the Asian community. Roll with them and a couple of your non-Asian wings to a couple of these clubs and get introduced. Leverage your charm, experience, and unique flavor into a fun thing and go after a couple of ladies you might be into.

If you're Asian I don't understand what the problem is... I suppose it depends on your town. In LA even UGLY (but sociable) Asian guys hang in big groups. I suppose that's your problem, you need to make new friends. Do you know how to make new friends? I hope so.

Anyone else observe similar things about Asian communities?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
I'm from SFV too and I think it depends on the girl. A lot of Americanized Asian girls are attracted to non-Asians because the uniqueness factor adds value, plus they can't get down with the fobs. A lot of them have grown up around non-Asians their whole life, especially here in the Valley and west of here, so it's natural. But then you have the FOBs who won't date outside their ethnicity, where even the different nationalities of Asian becomes an issue (IE Korean won't date non-Korean, etc).

The Asian nights are a mix of these groups but it's hard to tell which one you're talking to until you hit em up

I'm pretty sure this is the norm with every race though.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Phazuka said:
i'm deep in the heart o' texas....if that gives you an indication of my situation. i'd better go back to the homeland....of kalifornia! lol

Where in Texas?...

There are lots of asian girls in this state. You just have to know where to look (and you've already listed some good examples). Unless you're in the middle of bum**** nowhere, you really have no excuse. Go check out Dallas, Houston, or even Wichita Falls.

Joe The Homophobe said:
do you have blonde hair? big blue eyes? that is pretty much all you need to game asian girls ;)
Go **** yourself already... it's probably the only way you'll get laid, anyways. The ****ing racism around here is getting really old.:trouble:
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Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
Aboleo said:
Go **** yourself already... it's probably the only way you'll get laid, anyways. The ****ing racism around here is getting really old.:trouble:

Don't bother with the square state types. They're not worth dignifying with a response.
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