Having problems approaching an HB 10


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
USA - Alabama
Hello people,

Well here is the story. There is this chick that works in store where perfume is sold. She is really hot. I see her almost everyday. The problem is I'm not so hot. I can't approachi this chick. Everytime I get near this chick I get all weak in the kness, and butterflies in my stomach. Kind of like when superman is near kryptonite.

I am a poor student, i can barely pay rent, I don't have the best clothes, I am not that great looking, just a skinny kid. How on earth am i going to woo this girl? How do I approach her?

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Realistically, if she "truly is a hot babe 10" like most of us here, you don't have a very good chance. Most of us want a "hot babe 10" if their is such a thing.

What's wrong with a hot babe 7?

Why don't you just say "hi" and practice some small talk and forget she's a "10" and see what happens. Rejection is good practice and you never know, maybe she will think your a "hot man 10" and you can take it from there.


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2006
Reaction score
Helter Skelter said:
Realistically, if she "truly is a hot babe 10" like most of us here, you don't have a very good chance. Most of us want a "hot babe 10" if their is such a thing.

What's wrong with a hot babe 7?

Why don't you just say "hi" and practice some small talk and forget she's a "10" and see what happens. Rejection is good practice and you never know, maybe she will think your a "hot man 10" and you can take it from there.
way to give some encouragement, lol....

truly alot of people can get that 10, but confidence and saying the right things are the biggest things. don't think about approaching her, next time you see her push yourself as hard as you can and try to approach her. i know it's easy to say while typing but it can be done. good luck!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
swaptrex said:
way to give some encouragement, lol....
If i encourage you that you can jump that 40 foot gorge on your bike, is that going to be helpfull for you? No hes not being very encouraging, but hes being honest. If the OP cant even aproahc her he surley wont give off the right impresion once he eventualy does, so no he wont be bale to get with her just yet, and yes he should lower his standards since HB 7 is still decent.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
USA - Alabama
That just too hard man. Its like she has an invisible shield. I wil just look like an idiot if I try to approach her.

check_mate_kid_uk have you heard the saying in the british army. "be the best you can be". There fore i want to take a shot at this 10 and not settle for 7's

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
MasterYoda said:
There fore i want to take a shot at this 10 and not settle for 7's
But if you going to be overcome by kryptonight:D your not going to get very far. I've been there, and have never landed a girl on shakey knees yet. But I suppose theirs always a first time. Good luck and knock her out.:up:
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Listen to the advice on here -- AND DO ABOUT IT TOMMOROW, dont let another day go by just fantasising about an approach. Let us know what happens tommorow, or next time she works there. Once you get pass this, one way or the other, you'll feel better.

Go for the gusto -- ASK HER OUT point-blanc - tell her you like her and ask her to go out with you -- that's it. She says, yes, no, or maybe.

Do not leave any interaction with her, do not leave the store --- no - dont do it without doing something, you go back and you ask her out until she says no or maybe or an excuse and maybe a 'yes' -- and STAY IN THE STORE, FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES UNTIL YOU DO IT. Say - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 *** DO IT, DONT THINK ABOUT IT.....just do it.

You have the emotional/sexual drive to make this work, you have a strong emotional/sexual state and it may transfer to her, she'll be aware of it, harness all that energy and boldly ask her out. When your heart is beating the fastest and you adreneline is all up, go for the plunge - that's the time when she's most likely to say 'yes' - and I'd wager if you do it right, 90% chance she'll say 'yes'.


Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
Luke Skywalker said:
you go back and you ask her out until she says no or maybe or an excuse -- and STAY IN THE STORE, FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES UNTIL YOU DO IT.
And don't knock over and break any bottles of perfume when you ask her out okay? Be calm and confident.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
MasterYoda said:
That just too hard man. Its like she has an invisible shield. I wil just look like an idiot if I try to approach her.
With that attitude, you're right you will look like an idiot. Because what you believe becomes your reality, if you think you will fail then you will unconsciously do things to screw up your chances. So stop thinking about failing and start thinking about succeeding. And start doing it RIGHT NOW!

Now think about what it would be like to be THE MAN and walk over to this chick and be calm and cool. How thrilled will she be to see a real man showing interest in her instead of the insecure little wussy boys she's used to. Be the man and save her from the wussies. You know you're cool. You know this chick would love to be part of your world. Why won't you give her a chance?

Method Boy

Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Confidence is the key. Remember, she is not the prize to be won, YOU'RE the prize to be won.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
MasterYoda said:
I am a poor student, i can barely pay rent, I don't have the best clothes, I am not that great looking, just a skinny kid. How on earth am i going to woo this girl? How do I approach her?
What IS good about you? I can focus on the negative side of my life all day and come up with 100 reasons why I shouldn't be going out with hot chicks, but it doesn't get me laid.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
Express yourself

Now something that amazes me sometimes is that some guys out there have talent and they might not realize it. Master Yoda seems to be a fine example of that.

Kind of like when superman is near kryptonite.
That just too hard man. Its like she has an invisible shield. I wil just look like an idiot if I try to approach her.
Man, I dig the way you express the emotions you get when you approach her. I can visualize that (not the invisible shield though :whistle: )

You could try something along the lines of:
- Hi!
- Hi!
- I came here a few times before and noticed you.
- Ah? Ok...
- Well actually the very first time I saw you, I wanted to walk up to you but then I thought you know:
"I am shy guy, and if I walk up to her, I am going to look like Superman.............. getting to close to Kryptonite." You know when he gets the weak knees and all that? Well anyway, obviously I've overcome my shyness it seems...
[make a pause after 'Kryptonite', she may laugh or smile at this point]

Something like this, anyway it's your idea, your words, but instead of sharing them on a forum, use them in real life. Whether it works or not with this particular girl is irrelevant at this point but you're gonna love it because you'll be expressing yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Or...you could drop the BS corny lines and go talk to her like she's a REAL female human being instead of some goddess put on Earth to torment you.

If she is really, REALLY that hot, then she knows it, and she's used to being treated differently because of it. You know how much that must suck after a while? Always being pressured to live up to some magical ideal or being fawned over because you're beautiful?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Amsterdam, NL
You know how much that must suck after a while? Always being pressured to live up to some magical ideal or being fawned over because you're beautiful?
Story of my Life... :cool:
Finally someone who understands me.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Luke Skywalker said:
Listen to the advice on here -- AND DO ABOUT IT TOMMOROW, dont let another day go by just fantasising about an approach. Let us know what happens tommorow, or next time she works there. Once you get pass this, one way or the other, you'll feel better.

Go for the gusto -- ASK HER OUT point-blanc - tell her you like her and ask her to go out with you -- that's it. She says, yes, no, or maybe.

Do not leave any interaction with her, do not leave the store --- no - dont do it without doing something, you go back and you ask her out until she says no or maybe or an excuse and maybe a 'yes' -- and STAY IN THE STORE, FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES UNTIL YOU DO IT. Say - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 *** DO IT, DONT THINK ABOUT IT.....just do it.

You have the emotional/sexual drive to make this work, you have a strong emotional/sexual state and it may transfer to her, she'll be aware of it, harness all that energy and boldly ask her out. When your heart is beating the fastest and you adreneline is all up, go for the plunge - that's the time when she's most likely to say 'yes' - and I'd wager if you do it right, 90% chance she'll say 'yes'.

Now what the fvck about this comment don't you understand, masteryoda??

If you want a McChicken sandwich, the only way is to ask the person at the cash register.
If you want a HB10 (by the way NEVER walk away from a HB10 just because you're not hot enough for her, if you're that stupid I suggest you go for HB negative 5000), then its no big deal at all, we all want HB10s, seriously if more guys have the balls (which most guys don't) then you'd have less problems

Brian Griffin

Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
I\'m gonna be honest with you man. Don\'t get your hopes up. These guys keep saying ask her out right now, but I mean c\'mon think about it. Some random HB, especially a 10 is not going to just go out with some random stranger unless he\'s good looking. Even then she\'ll probly wouldn\'t. Most good looking girls date guys know they actually know. I mean, sure there\'s always a chance, it\'s just not a very good one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
You have the shield unfortunately. Someone else will just go talk to her then.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Yea, there is more than one kind of HB 10 also. Without having at least some basic knowledge about this situation, I'm not going to try to draw out a football style playbook. It also depends on how often you see her, how much contact you have, etc. There is about 3 billion ways to handle this and still get the girl.

HB10s are rare and very very hard to find. You won't find many, so when you find one you have to try something. If you wait and wait and wait, then the anxiety will grow and you will end up doing nothing and i will get the girl instead. LOL. I don't put 10s on a pedastool or anything, but let's face it.. if I pass up a 10 it might be another year before I find one to approach. If I pass up a 9, I can find another within a few days. 7s or 8s within a day are ubiquitis in my environment. Every where I look there is hoardes of them. Like a plague of locusts or something.

AS far as not deserving her, who cares what society says you deserve? To me that makes it all the funner to go out and take what society says I can't have. There is little society can do to stop a truly determined man, mostly the way they can control you is with beliefs that you must accept and internalize to be effective.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
I believe I am the only man alive who thinks its not wrong to hit on a HB10, or any girl who is slightly attractive for that matter.