DonS said:
Some day the AFCs will learn that the greatest way to flirt via txt msg is not to respond at all. Let her stew and wonder who you are so busy with that you don't have time to reply; then call her 4 days later and invite her to join you in an activity. The "flirting and creating sexual tension via text" crap is what caused her IL to tank. I think you can recover this, but get a grip. Be a man, not her girlfriend.
You are confusing AFC behavior with respect and courtesy. IT is not "manly " to be slippery , deliberately rude,and conniving in your tactics. WE condemn this stuff in women yet YOU are promoting it as desireable in MEN.
Would you buy a house from a guy who returned your call four days late. I would have put a line through him after two days. I also would not date a woman who did not return my call, text or email for FOUR days - it shows rudeness, lack of common courtesy and poor social manners . Who wants someone like that? In addition, you can add LOW INTEREST LEVEL...
Crap behavior does NOT increase your value or attractiveness to woman unless those women have similar values( or lack of them ) Therefore, you can also expect some similar behavior from them should you start to date them. Birds of a feather ,dude..
Unfortunately, only fuglies and chicks who have few options. will accept a date from a guy who does not have the courtesy(or the interest) to reply to her text for FOUR days. These women are likely to be the desperate and dateless.
Women who are attractive, and have value, also have options, and putting up with some wannabe, alpha strutting sparrow, pretending to be "da man" is not likely to be one of them.
Unless you are George Clooney, you are going to be regarded as a social idiot or just plain crass and rude.