Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Heres A little story for you guys

Banged this HB 6 in one of my social circles a couple of weeks ago , she’s not really a part of the circle but is a cousin of one of the chicks and occasionally hangs about with us

We were at a house party and this chick is hounding me , im not interested in her in the slightest....... but after 15 beers pu$$y is pu$$y so ended up messing about with her

She was extremely inexperienced and did absolutely nothing to get me going so i was struggling to even get semi erect but put it in her none the less shot my load and then was on my way

Think this girl was expecting me to cuddle her to sleep or something , i had other ideas and went home

Apparently she was crying afterwards or some sh*t , so im thinking great im gonna be on a rape charge now if im not careful

So sent a text next day just to smooth things over she seemed fine .....GREAT :rock:

A couple weeks later one of my male friends in the same circle who loves to gossip tells me that this girl is telling the other chicks in the circle I’ve got a small d1ck and I’m a lousy fvck lmao :rolleyes:

I’m careful not to react and just “ok whatever” it :rolleyes:

luckily I’m not really involved with any of the other girls in the group , but there was one who was on my radar she was giving me green lights and i was digging her

since all this has come about she seems to have cooled right off with me and ive mirrored but feel like something isn’t right , it could just be a coincidence but i don’t generally believe in them and think this cousin has been causing trouble for me

I’m obviously p1ssed off at this girl but what i can do !?!:box:

I want to give this chick a piece of my mind , but The more i make of it , the longer it’s going to drag on and I’ve already bled enough of my frame in this group i can’t afford too loose anymore

Got to drop off from this circle for a while now let things blow over and let them get their teeth into something else could take months for me to recover from this though

Girls can be such immature little b1tches , this girl is mid 20’s ffs...... grow up

Anyway Certainly learnt my lesson , never half heartedly pump and dump a girl that knows who you are ......


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Bingo-Player said:
Anyway Certainly learnt my lesson , never half heartedly pump and dump a girl that knows who you are ......
For sure. I've learned this lesson the hard way as well. Never fvck somebody directly in your social circle. Fvck their friends and relatives (and their ex-gfs), but NEVER someone in it. The purpose of the social circle is to open other doors, not be the door.

The chick crying about the pump and dump is just being vocal because she's still attracted to you. After a couple of months when her emotions settle down, you could probably bang her again. Women don't learn logical lessons when their emotions override them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Desdinova said:
The chick crying about the pump and dump is just being vocal because she's still attracted to you. After a couple of months when her emotions settle down, you could probably bang her again. Women don't learn logical lessons when their emotions override them.


Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
The old "he has a small d1ck revenge", happened the same to me after a similar situation.

A girl I met at the club refused me to come to my place at 2am but instead kept dancing and playing hard to get get till 5am making me run out of energy and good will, only then accepted to come to my place.

No need to say I was tired and p1ssed off so with no foreplay nor niceness I gave her a dozen of thrusts and came, felt asleep right after and didnt bother to cuddle.

Then she told her friend which I knew that I had a small d1ck.

Telling around that a guy has a small d1ck is the atomic bomb on a girl arsenal just like a guy saying that a girl fvcks around in gang bangs, it means that some ego got hurt seriously.

Its also a dirty tactic to ruin someones market and leave that person no other choice than go back tom him/her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Who Dares Win said:
Telling around that a guy has a small d1ck is the atomic bomb on a girl arsenal just like a guy saying that a girl fvcks around in gang bangs, it means that some ego got hurt seriously.

Its also a dirty tactic to ruin someones market and leave that person no other choice than go back tom him/her.

yea i know this chick has been ruthless , but as soon as id finished with her i did leave her laying in the bed like a used condom so i guess i cant complain much

thankgod im not really sexually interested in any of the other girls in the group and i have a large enough dose of the red pill in me to be able to brush it aside

this type of behaviour on an orbiter or weak afc would probably force them to commit suicide :eek:

just gonna sit back and chill my bones for a bit , then in a couple of months start spreading around town she has gential warts :) which i feel is only fair for this type of silly behaviour :woo:


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I would tell anyone who brings it up that you hate to be like this but to her your d!ck was small because she stunk so bad that it was all you could do to get it up. be serious and act like it bothers you to even say that about her. then add that she is a nice person but not a good fit for you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Good post.

Enter.. why I generally avoid f*cking women in my social circle and advise men to LEARN how to meet women without depending so much on social circles.. which is the weakest and most timid approach possible.

OP.. you should of simply claimed you did not remember having sex with that b!tch and claim she made the entire thing up. Deny it ever happened until the day you die. Then go forward with shagging that other girl you actually like.

If somehow it can be proven you had sex with her.. then claim you were too drunk to remember. The text message was a bad move.. BUT I understand trying to avoid the false rape charge. Another reason to avoid social circles.

B!tches who don't know who you are have few tools to attack you with. ALSO.. why it pays to be mysterious and even a little sketchy with women. When you are this type of man.. women don't EXPECT much more than c0ck. If they know you AND are in your social circle.. they will almost always expect more than a f*ck and chuck.. since that situation makes them look cheap and slutty IN FRONT OF THE SOCIAL GROUP. And we all know how "social" women are. Its their domain.

Don't sh!t where you eat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Bingo dude! You do make me chuckle.

Think this is the same bird we were talking about a couple of weeks back..? Man, what you still banging 6's for?? Of course you're gonna go limp with standards like that, especially after a skin full! And of course she's gonna be spreading rumours because she's not getting what she wants.

This is fine for now, but take it from someone who has just got out of a similar but even stickier situation, the older women get, the more spiteful they become, and the more warped their sense of loyalty becomes.

Keep banging chicks like this and eventually you'll hate yourself for it, for not having higher standards, for not fulfilling your potential.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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Who Dares Win said:
Telling around that a guy has a small d1ck is the atomic bomb on a girl arsenal...
Apart from letting people know that her slit stank, I've found the best comeback is a deadpan approach telling people that she has a big hole, "Yea there was a lot of space when I got inside her. She has that, whattya call it.. BVS - Big Vag syndrome. Yea, poor girl is real embarrassed about it. I feel sorry for her."

Tell you what, she'll slink away into the shadows as fast as you can say - well - BVS!

Don't forget, there's no small d1cks, just large vaginal holes...


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Nah TMK same chick same 6 I’ve promised myself i won’t be shooting that low again ,

just only got to find out about this lately so thought i better put the whole story up here for members to see

i appreciate for a lot of guys here this type of scenario is miles and miles down the line but still a good read

Thankfully ive heard bigger gossip in the group has already overshadowed this so im not too concerned

Defenitley learnt a lesson though and wont be so stupid in future


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Well, perhaps you really do have a small d1ck in her eye's :O


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
SamTheHobit said:
Well, perhaps you really do have a small d1ck in her eye's :O
yea probably do , but thats not what im bothered about

her spreading it around mallicously is


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Meh... no dramas, Bingo old boy. We've all been there.

I would slightly edit your title to say "Hell hath no fury like a (low quality) woman scorned". Fark. I've been there too many times. I knew in the back of my mind that I wasn't really in to this chick and that chick, but just carried on because they make life so easy.

There might come a day though when one is a complete nutcase and you might just get accused of something more serious. False accusations do happen for all sorts of reasons. It happened to my mate last year. Cost him 8K in legal fees and a lot more in respect, even though he was completely innocent. It's the stigma, y'see.

A lay is a lay, sure. But to be honest, I can just as well bang one out, rather than go with a rotter these days. High quality takes more effort, but the rewards are far greater in the end.