yeah, okay. So me and my friend (junior) have first period together. I'm a sophomore btw. The girl I personally like is also in first period w/ us. I sit in front of him, and next to her. My friend and I are funny kids, and we neg her a lot. I have this problem though. When I'm around my friends i typically take things too far. I feel like I neg her too much, and it kills attraction. I also feel like she thinks I'm weird. She looks at me sometimes, and while we're making eye contact I smile and wink at her. After I do this she laughs and calls me weird. Is that a good thing, or is she just joking w/ me? Homecoming is in 2 weeks, and I want to go, but i don't have a date atm.
How can I stop negging her all the time, and how should I go about the homecoming?
How can I stop negging her all the time, and how should I go about the homecoming?