
Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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i'm 15 and i know that the highschool forum would prob be for me, but it's late and this one has alot more people in it and i'd probably get faster/better responses:

ok i know that looks aren't as important as all the other traits, but hear me out. I have an abnormally large head and flat face/nose (i'm azn). and i didn't even know about it until some kids in elementary school started to make fun of me for it. i don't think i'd be this self conscience about it if they didn't start making fun of me. but i did realize that my head was huge. and i think that no matter how "charming" i'll be, my head makes me seem sorta like a freak? (pains me to say that )

i dunno where i got hits but i found this quote, and i think you guys are underestimating the power of looks :
"if she finds you good-looking, there is nothing much you can do wrong on a first date"
"if she doesn't find you good-looking, there is nothing much you can do right on a first date"

anyway... wut should i do about it? i mean, i don't wan to come off as that annoying kid that bugs everyone. i'll post a pic up if any of you really want to see me..... i mean i don't think i look too bad, but i just hate how i'm such a freak all the time ya know?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
Don't worry about it. Looks are just part of the equation. Be glad your not a chick where looks ARE the equation.

Neil Strauss' equation to success with women: Looks + Adaptability + Strength (moral) + Value + Emotional Connection + Goals + Authenticity + Self-Worth

Work to improve the above

As far as looks go, just be well groomed and well dressed and do the best you can. If you really want to know what people think of your looks, maybe try www.hotornot.com

good luck buddy

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
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In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
here we go again on the looks debate...
Men an women see attractiveness different

Men being visual use physical traits to determine attractiveness.

Women are more emotional, therefore attractiveness is more highly determined by your attitude, personality, and body language AS YOU CONVEY THEM TO HER!!

Yes, women see physical attractiveness too, but if you get them to use their emotional mind, their logic of 'he's not good looking' will cease to be an issue.

In other words, at best, looks at best get you in the door easier but if you can convey your personality, that'll get you in the door all the same.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Make it proportionate by working out and gaining muscle.

And don't think you can't do it because of some asian gene, I go to the gym almost every day and some of the biggest guys in there are asian dudes.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Yo man, I've been told I had a huge head since middle school and let me tell you a few things.

1. Scientifically it is known that as humans grow older, our heads are becoming bigger because of the fact our brains are getting larger as well, so tell your friends that next time they rip on you.

2. As long as it isn't freakishly large, and I mean to the point where random people will stare at you, chicks dig it..i swear. I've been naturally pulling chicks since elementary school and I think they may see it as powerful or I don't even know, but it's not a bad thing.

3. A lot of major "heart throb" actors have been known to have larger heads, think Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc.

4. Work out, I packed on 30lbs of lean muscle my junior and senior year of high school and it definitely makes you look a lot more proportioned. I didn't do this to make my head look smaller, I did it out of love for workout out and MMA interests. Also, having a higher bodyfat pretty much does the opposite, maybe because fat can collect on the head as well.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Durham Cali
Sadao said:
1. Scientifically it is known that as humans grow older, our heads are becoming bigger because of the fact our brains are getting larger as well, so tell your friends that next time they rip on you.
Don't do that, youll look like a fairy. Just laugh it off and come back with something funny to say.