Hey guys,
I've been lurking these forums for a while, but never posted. I finally decided to register and here is my first thread.
Back in High School I was 6'2 about 190...a little bit overweight and not really a DJ by any means.
College came around and after 2 years of eating cafeteria food / fast food and being really lazy I was up to 215 and looking pretty bad.
This year I moved off campus, and since I wouldn't be near the cafeteria all the day and I wouldn't have an alotment of food money separate from my normal money, I had to make the choice between cooking and getting take out everyday. I had never been much of a real chef, but I figured cooking would be the cheaper way to go.
Without even trying or thinking about it or realizing it - a few months went by and people started noticing and mentioning to me that I had lost weight.
I checked the scale and now I'm down to about 185, and feeling better than ever. I take a multivitamin about 5 days a week (not sure if these actually help?), and I cook my own food on the foreman grill. I started getting noticed by women again, and this positive feedback has sort of encouraged me improve even more. So I've been working out every monday/wednesday/friday for about 45 minutes each day.
So my question is - given these circumstances:
1. 6'2 185 (this is without even working out)
2. Workout 3 times a week (usually just pick random machines that are free and do about 4 sets of 10 reps on it at the highest possible weight I can manage)
3. Cook food everyday - usually either seasoned chicken breast or shrimp with pasta in tomato sauce
With this goal in mind:
1. Gaining muscle (I've never really had much muscle to speak of in my whole life)
2. Possibly losing a little bit more fat (I'm at a respectable weight right now, but losing a little more body fat couldn't hurt)
What should I focus on? Am I eating right/wrong? Should I work certain machines more than others? (I am not familiar with the technical terms)
Thanks any help would be appreciated.
I've been lurking these forums for a while, but never posted. I finally decided to register and here is my first thread.
Back in High School I was 6'2 about 190...a little bit overweight and not really a DJ by any means.
College came around and after 2 years of eating cafeteria food / fast food and being really lazy I was up to 215 and looking pretty bad.
This year I moved off campus, and since I wouldn't be near the cafeteria all the day and I wouldn't have an alotment of food money separate from my normal money, I had to make the choice between cooking and getting take out everyday. I had never been much of a real chef, but I figured cooking would be the cheaper way to go.
Without even trying or thinking about it or realizing it - a few months went by and people started noticing and mentioning to me that I had lost weight.
I checked the scale and now I'm down to about 185, and feeling better than ever. I take a multivitamin about 5 days a week (not sure if these actually help?), and I cook my own food on the foreman grill. I started getting noticed by women again, and this positive feedback has sort of encouraged me improve even more. So I've been working out every monday/wednesday/friday for about 45 minutes each day.
So my question is - given these circumstances:
1. 6'2 185 (this is without even working out)
2. Workout 3 times a week (usually just pick random machines that are free and do about 4 sets of 10 reps on it at the highest possible weight I can manage)
3. Cook food everyday - usually either seasoned chicken breast or shrimp with pasta in tomato sauce
With this goal in mind:
1. Gaining muscle (I've never really had much muscle to speak of in my whole life)
2. Possibly losing a little bit more fat (I'm at a respectable weight right now, but losing a little more body fat couldn't hurt)
What should I focus on? Am I eating right/wrong? Should I work certain machines more than others? (I am not familiar with the technical terms)
Thanks any help would be appreciated.