You attack Roissy for wrong reasons.
He takes an absolutist approach to defining the alpha male. While YOU may place considerations on ethics, a career, social support from friends on qualities a man should have, Roissy only considers your ability to attract ATTRACTIVE women. It's evident in yalls posts. st_99 says he's an AFC. But the DJ's at sosuave have a different spectrum in which they consider men, compared to Roissy. You have a scale ranging from AFC to mPUA/MasterDJ/etc, while Roissy has an Omega-Alpha scale. When you look at Roissy's posts from your lens, it's no wonder they all seem stupid. Roissy considers an alpha ANY man who can evoke gina tingles in attractive, desirable women.
To that extent, a MPUA/or Master Don Juan can be considered by Roissy to be an ALPHA while a Roissian ALPHA can't always be considered to be a MDJ. It all boils down to your virtues. Personally, I'd like to be alpha by any measure.
From a strictly evolutionary approach, it doesn't matter how much society and your family hate you, if you are successfully passing your genes down through an attractive give, your sexual fitness has ousted competition successfully.
Please read this, better written, blogpost about an alpha badboy, who is pretty lame by societal standards, but literally have women KILL for him:
You can paint Josh in any way you want, but he has
attractive, young girls willing to kill each other for this alpha. Have you ever had girls that primitively
crave you like that?
THAT is an alpha male, according to Roissy. He compels his students to consider only the MINDSET that Josh has to replicate alphaness until you get it right yourself.
It's the
Bring da movies mindset of irrational self confidence that I've learned from Roissy, and it's gotten me laid more than any other seduction material ever has for me.
:EDIT: At a second look, Camacho's
texting conversations indicate that he's more alpha than any one of us here. These girls are the lowest form of AFC (average, frustrated c*nt, in this case) in his hands.
Part of me wants to reply to every single thread on this forum: "Tell her: 'bring da movies'"