I'm have also experienced what you're talking about. I'm half black/white. Although, there are some girls who won't talk to you because of your race. You CAN"T think that way when your trying to game. I had it in my head at one point, that if they weren't the type that hung out in hip hop clubs that they wouldn't be into me. It's simply not true. I seem to be more attracted to the ones who look like the country club type, I think because in my head it's more of a challenge.
There ARE cultural differences and sometimes depending on the type of girl she is, I have to adjust. If I'm in the hip-hop spot I usually act more aggressive, or forward may even telegraph my intentions. In the more white/prep hang-outs I use my sneak approach, being especially careful not to telegraph my interest as much, I'll try to strike up random convo. You can either be completely yourself and the same with every girl, but I find more success when I adjust a bit. As I'm sure you know it's more about how they are socialized, some white girls act stereotypically black and vice-versa... I also might dress like the type I'm going after, I think clothing non-verbally helps her identify with you. Don't wear the air-force ones to pick up white girls, put on the topsiders
I tend to date women who are culturally white no matter what race they are, that's more what I'm attracted to. So
to warm up, go after the white girls you know are more into you, like the type that hang out in urban hangouts, get adjusted to them, then push yourself to go to where the white boys hunt. If she isn't one the white boys want, I don't want her.