BeginningDJ said:
Putting a used dripping ladle on something instead of on the marble counter.
forgetting to turn off the TV
closing the cap on the toothpaste
It's just these small things, I remind her, she either:
makes an excuse saying she was going to do it
does it right away and 2 seconds later, tell me to close a lid on something when I'm done with it. She rarely reminds me to do something when she sees it, but almost everytime I remind her to do something she brings up something for me to do.
She says its the way I ask her to do something that gets her pissed. But I just say:
"Can you put the ladle on something so it won't leave a mark on the counter next time?"
And that is what makes her angry and we start arguing. How would you nicely ask to do something...I've been ****ed over from my DJ days and it took me a while to get off the phrase "Let me...(yada yada)"
Dude, are you sure you're not dating my ex-wife? She was such a slob, and it got to me so bad. Clothes would pile up on the floor in different areas of the house at all times. Toothpaste would be all over the mirror, and she wouldn't clean it. She took the responsibility of washing the dishes and got pissed whenever I did them. If I did do them, they were in the sink for weeks and stunk up the house. I noticed the tiles in the bathroom were getting mildewish so I cleaned it pretty regularly after that. She told me she thought there was nothing to do with the mildew. Her parents never ever cleaned their house and there was junk everywhere. I was miserable with her.
I remodeled our kitchen all by myself. New counter tops, new trim on the cabinet doors with fresh white paint, new wallpaper, new tiled floor. Every single time she cooked, she would make a huge mess and food would be all over the kitchen. You could see it dripping down the new painted cabinets. She would never clean it up. She didn't take pride in my work, and it was awesome work. I would go behind her and spic&span all the dried up food and drippings going down the cabinets. She would get so freaking pissed off for going behind her and cleaning it up. As if she was was going to do it. Sometimes it would sit for a couple of days before I did it because I didn't want to hear her sh1t.
The house was always so filthy, but the yard was immaculate because that was my job and no one else could mess it up. Her kid's room couldn't be walked through because of the mess. I would take it upon myself to clean the room every 2 weeks. I would throw needless McDonald's toys away and whatever other crap I wanted to because her kid had everything and was spoiled to the max. If she found any of that crap in the trash, she would throw a fit. She was just as spoiled as her daughter.
She tried to control everything and thought I should submit, so we butted heads all the time. Everyday we fought. One time we were in Sunday school and she needed a pen, so I handed her mine. Then I held out my hand so she could give it back. Then she started a fight in middle of class about me wanting to control the pen and how I wanted to control everything. In fact, it was her who was controlling, and if she couldn't, there was hell to pay.
Like I said, I was miserable. Leave this b1tch now. Drop her like a bad habit. Find a woman who is looking for a man to lead and a woman with little class. You will be miserable if you don't.