Help me gain 20 kg!


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
It has been over a year since I entered in a gym for the 1st time.

I was very skinny.
Overall I wasn't consistent, had monthly breaks and never ever had a diet.
Yesterday I took measures and I was shocked. Almost no weight gain at all.
So I guess I should take a serious approach, quit wasting time and stop working-out like a tool.

I did get a certain shape, got a bit bigger. But come on, no weight gain hurts.

I need your help.

I'm 22.
190 cm.
60 kg.
BF - unmeasurable.

I need a routine. Mine was mostly about isolation excercises, including pull ups. 1st time I bench pressed I was barely able to lift the 20 kg bar for the couple of times. Now I'm doing last set with 50kg. My strength increased definitely. My body shape is muscular, if I would be able to add like 20kgs and keep my shape it would be cool. Also my legs and butt are in a very bad shape. Probably because I was avoiding squats.

I need a diet. Important thing is supplements are out of question. I can't afford them. Also food supplies are limited. Diet must be based on eggs, milk, yoghurt, home prepared meals and chicken meat. Ok I got most of the needed, but for example I can't consume horse or lamb meat. Also I would say that I never consumed boiled eggs or tuna (nor any kind of fish).
So tell me exactly what to eat, how to prepare eggs and which foods to avoid (like meat products?). I've got not so much knowledge about carbs/fat/protein.

And...I'm a smoker, so, basically I'll quit that crap till monday. I'm prepared to change my awful habbits.

I would be very grateful for some advices.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Social_Leper said:
You have to eat like a horse.
Not really. You can supplement with liquid proteins.

And at your weight and height that really means eating CONSTANTLY or having several large meals a day.
Again, not really. As long as he's got a decent appetite and like calorie dense foods he'll be all right. The thing about diet is that he just needs to do enough things right. It doesn't have to be perfect, but he needs to eat enough proteins and enough calories and he'll be well on his way.

The other factor is rest and constant exercise. The body repsonds to stress. One workout a week isn't going to cut it. A workout every day will. Not a full body torture workout, but spread it out so you're always active and the body is stimulated for growth.

I agree about compounds versus isolation. If you want to do biceps, just do some chinups. Not only are you using more weight but it's damn intense and involves the rest of the body and stimulates.

Stimulate the body enough (and not too much) and be consistent. Eat enough (and not too much) and be consistent. Rest enough and be consistent. You're not running on sleep debt. You're going to be your full 8 hours or whatever you feel is enough to feel refreshed.

Don't be too worried about how you're starting out. A worse than average exercise routine and a bad diet is better than nothing at all. Get in the routine and fix things along the way to fit what works best for YOU.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I have a trainee like you. Now he's 85kg.

High intensity (as in heavy weight, relatively) compound exercises over compressed rest periods. 5 sessions a week (3 intense, 2 light).

Eat like a horse.

Sleep like a baby.

Think +5kg gain at a time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
In addition to the above advice, make sure that you are not just getting enough protein. You better be getting some fat and carbs to help with that as well (I.E. eat a well balanced diet). Nobody ever grew off a diet of chicken breasts and tuna.

Basically, eat more good food. Try to stick to stuff with ingredients that can be pronounced. Eat more of it in general. Do like A_G said and hit up the squats, deadlifts, military press and bench press. Make sure your form is PERFECT. Don't skip leg day.