

Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
So my GF broke it off after 3 years with me 28 days ago.

28 Days of NC... 32 to go.

I was in total control for most of the realtionship. I broke up with her a couple of times for getting sloppy wasted and saying **** like she was better off with a new BF, but the last couple of weeks I could tell she was hanging out with another guy, so I kind of smothered her.

I reacted to being dumped by saying "It's not a bad thing. I thought about it too, but was going to give it another shot, but I guess not" then she asked for a hug, and then a "real hug" and that was that. I was thinking about breaking it off cause she had been shady about hanging out with her "Friends"

Did I handle it right or should I have just shut up and said nothing?

This is tearing me up, a month before all this **** happened, she was telling me she wanted to take care of me, and her friends were asking when I was gonna ask her to marry me.

I can't sleep, can't eat, hard to work, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing I didn't beg, cry, or act needy.

One other thing to note, she knows I won't call her because I've told her before I will never call a person who dumps me.



Don Juan
Mar 12, 2009
Reaction score
good job not begging! I commend you for that. Dude get over this! Just move on, learn from whatever mistakes were made, and simply live your life. The only person you need is yourself.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Moscow, Russian Federation
Man, it sucks. There's no two ways about it.

I'd advise you to remain vigilant and avoid contacting her. From the sound of things it didn't look like a completely smooth relationship, and if you suspect her of cheating then there are obvious problems (regardless of whether she is or not). Getting back on speaking terms with her will prolong the pain and spiral you into further confusion.

BUT, tell me, in those three years did you think about what it would be like to bed another girl?? Now you have this opportunity. Of course it hurts, but know that this pain won't last. There's so much in this universe to appreciate.

You exited the relationship with dignity, like a man. Keep your head up. Suck it up. Spend time doing things you enjoy doing and within a few months you'll look back at your behaviour with pride, knowing you did it the right way.

Good luck bro.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
shaggy84 said:
good job not begging! I commend you for that. Dude get over this! Just move on, learn from whatever mistakes were made, and simply live your life. The only person you need is yourself.
Yeah, the biggest mistake I made was just chasing her that last week. It obviously lowered her interest level and made it harder for her to hang out with this dude... Not that it is cool at all that she did that, BUT, I would like to think my game is tight and if I would have just kept treating her well, fvckin her well and kept being a challenge I could have maybe made her lose interest in this dude.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
no contact.
go to the gym.
hangout with yo boys.
and then hunt down more honeys.
and dont forget to always see the positive in your life right now.

it always works


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
slickaz said:
no contact.
go to the gym.
hangout with yo boys.
and then hunt down more honeys.
and dont forget to always see the positive in your life right now.

it always works
Thanks for the help... I'm gonna keep on living life.

I would love to get her to call just for my selfish pride so I could punk her for punking me.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Moscow, Russian Federation
The best revenge is living well. I know you want to hurt her, but let it go. Be a Fonzy.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Weezy said:
28 Days of NC... 32,000,000,000 to go.
Fixed that for you.

You're better off, now's your chance to improve. Get fit, get smart, improve your career, wardrobe, finances, sense of humor, personality.

Then if you randomly bump into her down the road and she's an unhappy suburban housewife and you're king of the world, the only thing she'll think is "Fvck, I could have been his queen".

This is my motivation, it helps me improve every aspect of my life, become a king.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I know I'll look back on this and it won't matter at all.

But for right now, I'm just curious if me saying that "it's not a bad thing, I thought about it too" will validate her decision, or if it will cause her more confusion because I took it well.??????


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
now this i have experience wit. i was in a similar situation up until end of 05. 3 year relationship and engaged. the truth is it is goin to take you an extremely long time to get over her and you will probably never stop loving her which is ok as long as you are movin on.

what u dont want to do is to continue to sleep with her tho. when mine of 3 1/2 broke up wit me we kept sleeping together and it was tearin me up. i was so desperate to be wit her i was takin her any way she was letting me have her. she was being the guy and i was bein the b!tch.

she would come over have emotionless sex wit me then leave while im sittin there thinkin it still a chance. but you did better than me cuz i cried my ass off and begged her back (lol damn i was b!tch back then). also i would say dont even date or sleep wit anybody else for a while cuz bein in a relationship that long does build some codependency and u may end up makeing the first chick u sleep wit ur new girl.

get used to being alone again. become content with it and enjoy it. me and my ex now are the best of friends. we would do anything for each other. do i still love her 4 years later? yes. i havent loved anyone like her since but yet i am completely over her and the guys shes gotten with after me are so beneath my level that i just laugh at her. you'll be alright but it is gonna take a while.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Just curious if I shoulda just not said anything instead of telling her it was okay and that I had been thinking about it too... And I even hugged her 2x after and she probably went and got fvcked that night.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Weezy said:
So my GF broke it off after 3 years with me 28 days ago.

28 Days of NC... 32 to go.

I was in total control for most of the realtionship. I broke up with her a couple of times for getting sloppy wasted and saying **** like she was better off with a new BF, but the last couple of weeks I could tell she was hanging out with another guy, so I kind of smothered her.

I reacted to being dumped by saying "It's not a bad thing. I thought about it too, but was going to give it another shot, but I guess not" then she asked for a hug, and then a "real hug" and that was that. I was thinking about breaking it off cause she had been shady about hanging out with her "Friends"

Did I handle it right or should I have just shut up and said nothing?

This is tearing me up, a month before all this **** happened, she was telling me she wanted to take care of me, and her friends were asking when I was gonna ask her to marry me.

I can't sleep, can't eat, hard to work, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing I didn't beg, cry, or act needy.

One other thing to note, she knows I won't call her because I've told her before I will never call a person who dumps me.


Wow,try this,she told me the night that ended up being the last night we spent together that she loved me......"I love you ,you know that right?"
Then she proceeded to use my heart for a floor mat.

The only thing I can tell you is I went through some tough times,maybe the toughest I've had emotionally,ever, but the pain has subsided,it's not the same but that's the good news.
The bad news is that one and a half years later I still feel a low level pain and discomfort I should say that's related to her memory.It hasn't gone away yet,lot's of things bring her back to my concious mind but I guess much like the unbearable pain in the biginning this will also subside.
Good luck man,NC works.


Weezy said:
I know I'll look back on this and it won't matter at all.

But for right now, I'm just curious if me saying that "it's not a bad thing, I thought about it too" will validate her decision, or if it will cause her more confusion because I took it well.??????
Let it go mate.

It'll be better for you in the long run.

Regardless of whom ditched whom, just focus on enjoying life, think of all the freedom you have now that you are not in a relationship.

Spend time on you, chill with mates, get drunk and try and take this woman off your mind. Believe mate, no woman is worth this trouble.

All the best. :up: