Master Don Juan
It has recently come to my attention that only about half the parties I go to are fun.
The other day I accidentally went to a church group party. This was one of those nights where you and your mates arrive, and you just don't believe it has happened to you.
"I'm off down the offie churchy girl, want anything?"
"No- you don't need alcohol to have a good time!"
"Woh- I'm actually in the 7th plane of hell."
I tried to get a party started. My god I did. It was like defribulating a headless corpse.
Anyway, this has got me thinking...
Here is what I am begining to call "the self-preserving party therom"
Ok, everyone has some sort of hall or venue in their vicinity that they can hire out, for parties and suchlike.
These venues will cost money to hire out, but will probably come complete with a bar and friendly barstaff.
People have parties in halls all the time, and they're usually alright. Provided it's packed out and people can pay for drinks.
Music is free- always some crap band looking for a free gig- or a generous friend with a sound system.
Now, if you charge people entrance, you should be able to make back more money, a lot more money, than you shelled out to get the place.
Keeping this is mind, you should be able to cover all costs and have money left over to help fund the next one.
By about party No.3, you should have enoughmoney to throw a limited amount of free drink into the mix.
Nothing draws people like free drink.
Hence biger venue.
Now, I think there could be a good thing going down here. Not only does it provide a sweet party every month or so, and maybe a source of income, but it also gives you a monopoly on the party scene.
This year, I really want to own my college, if you hadn't guessed.
Any of you guys tried anything similar to this or have any comments on the idea?
The other day I accidentally went to a church group party. This was one of those nights where you and your mates arrive, and you just don't believe it has happened to you.
"I'm off down the offie churchy girl, want anything?"
"No- you don't need alcohol to have a good time!"
"Woh- I'm actually in the 7th plane of hell."
I tried to get a party started. My god I did. It was like defribulating a headless corpse.
Anyway, this has got me thinking...
Here is what I am begining to call "the self-preserving party therom"
Ok, everyone has some sort of hall or venue in their vicinity that they can hire out, for parties and suchlike.
These venues will cost money to hire out, but will probably come complete with a bar and friendly barstaff.
People have parties in halls all the time, and they're usually alright. Provided it's packed out and people can pay for drinks.
Music is free- always some crap band looking for a free gig- or a generous friend with a sound system.
Now, if you charge people entrance, you should be able to make back more money, a lot more money, than you shelled out to get the place.
Keeping this is mind, you should be able to cover all costs and have money left over to help fund the next one.
By about party No.3, you should have enoughmoney to throw a limited amount of free drink into the mix.
Nothing draws people like free drink.
Hence biger venue.
Now, I think there could be a good thing going down here. Not only does it provide a sweet party every month or so, and maybe a source of income, but it also gives you a monopoly on the party scene.
This year, I really want to own my college, if you hadn't guessed.
Any of you guys tried anything similar to this or have any comments on the idea?