What people are saying about the book: Glenn Guillor: Leon Basin Writes! The NOVEL he wrote is great. I just read THOUGHTS ON FIRE FOR THE THIRD TIME and it is very interesting, simple language, deep thoughts, almost a Hemmingway style.
Ann-Marie Vegansweetie - For the world's greatest thinkers: this book is for you. Written by my friend Leon, it captures thoughts you never knew you had and always wanted to express. Get excited. Purchase this book and get ready- get ready to really start LIVING.
Leon manages to capture the experience of being in a place equally as well as he delves into the deepest issues of philosophy. That's a rare quality in authors nowadays. Mixing the descriptive elements of fiction with the heaviest questions of our non-fictional reality in exactly 50% equal parts is the rare gift of this talented young author. I too rarely get to vicariously experience the zen of a bicycle ride, or directly study the mystery of "Why?", at all in most modern writings, let alone enjoy both in the same work by a single author. "Thoughts on Fire" challenges me to think beyond my own tunnel-vision, and for all these reasons, Leon, I thank you for this work.
I read some parts of your new ebook. it looks like you are contributing to the silent revolution that is happening. there is still very few of us, but we have so much energy to invest on our dreams that we can make up for the rest that is asleep. way to go!
The system is fundamentally flawed, and people know it. so you are just being the voice of the people, the voice of their subconscious.
So awesome

It's always awesome to meet other aspiring writers - especially ones who have great talent!
You have a beautiful mind.