Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Voodoo, Hinduism, Satanism, Paganism, Occultism, Zoroastrianism, Wicca, Hara Krishnah, Scientology, Magicka practice ala that of Crowley and followers, Judaism, Odin worship, Greek gods worship, Conan the Barbarian's worship of Crom (even though very cool)...
ALL of it is bullsh!t.
Any supposed power you feel/sense from practice of any of these phony bronze age doctrines to recently made up doctrines is what we in modern rational and logical society refer to as an adrenaline rush, anxiety attack or hallucination.
Don't waste your time on ANY of this garbage.
The Ouiji board is a useless block of wood much like the religious/spiritualist/whatever-ist man or woman's head.
Now if it were a book like the Bible or the Koran at least there would be a good use for it such as using its pages to roll a joint with but I digress.