Having a hot woman help you pick out clothes?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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I've been working on my wardrobe and experimenting with different fits of clothes, nothing extreme though. Working out has helped a lot, I just bought some medium stretchy V-neck t's. I've always worn large shirts, but now that I have some muscles showing the med seems to show them off. I am tall (6'4) and skinny (190lbs) naturally, but in very good shape and have very defined muscles.

Anyways, do you guys think it is a good idea to have a hot, stylish chick tag along to give her opinion? I am looking to branch out my style a bit, and I would like a second opinion while trying stuff on. The last time I shopped at Macy's I tried to get some opinions from employees, but they were all pretty much duds, no helpful feedback.

Ideally there would be some cute women working that I could chat up and get opinions from, you know, get two birds stoned at once. Unfortunately, there are usually just really old women and young dudes working. I did talk to one clerk who was clearly gay, but he didn't want to offer any advice. WTF!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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don't know any queer guys that live in the area.....


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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MtnMan said:
Anyways, do you guys think it is a good idea to have a hot, stylish chick tag along to give her opinion?
I would, chick's love that kind of $hit. Not sure how having her help you out would relate to you being able to bang her later.

I know if you even just mention that you're going shopping for new clothes, chick's will try to invite themselves along lol. I can't see how that would be a bad thing, other than having them treat you like one of their gay friends. As long as two have fun, and you don't act like a chick while you're shopping, I'd say go for it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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MtnMan said:
Anyways, do you guys think it is a good idea to have a hot, stylish chick tag along to give her opinion?
I'm not sure I can think of any situation where it isn't helpful to have a hot, stylish chick tagging along. Unless maybe it's to your divorce hearing lol.

Anyway, the problem with listening to the girls working in the stores is that they are paid to sell the goods. They may even get a commission. Therefore, their first obligation is to make the sale, if they can make you think you look good in something that just makes their job easier. Better to bring along someone else that you trust if you want a second opinion.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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noobolgy said:
V necks look homo though.
thoughtful and intuitive advice bro :crazy:

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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I wouldn't take fashion advice from a girl.

It's always nice to have a hot girl with you, but clothes shopping... not so much.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
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I would prefer getting information from a stylish guy rather than a HB. Her opinion might be strictly for her own taste rather than what actually looks good. Personally i would never let a woman choose out any clothing for me.

If you want style tips, feel free to inbox me, I usually get many compliments on how I dress when I go out.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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CaptainSaveAh0 said:
Her opinion might be strictly for her own taste rather than what actually looks good. Personally i would never let a woman choose out any clothing for me.
I feel the same way, and I've learned from experience.
Captain, you should post some examples.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
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Starfvcks 64 said:
I feel the same way, and I've learned from experience.
Captain, you should post some examples.
This week I will try and upload a few different looks that I like to wear while going out depending on the situation.

Check out some of David Beckham or Ryan Gossling's style. They have really good style and a lot of the stuff they wear you can find at Zara or H&M for cheap so you don't have to spend $200 for a plain t-shirt.

I would say the most important part for style is the fit of your clothing. You can have a $10,000 armani suit that can look like sh1t if it is not properly tailored to your body. While another guy can spent $100 on a suit in Zara and an extra $30 to get a nice tailored fit and look 10000x better then the guy in the Armani Suit.

This applies to casual clothing as well, not just formal.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2014
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Eve made Adam to eat that ******* fruit and then he realized he´s naked. I wouldn´t trust her taste in clothes after that episode.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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MtnMan- no I don't recommend it. Hot ho's care too much about what others might think of them so they would rather error on the side of caution than risk offending you.

They won't be honest with you. Find a guy that has some fashion sense & is secure with himself.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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Howiestern said:
MtnMan- no I don't recommend it. Hot ho's care too much about what others might think of them so they would rather error on the side of caution than risk offending you.

They won't be honest with you. Find a guy that has some fashion sense & is secure with himself.
understood. The guy friend is easier said than done. I live in VT, so a lot of my friends a bit crunchy hippy type, some are straight rednecks and don't give a shat about style. My buddies that live in Burlington (only real 'city') aren't the most stylish dudes. Burlington is a funny town, people don't really have great style.

The most styled up people I see are the bearded, dapper dan, tattood hipster fags with their chubby pin-up wannabe women in tow. I cannot bring myself to get into that crap. I also have a feeling those dudes are giant *****s that are trying to play manly dress up. I build cars, race motorcylces, build buildings, cut all my own firewood, own a tractor and a diesel truck have a bunch of guns, but somehow I don't have that look, strange! :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Be you own man.....get another man who knows style to help you. One day I looked into my closet and I had three different styles. There was...Beckies Era....Maria/s Era...and Rosie's Era.....my styles changed because I allowed those women to dress me according to what they liked and not what I liked. I allowed myself to be a chump....They will dress you according to what they like and not necessarily what really is in style.
Talk to a stylish man....look what is in and what is out....see what looks good on you. I will never allow a woman to p*ssywhip me like that again. Funny, it happened without me thinking about it and it wasn't till one day I saw the different clothing in my closet that I woke up and thought WTF who is the man around here?
My 2 cents.....Abe


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
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Peaks&Valleys said:
I would, chick's love that kind of $hit.
I wouldn't let a chick pick out clothes for me. Who cares what they like. I would feel emasculated having her choose the clothes she picks which reveals her bad taste. Men who are not into women go shopping with women because they usually have the same taste. I pick out my own clothes and real men should buy their own sh1t.


Peaks&Valleys said:
I would, chick's love that kind of $hit. I know if you even just mention that you're going shopping for new clothes, chick's will try to invite themselves along lol. I can't see how that would be a bad thing

It's not about what they like, it's about what looks good on you.

I have my own style, but when it comes down down to deciding between three different shirts, I don't mind having a (qualified) chick there to tell me what looks best on me.

Still, that being said, you don't have to buy what she picks out. A chick's opinion doesn't hurt though in these situations. SMH.
What makes a chick qualified to decide what shirt to buy? Can't you make that decision on your own? Why not buy both shirts if you can't decide? You mean you'd bring her along just to disqualify her "qualified opinion" of shirts? Why even bother to take her? Somehow I find that hard to believe you'd do that. You'd buy the shirt she likes even though you might like the other shirt. Unconfident men relies on women's opinions for help.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Settle down there sparky.

It's not about what they like, it's about what looks good on you.

I have my own style, but when it comes down down to deciding between three different shirts, I don't mind having a (qualified) chick there to tell me what looks best on me.

Still, that being said, you don't have to buy what she picks out. A chick's opinion doesn't hurt though in these situations. SMH.

Some of you guys, I tell ya....:crazy:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Oh...one more thing. Rarely do I go shopping with a female. The next thing you know they like something and expect you to pay for it. So, why put yourself in that situation.....Abe


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Why the hell would you want a woman's advice on MEN's clothing? When was the last time an HB asked you to help her pick out a blouse or a skirt? Besides, most women have a pretty poor sense of style anyway. That's why all the top fashion designers are men (even if they are fags...)


New Member
Mar 1, 2014
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I was at Nordstroms today buying dress shoes. I felt someone quickly rush into my space. A woman motions to salesman and loudly asks about the shoes. It wasnt exactly rude but definitely aggressive. I continue looking at shoes. Turn back a moment later and a man stands behind her and the salesman sheepishly pointing at a few shoes. Obviously her husband. Before red pill i would have ignored all of this. Now I just stared. It looked like a mother buying shoes for her ten year old son. The really sad part was he was 6'2 and she was 5'7. I wanted to shake him and say BUY YOUR OWN ****iNG SHOES! It was depressing.

A week earlier I was out to dinner with a group of friends when one of their girlfriends asked me "do you dress yourself?" What? "Do you dress yourself. Or does someone dress you. A stylist?" Ah. "Yes. I dress myself but sometimes someone undresses me." At which point her eyes light up and she goes on and on about what Im wearing and how much she likes it to the increasing annoyance of the other women at the table. I was well dressed but far from any GQ A-game. I was, however, better dressed than any man at the table. Which in this country is not hard to do. Most men dress like 12 year olds at sleep away camp. Out dressing them wont take much style or money.

Like life. Do your own homework. Do your own work. Dont take HB shopping with you. Instead show up at her door looking like a million. When she says with big impressed eyes "did you dress yourself?!" You can say "of course. I always make my own decisions .......... Unlike you and the blind monkey that picked out that dress. WTf!"