I just found out this site through a bodybuilding site and I must say that there´s a lot of good information here.
I don´t know if it´s usual to newbies say hello,but anyway I just want to integrate in well here (sorry my english,i´m portuguese anyway).
And I have a question...since some time i´m getting looks from girls,due to me changing my body and some things I don´t like in me as well the way I think ( I have done this things even before I read this kind of site...looks like I have potential
There´s this hot girl who I maitain visual contact since last year but I still don´t know her mainly because I still think like a nice guy
The thing is I have fear of,after meet here,have nothing to say...I give her my name,she gives her name and then what?
I don´t know if it´s usual to newbies say hello,but anyway I just want to integrate in well here (sorry my english,i´m portuguese anyway).
And I have a question...since some time i´m getting looks from girls,due to me changing my body and some things I don´t like in me as well the way I think ( I have done this things even before I read this kind of site...looks like I have potential
There´s this hot girl who I maitain visual contact since last year but I still don´t know her mainly because I still think like a nice guy
The thing is I have fear of,after meet here,have nothing to say...I give her my name,she gives her name and then what?