there is an hb 10 who is kind of friends with some of my friends, anyway she was sitting near us at college in the cafeteria on friday and all my male friends were saying how hot she was and wouldnt go and talk to her. i thought f*ck it and just did it, i thought about all the stuff ive read and i just thought what the hell?
there is only one way to find out if you have a chance and thats to go talk to them. you can talk to your friends as much as you want saying o do you think she likes me? and doing that you can waste half your life. OR you can grab your balls walk over to them and BE A MAN.
i did it and it worked, i talked to her we got on really well i made her laugh and she seemed good fun, plus shes an hb 10. DAMN fine!
i saw her later walking in a corridor and said hi, and she stopped ME to say hello and ask how i was. now that was a surprise!
i dont know if anything will happen, but im going to ask for her number tomorrow and see if she wants to come swimming with me (theres a pool next door to the college).
i didnt do everything right, i mean i told her my name without her asking, when i introduced myself but i didnt tell her alot about me, and a lot of people told me she kept looking at me after we spoke (i thought i had imagined it, i mean shes sooooo hot!) anyway i better shut up cos im sounding like an afc again...
but all im saying guys is go for it, whats it matter if they turn you down? its their loss, and if your friends see you go talk to girls they will respect you more and the other girls will wonder why you didnt talk to them.
so if you get turned down it can still be good, just forget it and move on girls arent everything after all and once you realise that and really believe it it will become so much easier to approach girls.
im beginning to see the light and its already helping me, make a conscious decision. say it out loud, hold your head high and go talk to them.
there is only one way to find out if you have a chance and thats to go talk to them. you can talk to your friends as much as you want saying o do you think she likes me? and doing that you can waste half your life. OR you can grab your balls walk over to them and BE A MAN.
i did it and it worked, i talked to her we got on really well i made her laugh and she seemed good fun, plus shes an hb 10. DAMN fine!
i saw her later walking in a corridor and said hi, and she stopped ME to say hello and ask how i was. now that was a surprise!
i dont know if anything will happen, but im going to ask for her number tomorrow and see if she wants to come swimming with me (theres a pool next door to the college).
i didnt do everything right, i mean i told her my name without her asking, when i introduced myself but i didnt tell her alot about me, and a lot of people told me she kept looking at me after we spoke (i thought i had imagined it, i mean shes sooooo hot!) anyway i better shut up cos im sounding like an afc again...
but all im saying guys is go for it, whats it matter if they turn you down? its their loss, and if your friends see you go talk to girls they will respect you more and the other girls will wonder why you didnt talk to them.
so if you get turned down it can still be good, just forget it and move on girls arent everything after all and once you realise that and really believe it it will become so much easier to approach girls.
im beginning to see the light and its already helping me, make a conscious decision. say it out loud, hold your head high and go talk to them.