Have I handled this right?


New Member
Feb 20, 2016
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Hi guys, I need some advice here.

warning: wall of text ahead, sorry

I'm 32, she's 25. We've been dating for about a month and a half, and we both agreed on keeping it cool and see what happens. We were seeing each other one or two times a week, having great sex, while we were also getting to know each other. She usually slept at my place after the dates, we used to have breakfast together, drive her home, texted lightly during the week, etc. She told me she liked me a lot, and that she liked the way things were going for the two of us, and I agreed. I've been dating a lot of girls in the last two years and this is the first time that I develop feelings for someone since my last ltr. I never told her about my feelings but I showed her clearly with my actions that I cared about her about more than just for sex, but always trying to keep it light, fun and sexy. I was pretty confident that everything was going to be alright if I played it cool.

Then, she went on a trip and you guessed it, things went south. When she came back, she was distant, taking very long time to answer my texts. Finally, I asked her what was going on and she told me that she'd met some guy (not clear if it was during the trip or before, while on her trip she used to text me and was sweet and loving, telling me she wanted to see me) and then told me that she couldn't handle being split in two and having feelings for two guys at the same time. That she was confused and, even though she didn't think things would work out with this guy, she needed to explore those feelings.

That hurt, but tried to keep my cool and told her that we have never actually agreed on being exclusive, and even though I entertained the possibility that she could be seeing other people, agreed that we can not see each other anymore after what she told me, at least for now. That I had a great time with her and that she is really special to me, and many women are going to pass trough my life until I find someone who makes me feel like she does (first time I talk about feelings to her). Told her that she had my number and she can contact me in the future, but I am not going to be waiting for her. Wished her good luck and that's it. She then started telling me what an amazing guy I am, that she had great fun with me, thanked me a lot and yada yada yada. And agreed that maybe in the future....that feelings where confusing for her right now, etc. Sounded pretty sad actually but you cannot trust women.

And then I went NC. Planning to spin plates again, have some fun and maybe meet someone better. But man, feelings are still there and are going to be there for some time. And something seems off, I just can't stop thinking that this whole thing sounds weird. And this Chad came out of the blue. Maybe chad doesn't even exist and she made that up because she got afraid of potential commitment. Feels like a **** test. This was less than a week ago. I haven't contacted her nor I will. She broke it, she has to fix it if she wants to.

Anyway, spin plates, no contact, that is the only way for now. Do you think I played it cool? I'm actually sincerely not mad, I just find it childish and I am a little sad that I cannot enjoy being with her anymore.

Thanks for reading me!


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Chad exists coz she changed her attitude towards you. You did good by going NC but you made the rookie mistake for falling for her so soon. DO NOT FALL FOR THEM.
My take is that it's probably over . Even though you weren't exclusive do you really want her back after been sucking on Chads covck. If she was really into you she wouldn't have been swayed so easy . If she does it once she will do it again.

Hard to hear but she probably wasn't that 'into' you .
Go spin plates and if she comes back make sure she comes back begging .


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
Walking away, is the answer, in most cases.

Chicks, these days, behave badly. It only gets worse, as much as I hate to say it!

Be willing to walk at the drop of a hat, and your life will be better.

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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Dude... get out your feelings and do what you want. If you really care about her then stay in touch, even if it's a once a week or once a month phone call. The key is to not care about the outcome. If she answers, cool, if not, go on about your day. All this I'm not gonna ever hit her up again unless she comes back is weak bruh, and emotional. these hos belong to all of us, just wait your turn


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Dude... get out your feelings and do what you want. If you really care about her then stay in touch, even if it's a once a week or once a month phone call.
What the fvck???

He just got his feeling out in his post. He doesn't need to keep in contact with her because she wants to fvck some other guy. Why waste one's time and energy on a woman who doesn't give a 5hit about you? He knows there's other women out there, he knows he can successfully meet and date others, so why should he be tied to one who doesn't give a damn?


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
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Dude... get out your feelings and do what you want. If you really care about her then stay in touch, even if it's a once a week or once a month phone call.
This is just awful advice

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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Women are friends first to me, so I don't get caught up in all that no contact. I treat them like friends... him staying in touch with her is not being tied down to her. That's all a state of mind... but to each his own

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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What the fvck???

He just got his feeling out in his post. He doesn't need to keep in contact with her because she wants to fvck some other guy. Why waste one's time and energy on a woman who doesn't give a 5hit about you? He knows there's other women out there, he knows he can successfully meet and date others, so why should he be tied to one who doesn't give a damn?
This isn't his ex... they were just friends. He's the only one who got in his feelings


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
This isn't his ex... they were just friends.
Friends who dated and fvcked:

We were seeing each other one or two times a week, having great sex,
For me, I would have an easy time writing off this woman or keeping the possibilities open for another lay. The OP caught feelings for her. He needs to heal, and the only way you can completely heal is to completely cut her loose.

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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Friends who dated and fvcked:

OK I get what you're saying but I mean cmon, who hasn't had great sex before, did she take his v card or something. If he cant get over a girl because of hot sex here and there then he has bigger issues. I think his friendship with her is what he liked most. It sounded like she cares about him too from what he said. I'd focus on the friendship, but that's just me. If it's only about sex then I'm with you, next her


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Women are friends first to me, so I don't get caught up in all that no contact. I treat them like friends... him staying in touch with her is not being tied down to her. That's all a state of mind... but to each his own
Women are not your friend.
They manipulate and will do anything to control you, if you show weakness they will be the first to stomp on your head and replace you when you're down.

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Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
Reaction score
Women are not your friend.
They manipulate and will do anything to control you, if you show weakness they will be the first to stomp on your head and replace you when you're down.
Ok i said i treat them like friends, meaning i dont get butt hurt if they dont text back. If a buddy of mines doesnt answer the phone for weeks i will not give a ****. Thats what i do with women too... and Exactly... if you SHOW WEAKNESS. Him staying in touch isn't showing weakness... but him telling her how special she is and how it'll take forever to find another girl like her IS

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Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
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Yes it is.
Bro if a girl really likes you, then she wont care if u try to touch base every now and then, boyfriend or not. Shes ignoring him now sometimes, but so what lol. He needs to get over that and have more options. Chicks ignoring messages is part of the game. This girl owed him NOTHING, they were not in a commited relationship. If he cant handle a FWB going MIA for a few days or weeks, then he needs to just get out of the game period. Telling him to just completely leave her alone is dumb. She will come back, he has already smashed her multiple times.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2016
Reaction score
Bro if a girl really likes you,
She doesnt like him that much, otherwise she wouldnt be f*cking Chad at the same time.

If he cant handle a FWB going MIA for a few days or weeks, then he needs to just get out of the game period
If you read his post, you will see he got the feels for her, so the best way to move on and disconnect from this one is NOT to keep in touch with her, especially after she was riding someone else.

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
Reaction score
She doesnt like him that much, otherwise she wouldnt be f*cking Chad at the same time.
That's not necessarily true, maybe Chad is simping and telling her he wants a serious relationship. She's ignoring him because their relationship is mostly sexual, and she wants to see if Chad will save her. Girls ignore you for other guys sometimes when they have feelings for you, but think you're a player who will hurt them

17 shots

Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2016
Reaction score
[QUOTE="Juanto, post: 2416119,

If you read his post, you will see he got the feels for her, so the best way to move on and disconnect from this one is NOT to keep in touch with her, especially after she was riding someone else.[/QUOTE]

I'm not disagreeing at all that he should go NC for a while, especially given how he poured his feelings out to her. I'm just saying it doest have to be forever, he can come back around later and engage again with a better frame. He doesn't have to say it's either she hits me up again or nothing. That's all I'm saying


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Dude... get out your feelings and do what you want. If you really care about her then stay in touch, even if it's a once a week or once a month phone call. The key is to not care about the outcome. If she answers, cool, if not, go on about your day. All this I'm not gonna ever hit her up again unless she comes back is weak bruh, and emotional. these hos belong to all of us, just wait your turn
Staying in touch after she's been sucking Chad's weiner is the weakest , biggest AFC move . U had non exclusivity but u got hot and heavy. If u go for non exclusivity u better make sure u can handle her getting poked by Chad.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
If he cant get over a girl because of hot sex here and there then he has bigger issues.
His biggest issue is being human. Occasionally some of us men become very attracted to and infatuated with the creature we're fvcking. It happens. The OP stated that he is able to spin plates, so I don't see him having any issues with controlling his feelings for the women he's dating and fvcking. However, every once in a while a chick will slip through the cracks and we'll get all fvcked up over her. It sounds like that's exactly what happened here.

The best way to get over it is to cut all contact.

Him staying in touch isn't showing weakness
It is when he's got one-itis for her.