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Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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milano21 said:
Appreciate the honesty, that's what I need. So how would you have handled it?
Okay, let's geek out on this:

We have to analyze this from the point of view that she actually has some interest in you. If she is just some psycho who gets her kicks from shooting guys down then the rest of this is null and void.

First thing to keep in mind is that she is the one that messaged you first. This puts you in the power position for the simple fact that you can make the choice whether you want to even respond. At some level she realizes this which is why she tries to reverse this by a fake disqualification and putting you to qualify yourself to her. She is actually running game like a lot of guys will do ex. The old "tell me 3 interesting things about you"

HER: if only you were taller

If you start trying to qualify yourself here with a bunch of crap about you having other good qualities, you are toast. You did good. You made a statement. It threw it back on her and the fact that you didn't ask any questions or seek anything else from her shows that you were fine if the interaction died right there. That is outcome independence and also abundance mentality. You don't need her or her sh1tty attitude.

You neutralized her power grab and you retained power because she kept responding. Not sure what the next string of messages were, you omitted them. It would really help if we knew what they were. Since you were in the driver seat you want to expend just a little less energy then she is putting forth. Think like when a girl gives shortish answers to your questions without followup questions of her own. You want her investing in you. If she is investing in you then you can reward her for that. **** tests vanquished, you can actually show a little of yourself.

I wouldn't have teased her about being shallow. You had passed the sh1t test, controlled the frame, so there was no need to tease any further. You had the power but tried doubling down on her. From the weaker position she turned it into an insult (she may not have even cared you called her shallow) to power grab again and protect herself. To get a little power back she was willing to blow up the entire interaction.

HER: How is that being shallow? Small man syndrome or what!

She just insulted you! If she sucks at teasing and didn't intend it that way then it is extremely poor social calibration. I would have ended it here regardless. The punishment surely did not fit the crime. You backtracked and apologized which was game over. Sensing blood in the water, and high on her new power she went for your balls. You expended a bunch of energy to make things "right" but the damage was done. She proceeded to try to crush you.

If you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt (but I wouldn't have), you could have tried to make HER backtrack and chase again.

YOU: charming

That pretty much shows you are unaffected by her poor tease while very subtly suggesting she is being an idiot and blowing it. Also, you are again sub-communicating that you are okay if this interaction ends. It will also give you the information on whether she took your shallow comments as a real insult. If she chases again then you know she wasn't actually offended and was just trying to go for your nuts all along. If she doesn't respond then she was truly offended and this was going nowhere. If she responds with another sh1tty comment then NEXT, its just a pissing contest at that point.

At the end of the day, who really wants to analyze sh1t like this. Things should flow naturally and easy from the beginning. Good-natured teasing done well can be fun but it seems like you were both poorly calibrated. It slowly soured the interaction and turned you into adversaries. Instead of getting to know each other you were struggling for power. At some point she has to submit to make this worthwhile. It just felt "off". A good learning experience.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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She just seems like a b1tch to me. She really had to block you after some playful banter? And I think its crazy that you guys really sit here and analyze every interaction he had with this stupid chick. Seems like too much work for me.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Thatfeel21 said:
She just seems like a b1tch to me. She really had to block you after some playful banter? And I think its crazy that you guys really sit here and analyze every interaction he had with this stupid chick. Seems like too much work for me.
Yes, she was most likely a ***** but the OP was making glaring mistakes that he doesn't realize he was making. Mistakes that will turn off any girl, b1tch or not.

Most analysis looks to breakdown what naturals already do to get laid. Ultimately everything should flow from the inside out. Sometimes people need to be shown how those mindsets apply themselves. Its not just for application of this one chick, its for all of them.

If you are already good with women consider yourself lucky, just don't begrudge others who want to learn what doesn't come naturally.


Social_Leper said:
Go about your business brother. But don't proclaim that if guys are failing online then "they have no game". Lurkers will read that sh*t and beat themselves up about it when in reality online dating is much harder than in real life and I would advise guys to steer clear until they're already regularly interacting with women in other areas of their life.

If OD is your main way of meeting chicks then most guys, regardless of game, will end up very frustrated.
I sincerely hope no one took any of my posts in this thread seriously.