HB9 and tons of guy friends


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
This chick that i just recently starting hanging out with has a ton of guy friends... While hanging out with her last night she brought up that shes going to a halloween party at some of her guy friends apt, that one of her guy friends is flying her and her friend out to purdue for a football game.... now i played it all off pretty good... i laughed and said must me nice to have guy friends that buy you everything and threw her a wink she smiled and laughed... SO far things are going good with the 2 of us and im being extra dilegent with staying out of the friend zone with her... DO any of the experts have any pointers ?


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Watch out. She may be an attention *****. Just got away from one of those.....

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
The second I find out that the hot chick has alot more guy friends then girl friends, I turn and walk away.... 9 times out of 10 they are attention wh0res, and I want nothing to do with a girl like that... regardless of how hot she is.

She keeps them around as toys for her amusement an who wouldn't? Sh!t, one guy is flying her out to see him!

If you're banging her, then that's fine.... but if you aren't getting physical then I'd say you probably already are in the friends zone. How far have you gotten?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Every guy friend that's around her just wants to fvck her, and she has her reasons for having them around.
attention *****, so forget her


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Do not let it phase you int he very least...the first sign of jealousy she sees in you she will leave you, this happened to me.

Although I do admit it is hard to keep your face as if nothing was said after she says something like "im going to x with him" but thats why we are DJs and must contorl ourselves


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2004
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Red Sox Nation
Throw her lots of playful negs, NEVER compliment her and don't be that accessible. That'll differentiate you from 90% of her guy friends.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
just because she's an attention ***** doesn't mean you shouldn't game her. I'd say it's even more interesting because it's a greater challenge. just stay ****y, but not too much and keep the fun up. cancel meetings, don't call, surprise her. keep what works and you can have the hoe...


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
You guys are crazy.

EVERY HB9+ you meet is going to have tons of guys in her life. If you knew one you'd want to be around her a lot too. And yes, they all want to sleep with her. And yes, there is a reason that they have not.

Treat her no differently.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by locarius
You guys are crazy.

EVERY HB9+ you meet is going to have tons of guys in her life. If you knew one you'd want to be around her a lot too. And yes, they all want to sleep with her. And yes, there is a reason that they have not.

Treat her no differently.
Bravo! :up:


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by locarius
You guys are crazy.

EVERY HB9+ you meet is going to have tons of guys in her life. If you knew one you'd want to be around her a lot too. And yes, they all want to sleep with her. And yes, there is a reason that they have not.

Treat her no differently.
Very well said.

So what if she has a lot of guy friends? Does that mean you can't have sex with her?


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I agree... she is a hot, energetic girl with a great personality... Guys are going to kiss her ass to get her. However i am not planning on kissing her ass. Last night i did very well with the neg hits. She paid for 2 rounds while i only paid for one. She has paid for her share the last 2 times we were out. As for getting physical nothing yet, she is going on an overnight trip with me next weekend to party and thats when im planning on going for it. Thanks for the advice


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Originally posted by Cougar10033
This chick that i just recently starting hanging out with has a ton of guy friends... While hanging out with her last night she brought up that shes going to a halloween party at some of her guy friends apt, that one of her guy friends is flying her and her friend out to purdue for a football game.... now i played it all off pretty good... i laughed and said must me nice to have guy friends that buy you everything and threw her a wink she smiled and laughed... SO far things are going good with the 2 of us and im being extra dilegent with staying out of the friend zone with her... DO any of the experts have any pointers ?
You have several problems here.

First of all, remember that when you see this strong a pattern (guys flying her around) it's' because she's damn good at what she does: Extract favors from men who she may or may not sleep with. What does this mean? It's a learned behavior.

She has learned that something she is doing gets her flown around to see Purdue games. I will bet dimes to doughnuts that she only came to this realization after a ton of practice.

In short, you are in for a long ride probably. This is pattern behavior and its very hard to break at a late age. I'm going to assume you're up for it.

Many of the posters in here who suggest negs are correct. You have some pretty clear goals here:

1. Make the alternatives less desired.
2. Distinguish yourself from the crowd and make yourself desired.

Really, you're kind of competing against a bunch of boyfriends here. You have to destroy each of them, to the extent you can. There's a lot of existing material on extracting her wants and desires out there already. I won't belabor it here. You need to establish these and start pointing out creative (but subtle) ways in which these various "friends" fail to meet those standards.

She wants someone who puts her first? Then the response to "He's flying me down to Purdue for the game!" is:

"Oh, well it will be nice that he can be with his friends and still manage to see you at the same time then!"

She wants someone who "is a provider?"

"Bob bought me a necklace. See?"
"Oh? How's that working for you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Having men around to buy you random trinkets?"
"Just fine, actually." *cross look*
"Good for you then!" *sincere looking smile*

(I love the "How's that working for you" gambit. It brings up all the doubts).

I can't list all the options here, just make sure that you put some thought into this. You can't go OVER the line on these AFCs that are showering her with gifts, then you are blatantly attacking her "friends." That's the path to ruin. Instead, you have to arouse HER doubts. That's best done with a sort of "Well, whatever works for ya," thing.

"Rich got World Series tickets and I'm invited?"
"Oh, did one of his friends cancel at the last minute?" *Sincere interest look*
"NO!" *cross look* *pause* "Rich LOVES me!"
"Oh. Ok. Whatever works for ya!" *sincere smile*

(The pause is when you know you need to lay off. That's the gears grinding).

"Tom must really think I'm cute. He bought me a toe ring!"
"Well sure! Whatever helps you sleep at night." *sincere smile*
*pause* *opens mouth to speak*
"Ok, I'm going to grab a bite with some friends. See ya!"

The whole key is to be decidedly unimpressed with the attention she's getting. The less respect you give it the less social proof her attention gets.

This is an important point.

Social proof works two ways. 1. It establishes credibility for the PUA. (Traditional Social Proof) 2. It establishes self-esteem for the HB. (External Social Proof).

NEVER underestimate self esteem as a motivator, and the removal of it as a deterrent.

If all her friends fawn over the ring, great! She's golden! It's self-assuring social proof. If you cast doubt on the gifts she gets, you by extension cast doubt on the giver and the act of the gift. You can also cleverly cast doubt on the opinions of her friends on all these gifts.

"Cindy thinks my ring is great! So there!"
"Well, I'm glad Cindy is such a good friend to support you that way. Forget I said anything."

This gets them all tied up. She "knows" Cindy is a good friend, but now the better a friend Cindy is, the less likely Cindy is to actually say "That ring sucks." Use this. It is a very subtle and very effective weapon.

"Cindy thinks it's great that I'm going to Purdue."
"Well, I bet Cindy wishes she was going."

If you don't get a really dumb look out of this as she tries to get her arms around it, then she missed it.

There's always:

"Cindy thinks it's great that I'm going to Purdue."
"Well, since Cindy thinks so, that's fine then." *sincere look*

(This is part of Mystery's "Who's in Charge here?" bit applied to the diminishment of external social proof for the HB).

So far:

You've worked on attacking the value of her reality. Your alternative means nothing unless its better than her current options so dumb them down.

The gifts she is getting are just trinkets. (You would NEVER lower yourself to try and ply her with such costume baubles).

She is getting them for the wrong reasons. (This revolves around demonstrating that she's merely convenient for these many friends, not a focus of interest- the World Series Example).

Her friends aren't being straight with her. They are secretly skeptical of the gifts and trips and prizes, but are too duplicitous to say anything about it.

If you've done your job then you've dismembered the latticework of connections that keep her thinking that the current state of affairs is "Cool."

Next, you have to prove your own value.

Of course, to do that you have to do all the typical stuff. Make yourself rare. Freeze her a bit. "Nope, we're not doing that. I'm headed out with Phil and Cindy."

You know the drill here, or should by now. Establish and demonstrate superior value.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nice post equity You seem to have some experience with these types of girls. She was the one who asked me out and has slowly been turning up the guy friend routine... I froze her for about a week and when she saw me she came over and wouldnt stop talking... I have def learned alot from your post and i will put that into play... I will also stay out of her sight for a few days :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by locarius
You guys are crazy.

EVERY HB9+ you meet is going to have tons of guys in her life. If you knew one you'd want to be around her a lot too. And yes, they all want to sleep with her. And yes, there is a reason that they have not.

Treat her no differently.
Revise: EVERY HB9+ has tons of guys in her life, and she IS HAVING SEX WITH MANY OF THEM. It's no different than if you had all the options that an HB has; it's unrealistic to expect them not to be getting their share.

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by doctoroxygen
Revise: EVERY HB9+ has tons of guys in her life, and she IS HAVING SEX WITH MANY OF THEM. It's no different than if you had all the options that an HB has; it's unrealistic to expect them not to be getting their share.
Not true. With some HB9+ maybe... but not all. Most just have legions of male admirers who they keep around because they love the attention. Remember often attention is more important to women than sex.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah i believe she keeps most of her guys friends around for the attention. She prolly is one of the most outgoing chicks ive ever met. X cheerleader, now she coaches, Aerobics instructor.. so she is used to being the center of attention. I can already tell most of these guys have her spoiled.. Example we agreed to go out to eat 2 nights ago... she calls up and said hey u i already ate how bout we just go grab some drinks... I laughed and said i was going to eat with or without her because i didnt have time all day to eat... and she quickly said ohhh i can eat an appetizer.. she was in the gym one day and i was walking bye she started talking to me while she was on the eliptical she was being pretty flirty, as i walked away she said hey can u do me a favor i didnt get anything to read on the eliptical can u grab me a magazine... I laughed and went back to working out without grabbing her the magazine and some other guy quickly got it for her.... When she was done working out she came back over and started talking with me again... I can already tell im going to have my hands full but im up for playing the game with her :D


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks man i think im doing alright with her so far. A few years back though without this site i would have been making an ass out of myself... i know i would have been like ok i wont eat i will just go for drinks... and i def would have gotten her the magazine.. Im glad im able to pick up on shyt tests

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Every hot girl is gonna have tons of guy friends. What I mean't was when she has way more guy friends than girl friends. It's a definite warning sign.
I know many HB9's who mostly hang out with their girls. They're always out with friends and very rarely is there a guy in the group. Those are the ones I like, because it goes to show that she doesn't need all the attention. They usually aren't attention wh0res

The girl who is constantly surrounded by wussy guys who cater to her every whim, do absolutley nothing for me. I've spent time with both types and the latter ends up being a tremendous pain in the ass