Height is really important to women?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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I've noticed that I keep getting rejected for my height, the thing is I am comfortable with my height. I am 5ft 6'. I am not worried about it, but I have to accept that taller men will always get a larger pool of women.

I still see some of the girls that rejected me and nearly all of the girls I've spoken to said that I had a great personality, I am very handsome, very masculine, have a great sense of humour and wit, but that rejected me because of my height. I am too short and nearly all of them are my height and they say they need to feel protected, they need to feel comfortable wearing high heel shoes and that I wouldn't make them feel protected or comfortable when out on a evening out. Also, they say I am too skinny, I weigh 56kg and I am happy with that, 123lbs for my height is good and I am in the gym building up stammina and my body, I have bulked up on my arms, shoulders and chest.

I'll never be super built like Brock Lesnar, but I have accepted myself and have tried self improvement, but should I concede defeat? I mean I guess I already have done as I have completely lost interest in women and I am focused on my hobbies and I am actually happy being a singleton and out of the game, really happy. It's just annoying to hear that women are rejecting me because of my height and build. So much for women being less into looks. Looks matter just as much to a woman as they do a man. If I was to reject a woman for a mole on her face or because she has a bent nose I'd get crucified by the feminist movement and women everywhere. Yet it is acceptable for a woman to reject me for things out of my control?

I am just pleased I am out of the game and have given up on women and am focusing on Go-Karting etc, because women just make me feel miserable.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2010
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Dude I recently saw something for you in David Deangelo's newsletter this is what he replied to a guy with your height problem (dilemma).

Yea, my recommendation is that you stop
thinking that you have a "dilemma".

You have what you have.

Calling it a dilemma, thinking of your size as
a problem, and trying to figure out "tricks" or
techniques to deal with your "problems" isn't the

Do this:

Boldly approach every woman you're interested
in as if you're the greatest opportunity she will
ever have.

Learn how to overcome your own issues with

Stop talking about "luck" as if it's the reason
why you're unsuccessful with women.

Approach each new woman with an open mind, and
realize that every one is different.

Most importantly...

If you are rejected, shut down, criticized, put
down, laughed at, or whatever is the WORST thing
you can think of, GET OVER IT.

You'll get in a car every day without thinking
about it, and drive down a road at 60 miles per
hour, NEARLY MISSING every single car that goes by
in the other lane...literally taking your LIFE
into your hands... with NO FEAR... but you're
allowing your concept of how women are biased
against you IMMOBILIZE you.

Stop that!

Your whole "I know from experience that woman
won't have anything to do with a guy that's as
short as I am" thing is BS!

I have a friend who's about 5'4" or so who is
ALWAYS surrounded by hot women.

In fact, a DIFFERENT friend of mine who's also
shorter dates some of the most beautiful women in
the world.

Your limitation is in your mind.

Sure, women PREFER taller guys ON AVERAGE.

But your limiting belief sucks. Get rid of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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I'm 6'3", and I've never really heard anything about my height. I take it for granted. But there was a phase in my life where I had really bad posture, and I'd actually stoop over to stand out less. And I see many tall guys be afraid of their height, so I figure it can be a double-edged sword.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
So you're short. No man is perfect for every girl. If you're rich, some girls might think you're too corporate. If you're a certain ethnicity, some girls might have a prejudice against you. Too artsy for the athletic girls. Too athletic for the artsy girls.

No point in beating yourself up. You are who you are.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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Gotta work with what you have man. Look on the bright side: at least you're not 5ft1.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Your height isn't as much of a problem as the fact that you weigh 56kg, lighter than many women. Sorry, but you have not bulked up anything.

If you're short, don't be skinny, because it makes you look tiny. Women like tall men not because of the height itself, but because it makes them feel protected. If you're not tall, you need to be built solid, so that it gives them the same feeling.

I'm slightly taller than you, but I'm a muscular 85kg (188lbs). Women dig that, and I've dated girls of all kinds of height, up to 6'1". Fuglydude on this forum is about my height and my weight, although he's leaner. He used to be a male stripper and had to beat women off with a stick. He's engaged to a smoking hot model girl who's taller than him.

Lift some weights and eat more.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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FortunateSon said:
Also, they say I am too skinny, I weigh 56kg and I am happy with that, 123lbs for my height is good and I am in the gym building up stammina and my body, I have bulked up on my arms, shoulders and chest.
123 pounds for your height sounds kind of scrawny to me. It's on the low side of normal for your height on the BMI charts. But if you were actually bulking up/muscular, you could pretty easily slide into the "overweight" category. I would think you need to put on at least 20 lbs. You could ask around on the Health and Fitness forum for opinions if you like.

Of course if you're happy with being thin, that's up to you. I know skinny guys who get laid all the time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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zekko said:
123 pounds for your height sounds kind of scrawny to me. It's on the low side of normal for your height on the BMI charts. But if you were actually bulking up/muscular, you could pretty easily slide into the "overweight" category. I would think you need to put on at least 20 lbs. You could ask around on the Health and Fitness forum for opinions if you like.

Of course if you're happy with being thin, that's up to you. I know skinny guys who get laid all the time.
ha! I used to be 130 lbs at my current height of 5'10"! Women back than used to tell me how they want to be skinny like me. It hurt suffice it to say and was some motivation to start hitting the iron. What a difference working out has made- am roughly 180 and get much better attention. More on this, read up on pooks thread about gaining weight. His situation is different due to his height though.

On your height, there is no doubt that it will handicap you. I have talked to numerous women and all of them say height is an issue. I have also tried to get w/ taller women than I and am not terribly successful, but have had some. The point is there will always be a handicap for most of us. You can't focus on what doesn't work, you have too focus on what does work and improve on that. Some call it compensation, I call it leveraging what you got. Everyone does this.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
i love macking on taller chicks. i like the challenge!! and im 5'6" on a good day.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
123 pounds.... that's definitely lighter than a majority of women that are 5'5 -5'6. At that height you should be looking to be around average weight which i think is around 135 ish? 150lbs with muscular definition would probably work wonders on your appeal.

But luckily you seem like an upbeat person and don't let the lack of height add negativity to your life which probably is great for your attitude/persona.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
If I learned one thing in life it's this...If one girl rejects you for any number of reasons there is always going to be another one that accepts you for them. Plus, 5'6 isn't that short not like your 4'10.

Just look at Michael J. Fox at his peak in the 80's and 90's that guy can't be taller the 5'4 and I'm sure he could of got any women he wanted. You could argue he was a TV and movie star, but it also probably had to do with his confidence and the way he carried himself. Heights only a limitation if you let be one.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2010
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Well I'm over that now, I was more annoyed that men are supposed to accept women as they are (if we don't we are called shallow) and yet women are freely able to reject men for all sorts of reasons like height and no one bats an eyelid.

The strangest thing happened, I went out with a few friends on Saturday and one of my mates brought his girlfriend along and she brought one of her friends along, she happens to be a gorgeous brunette who just so happens to be 6ft. Well I think she has taken a shine as she has added me on facebook and started a conversation with me on facebook chat yesterday (it's Monday morning here). My gut instinct is telling me she is interested and I think she'll be hanging out with us lot again on the weekend. So I will try it on with her.

I have to confess that I spent most of the night running my eyes up and down her legs, I have never seen legs so long on a woman before. Has anyone gamed taller women before, is it any different to normal game?


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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FortunateSon said:
Well I'm over that now, I was more annoyed that men are supposed to accept women as they are (if we don't we are called shallow) and yet women are freely able to reject men for all sorts of reasons like height and no one bats an eyelid.
I'll let you in on a little something...

We're not "supposed" to do anything. We don't need society's approval to be men.

And, plenty of girls get called "shallow," so it does work both ways. The difference is that attractive women are valued more by society. That doesn't mean, however, that YOU need to value them more, or treat them as some unattainable object. Women are insecure about their looks, too--and, just because you get told you were rejected for your height does not make it so. In fact, I'd bet that some of those girls had been with guys shorter than you. You were rejected because you failed to attract her- being short is a disadvantage, but you can compensate for it with a compelling personality.

Now, as for gaming taller chicks, there's no different strategy; just make sure you aren't acting insecure about the height difference. If it comes up, just shrug it off- "Yeah, I'm kind of short, but it's fine with me."

And 5' 6" isn't really that bad- most chicks are shorter than you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Iceberg said:
So you're short. No man is perfect for every girl. If you're rich, some girls might think you're too corporate. If you're a certain ethnicity, some girls might have a prejudice against you. Too artsy for the athletic girls. Too athletic for the artsy girls.

No point in beating yourself up. You are who you are.
as long as you are not skinny with hardly no social skills.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Jitterbug said:
Your height isn't as much of a problem as the fact that you weigh 56kg, lighter than many women. Sorry, but you have not bulked up anything.

If you're short, don't be skinny, because it makes you look tiny. Women like tall men not because of the height itself, but because it makes them feel protected. If you're not tall, you need to be built solid, so that it gives them the same feeling.

I'm slightly taller than you, but I'm a muscular 85kg (188lbs). Women dig that, and I've dated girls of all kinds of height, up to 6'1". Fuglydude on this forum is about my height and my weight, although he's leaner. He used to be a male stripper and had to beat women off with a stick. He's engaged to a smoking hot model girl who's taller than him.

Lift some weights and eat more.
Jitter... are you stocking me? If you are, then I'm totally flattered :D

FortunateSon, at 5'6" - 123 lbs you're not "very masculine" as you describe yourself. I've worked/trained with tons of meatheads... what society truly considers hypermasculine: power/olympic lifters, male strippers, competitive bodybuilders, etc. I don't think you'd cut it in any of these endeavors in your current state. Until you gain more muscle mass you'll be considered short and skinny: a horrible combo to have if you're trying to score hot girls. Remember hot girls are innately drawn to a hypermasculinity, and with your stats you're not exactly gonna cut it. Getting jacked up is the easiest way to dramatically improve your social status and get women... trust me on this.

At 5'6" you'll actually have a pretty easy time looking relative big and ripped. Try and gain 40-50 lbs and keep your bodyfat% < 13-14% and you'll do quite well.

As Jitter said my fiance is an inch taller than me and she said she wouldn't be able to date me unless I was big/wide.

Remember you can't do anything about your height but there's tons of other modifiable things in your life. Getting jacked is probably the easiest...


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Very, very, very, very, very important. Anyone who tells you height is not important with women is a) lying or kidding with you b) are short and in self denial


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
Remember you can't do anything about your height but there's tons of other modifiable things in your life. Getting jacked is probably the easiest...
At 5'8" I agree with this.

Although I am 185 pounds.

You can't do anything about your height. Is it a disadvantage? Yes (all other things being equal).

But the sooner you realise that there is nothing you can do about it, and focus on things that you can control, the better


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
height does matter when it comes to being really short or too all. If you fit into average I don't see any problems. I am 6 - 4 barefoot, 200 lbs, no one ever complements me directly any more at all, some say I am big because they feel intimidated at first.