There is no way and I repeat no way in this world that some pill or medication or machine can make you taller!!!
Otherwise we would never see a short rich kid on this planet.:nono:
But I completely understand what you are going through. I don't know how old you are now, but when I was in highschool, I almost fell for a scam like that for some pill. Although I'm avery reasonable and cautious person, plus my mom's a doctor and was telling me not to do it. But the frustration was so painful that I was ready to give it a try...
Fortunately I didn't do it...

I was 174cm (5'8 and a half to be precise) at that time, I'm still the same height now. The shortest guy at my high school was 172cm (5'8), and he was being called "the dward" so often that people won't call him his real name. Just imagine how this put pressure on me although I wasn't directly targeted.
At the same time, some fake punk trying to pass himself as a great guy had the favor of the ladies simply because he has an attractive face and
he was tall. Plus this guy would make racist or derogatory remarks against me...
I hated my height so much that I was ready to do
anything just to get a few inches. Even my parents were worried since I would complain everyday about how much they gave me bad genes and such. I was getting this masochist revenge by deliberately hurting them and myself emotionally. Although I knew it was wrong, I still kept doing it.:nervous:
The most painful part was that everytime I saw a beautiful girl in the streets, in the metro, who was of my height or taller, I would have this huge feelig of frustration. I thought I would never be able to have a girl like that, "a girl like that would never ever be attracted to a guy like me, a lousy dwarf! dwarf dwarf dwarf!!"
And then with time, I grew out of it.

Not because I'm some kind of special guy with a tough mind. It just that my positive experience with girls, and even hot tall beauties gave me confidence. It didn't come over night. But now looking back, although I can uderstand my previous situation, I still can't believe how bad it was.
Now I'm really at peace with my height. It doesn't mean that I have the "I compensate in other fields" mentality, because it would still mean that it bothers me. I simply don't think about it anymore, just like I don't think about my hair color, my nose shape or things like that.
Sure I would be real happy if by some magic I gain a few inches overnight. But that would only be the icing on the cake.
Now I admit that sometimes I enjoy the "achievement" of having hot tall girls being more attracted to me than to some other dudes who's 5 inches taller. But it's only for the amusement of me ego, nothing more.
I admit that I prefer taller girls, 5'7 to 5'9, and slender and
leggy. And in my book
no girl can be rated above 8.5 if she's not tall.
I know maybe it sounds old, but it's the truth: learn to accept who you are and develop a great personality. Maybe there will be thousands of girls who won't even look at yoiu just because of your height, but many others will only care if you are a great guy.

Stay away from the scams!