He still gets under my skin


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I am back from europe. It was a blast but after 3 weeks it's good to be back home. So the guy that i have posted about in the past is still having a powerful affect over me. He invited himself over tonight to see my photos. I had just gotten out of the shower so I had to scramble to find something decent to wear bc he was in my neighborhood. I had close to 500 so we had quite a bit to discuss. He immediately started off being Mr. Funny man. He started making some pretty shocking and funny commentary about each photo we looked at. He must enjoy making me laugh huh? What I noticed right away is he turned almost every comment into something about sexuality. When I showed him statutes of women with breasts he would be like wow I like that Look at those breasts. Nice butt. When I showed him any pics of male statutes he would call them gay saying he doesnt like looking at gay men but he loves lesbian action. Then he called me a lesbian.

Then he took the opprotunity as we were sitting close to each other to start a play fight. So I responded by hitting back but softly. I was told I hit pathetically and I insisted that I didn't want to hurt him. Then he made a comment about my breasts in one picture calling it boobage.

He made sure that sex was like I said suggested in every picture and he took the time to speak in a british accent because I said I loved being in london. But then he started mimicing my southern accent and he had me laughing so hard at one point I had to tell him to shut up so I could find my train of thought. Then he would tease me about some pics that looked like duplicates. He said I just love looking at pics with the same angles.

After looking at the pics I showed him to my room to look at postcards from london and germany and he immediately looked at my room and said he really liked it. I painted and rearranged some things on the walls. Althought he said he couldnt have a hand painted horse that had roses on it in his room. I was like ha ha well its not your room is it? He liked how I had my post cards hanging on the wall. He was like what do you call this? It was like a frame with ribbons to hold pics in place. So he called it my memory wall. It amused me.

Then we went in the living room and his eyes found my hs graduation pic and he said sexy. Then as he got ready to leave he moved closer to give me a hug and i was going for a half hug but he pulled me in for a full arms wrapped around me hug. And then he squeezed me tightly and I felt light headed and then when it ended he pulled his hand from under my arm and it grazed across the side of my breast. I am assuming this was an accident. He also said I needed a make over. I guess I dress a bit too conservative and business like a lot of the time.

Oh there was really one stupid comment. I took a pic of a display window and it got a reflection of 2 chests and so he was like ooooh who's breasts are those and I was like "That's my grandma stop looking and smacked on the arm. That really disturbed me.

So he's still getting to me and confusing me what am I missing?


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
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DreamyChick said:
So he's still getting to me and confusing me what am I missing?
1. Play hard to get. Don't let him fondle your breast like he owns it.

2. Talk about how great other guys are (pick someone to brag on even if you don't like the person).

I know a girl I didn't like did that to me and it drove me insane. I ended up falling for her hard.

He's playing games on you. That's why you're falling for him. You need to get him back (I know that sounds HS-ish but welcome to the real world).


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2001
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Jacksonville, FL
Yeah, listen to Rambo. Play hard to get and talk about other guys. Or next time he calls, lie and say you're hanging out with a friend. Make him wonder.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
You sound obsessed!

From a male perspective, that is a huge turn off and also quite scary. You're the sort of girl who will get picked up when he's desperate or when he needs an ego boost, then dropped again.

I have a female friend who is obsessed with me. She's good looking, kinda fun to be with and makes me feel good about myself, but I just can't take her seriously. She's like my little lapdog and people make fun of her and the way she won't leave me alone and analyses anything I say. Apparently she memorizes any compliments or attention I give her and asks her friends what they mean. I'm sorry to say, but this sounds a lot like you.

There is no "playing" cool in this situation. You need to BE cool, and let go!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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That guy needs punched in the stomach. Mr I Talk About Boobs Constantly and Call Everyone Gay.

Mr Funny man my ass. He's a joke.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
mrRuckus said:
That guy needs punched in the stomach. Mr I Talk About Boobs Constantly and Call Everyone Gay.

Mr Funny man my ass. He's a joke.
Ruckus is so right, the guy is a freakin joke.

It's all a game to him. Deep down he's pretty insecure. He's only making fun of you and other people to make himself feel better.

What's bad is you're falling for it, which means, your self-esteem is lower than his, so you don't see what a big loser he really is.

Take my advice. Don't call him, let him over, or even pick up the phone. When you do talk to him, tell him you're busy and talk about some other guy .. brag about how great this guy is .. how nice he treats you .. how sexy he is ..

You can break him down in less than 2 secs and reveal him for the scum he truly is.

You won't feel so helpless then ..


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
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Well honestly, DreamyChick's been here a lot longer then a lot of us ;) So gotta give her some credit for that.

Clearly though DC most of your posts should be helping guys with a female perspective and not asking for advice yourself. So as long as you keep that ratio, then I see no problem with her being here.

In answer to your question, I have a couple questions that need to be answered.

Do you have a thing for him?
If asked, would you date him?
Do you want to **** him?

If you've answered yes to any of those, then you've proven to not only yourself, but everyone here that as David D says 'Attraction is not a Choice'. And if you've said yes to them, there is nothing at all you can do to change the fact. So you need to make a decision, are you going to remove him from your life or are you going to allow things to progress?


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Bussey said:
Well honestly, DreamyChick's been here a lot longer then a lot of us ;) So gotta give her some credit for that.

Clearly though DC most of your posts should be helping guys with a female perspective and not asking for advice yourself. So as long as you keep that ratio, then I see no problem with her being here.

In answer to your question, I have a couple questions that need to be answered.

Do you have a thing for him?
If asked, would you date him?
Do you want to **** him?

If you've answered yes to any of those, then you've proven to not only yourself, but everyone here that as David D says 'Attraction is not a Choice'. And if you've said yes to them, there is nothing at all you can do to change the fact. So you need to make a decision, are you going to remove him from your life or are you going to allow things to progress?
You're right, but I don't think she needs to go to that extreme.

I think she needs to realize that hes playing games with her straight out of David D's dating book.

Obviously if he was so secure in himself, he wouldn't need to spit out this kind of game.

So I think she still has a chance to reveal his insecurities by playing the same games hes playing on her.

Only then can she regain control and keep him. As is, shes only going to be used for sex and left behind like a 2 cent prostitute.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Rollo was nice enough to help you out and spell it out for you and you continue to not listen. It's been going on for a year now hasn't it?

Rollo's reply to DreamyChick honestly, I'd call on everyone to stop trying to help Dreamy, since it's only you Dreamy that can move things by just taking Rollo's advice, or anyones for that matter.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Rambo, I suggest going to that extreme because if you can 'Take or leave' him, then she can easily control the situation. If she's prepared to jsut cut contact with him, then she's already regained control of herself.

If she is not ready to do that sort of extreme, then she has no power over herself and thus will never have control of the situation.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
Bussey said:
Rambo, I suggest going to that extreme because if you can 'Take or leave' him, then she can easily control the situation. If she's prepared to jsut cut contact with him, then she's already regained control of herself.

If she is not ready to do that sort of extreme, then she has no power over herself and this will never have control of the situation.
You're right.

I didn't know what a nutcase this chick is until Same posted that link.

Dream, you got issues.

Take Bussey's advice: you only have two choices ..

1. Stay the slut you are.

2. Cut and run.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
I just read in Rollo's response to her .. SHE'S A FREAKIN' VIRGIN :eek:



Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know whether she's a psycho or not, but with all the forums out there for women to discuss their problems, why does she feel the need to post on a DJ forum?

I'm thinking either it's a guy posing as a woman to get a reaction, or it's some bytch with histrionic personality disorder wanting attention from men.

Either way, she has no place on this forum.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
As I've posted on other threads...

Grrrr I hate how these forums have turned from something amazing a couple years ago, to a bunch of Single Post users asking how to email a girl who he met on Myspace, or how to get their wife of 15 years to finally give him a bl0wjob.

I mean honestly, Don Juan So Suave forums USED to be 'Hey if you're single, want to pick up women, check this site out.'

Now its 'If you're a guy who's married, a chick, someone with a girlfriend, a troll or a guy looking to learn how to pick up women, check this site out.'

I mean come on... Mods I know its been said for some time, but this site needs to be culled and cleaned of all the garbage, useless posts + users, and of this kind of stigma surrounding the site.

Make the SS DJ forums the pride of the Seduction community as I truly believe they once were.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know if this is the same guy.

I think you should make moves on him if you like him. That way you know if he likes you. Start with kino, work your way up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2002
Reaction score
Okay so most of your are right, and rollo tomassi nailed me I hate to admit that. My posts are really a repetition of the same problem with him. It just frusterates me because I can't make myself take control. Last night I honestly wanted to jump him I am so sick of this with us. I like him and he knows it I even told him that when he hugs me it makes me crave more from him and yet he still pushes my freaking boundaries. But I am to blame for this situation. But it right now is a really unsatisfying situation. I talk about other guys around him and he makes a gay comment or tunes me out completely. It's my fault hes behaving in such a manner bc I let him. I should just get more comfortable and do what I want. But I know I have to ACT now. You all have made me see how pathetic I currently am because I could have taken care of this many posts ago. I appreciate the brutal honesty. It is the kick I needed to say enough is enough.

Jack McCrack

Senior Don Juan
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Let him fondle your breasts.