Threads like this annoy me, because I put a TON of effort into my books, and it’s always the same stuff: guys claiming it’s “worthless” yet still downloading it. A law was passed in 2003 making it a FELONY punishable by up to FIVE YEARS IN PRISON to download even ONE illegal copy of a work. It’s obvious that people like you guys create the need for this law.
Then of course there are the guys who would “never pay for anything,” but make exceptions for books like The Game or Mystery’s stuff, because they were on the TEE-VEE, and somehow it’s then okay to drop $30.00 a copy, while some indie on the internet either gets his work ripped off, or the third-degree. Such two-faced social-climbing is indicative of a serious flaw that WILL harm your “game,” btw. It also creates a disincentive for indies to put out good work.
I’ve lost track of the number of guys who have alternated between trashing me, even as they use MY theories (pivot, returning fox, reverse timetable, etc.) without realizing it. They’re brainwashed by my competitors, many of whom play dirty, and they mistake their bullying tactics for “alphaness. I can assure these men that women see the same intellectual flaws I do, and you’ll be disqualified by the smarter women.
Finally, it was the “live bootcamp” gurus who set up the mass-pirate sites I won’t name, because they get their income from $3,000 bootcamps, not $30.00 e-books. They allow their books to be “stolen,” knowing their competitors who rely on e-book income go broke, while the readers of their books now have a free ad for live coaching. Those who think they’re “sticking it to the man” by downloading are actually playing right into the establishment’s hands, particularly if they have no problem forking over the cash for the “mainstream” authors.
When I wrote Bettor Off Single, I knew damn well that the market was drying up, and that piracy was rampant. I went ahead and wrote the book anyway, just because I wanted to write a GREAT book. One thing you guys can’t steal from me is the author’s credit, which makes it easy to “game” women, since I can just send them a copy of the book, and give them 590 single-spaced pages of “chick crack” to read (chicks love “dating experts”). This also allows me a platform to market a few paid books (like one on how to get laid at work, on Kindle), and my horse racing product, plus my chess and weight-loss books.
I invested $13,000 of my own money to live off of while writing Bettor Off Single. I spilled EVERYTHING I ever learned about women into it, and don’t even charge for the PDF. The idea of some THIEF deciding, after STEALING my work, whether or not I “deserve” his money is a power-tripping attitude common among GAMMAS (not betas), again a sign that the women he truly wants will laugh in his face. I know better than to bring this up most of the time, since they don’t want to be heard.
What’s a GAMMA male? Someone who is lazy, feels entitled, divides the world into those he perceives as winners and losers, kisses up to the “winners,” craps on the “losers,” and goes on a power trip over the knowledge that some author might want his $20.00, yet he’d never do this to a “name” author, as proper respect has been instilled. With women, he’s the guy who thinks he can just show up, move to the front of a line of 1,000+ suitors for some hottie, have nothing interesting to say, yet expect her to want him “for himself.” When that fails, he’s an easy target for a con-artist guru who promises him the moon, thus confusing him into thinking the guru is “alpha,” after which he takes thousands from him, makes him feel great, teaches him nothing of value, and by the time he realizes he’s been screwed over, the guru is laughing in bed with some stripper saying “We have a lot in common; loser men pay our bills!”
Rather than fight the stupidity and criminal (theft) behavior of the gammas, I just put my work out there, FREE, so they have nothing to complain about (they’ll still whine that I’m using it to promote and will power-trip by saying “you don’t DESERVE publicity” even as they put the work into practice), and I just go on with my life, going to the RACETRACK, where the gamma male’s stupidity causes him to bet the wrong horses, thus leaving his money in the pools, for the taking.
I will say, however, that those of you who download illegally are sitting ducks for lawsuits, and judgements which CANNOT BE DISCHARGED IN BANKRUPTCY. We’re talking a FINANCIAL DEATH PENALTY of a $150,000+ judgment hanging over your head, all because you thought it was cute to rip off a $40.00 book some author spent his time creating. If you don’t like the work, don’t download it; if you do like it, PAY for it. Hell, you’re setting it up where an author could release a bullcrap book just to nail all the pirates, and get richer with lawsuits than he ever would have with sales. There are lawyers who specialize in this, and don’t charge a dime up front.
Even a mention of this in the forum might be “probable cause” for an author to sue, if you get too specific with titles. Be careful; the law has been adjusted to account for what you think is making you so cool. It’s not like you’d know who knows what to teach you anyway, any more than you could judge a surgeon if you didn’t know how to perform surgery. What you wind up doing is going with the guy who tells you what you want to hear, and what sounds logical to you, even if that type of advice got you in the jam you are now in. Gamma males are simply amazing.