well, its been some time since I post on here but heres an update to the situation, err mess i could say.
weeks been crazy, she went to my cousins bar on Tuesday with a guy as her date (happen to know the guy). The manager at the bar (one of my best friends) told me she asked him out on a date a few days before and I almost died laughing cause she always said he seemed gay and she REALLY doesn't like even hanging out with gay guys, much less dating one. So I wasnt shocked to realize she found a "MAN" so quick (she was obviously looking to date someone who goes to my bar) dunno why but I have some vague ideas.
She still hangs out there 3 or 4 times a week and says hi and bye, doesnt hold eye contact for more than a second before she turns her head so I don't even try.
Well anyways, the funny thing is the guy shes dating happens to be "NOT" her type judging from the values which she showed to demonstrate interest in, in men (not necessarily me) which really got me thinking.
Well, by coincidence the same night I caught her at the bar with the guy the first time, I went up to her and said hi, thanked her for the job again and told her I really appreciated it cause it was what I needed, and how extroverted that was of her to do such a nice thing, she thanked me and even turned around and shook my hand and smiled (probably cause of the pressure from the guy who hooked me up with her, he didn't say anything but he was sitting right besides her; he was trying to get her to come back with me and was even pissed about her being with other guy, hes like her dad)
Later I came back to her when it was only her and her friend (the older guy) and invited her out to dinner as a thank you for getting me the job the week before, she said she really appreciated it but that she had other plans in mind and acted really nervous when i said that and stood away from me/backed up a little when I told her that. Then I sat down and told my friend he was an idiot for pressuring me into inviting her out.
After that is when I realized the other guy who was sitting besides her was the guy she is seeing now or something cause the manager came up and told me she came with him and surely enough she left with him.
After that I have seen them twice at my cousins bar and both times I've greeted them just fine and gotten a greeting from both of them, last time being this friday night. Also I noticed her "date" isn't by her the whole time he's in the with her, hes out and about talking with other people and he just leaves her there sitting alone ???? errr...wtf?
well anyways I could add a load of more details but I aint gonna get into them and im not too worried about the situation or returning with her or whatever but i'd love to experiment and if i do get back with her in the future that would be great too.
Right now, i have a ton of friends and random people who have seen us together before telling me to get another girl and make her jealous and watch her throw herself back at me so im getting tempted to hook up with a friend of mine (a really hot model, best looking woman in town) and to watch her weap