hating my fellow man


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
i was watching a furry haired little dweeb in a bar tonight putting his hands all over several women who just loved it. and this guy was a MAJOR DWEEB. we are talking Screech quality here. that proves he's a DJ, I guess, but my first instinct was to kill him. i'm not kidding. it would take about 3 seconds to snap his ****ty little neck and stomp the life out of him and that is just exactly the feeling i get when i see a guy like that in action getting what ought to b mine. i guess i need some medication or something. but i wonder if anyone else has this feeling? thing is, i didn't even *want* those women, but i just felt like killing him anyway b/c it reminded me that he has no trouble dealing with ppl like i do. i think i better get some paxil or something



Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
i forgot to add . . . i was at a bar with a friend and some other friend of his was there. this guy thought he was so cool, but he was really a major afc. i think he's on some serotonin thing, too, you can tell by the goofy smile. anyway, he was also sitting with all the women acting so cute (not cool, not dj, but like a cute boy) (though he has his own b!tch who was talking to me, she's a goldigger, he's a dentist, he told me how he's temporarily moving to her city, she told me how he's moving there so they can live in a decent place, ha ha) and when we are leaving, he says, "take care of this guy for me" and slaps my friend on the shoulder and gives me this cute grin. i guess this schtick works on the goldigging b!tches?? i just had to look away so I didn't just break his cute little teeth. he kind of noticed and looked at me funny, so my friend asked me what's up after we left, and i told him if that guy wasn't leaving town tom. i was gonna borrow the suburban and run him over with it the next morning. i just fvcking hate these guys that are so fake, but women don't see through it (except the goldiggers, who know how to use these guys). women cannot see that if we did not live in a panzy-assed *****-whipped world where guys who clean teeth for a living are considered "a catch" these so-called men would be road kill in Iraq. i think it's the george clooney effect, that guy is such a squinty-eyed hunk of fag it's un-fvcking-believable, but it screws with women's heads. on the other hand, i do understand why they don't like the misanthropes like me, they want entertainment, not a personal pittbull. i am just hating the game today, venting, thanks



Don Juan
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
completely unhinged

i can't stop posting, feel free to move, i just can't stop. i have realized that what motivates me with women is if they have a guy. i was in the bookstore, literally bumped into a chick, chatted with her for a minute, wasn't interested, her big ole bf comes along and she has to leave, and suddenly i only want her. i think part of it is that women that are taken don't have b-shields up so easier to talk to. but also, part of it is competition. i don't make any efforts for myself, never have, but only when there's a chance to beat someone else at something, that motivates me to unholy ends. maybe it's the same with women? there is also a well known biology trait in many animals that they steal another's mate even when other "single" females are around. theory is that the mated female is proven to be worth mating with and thus more desirable. interesting, my own father did this, my mother was engaged when they met. maybe it's genetic. i am starting to think i might as well act on it. i think i could steal plenty of guy's gf's, wives, and definitely sisters, as i've had them come onto me in all three cases. somehow that makes it a much more interesting game if there's some other guy out there who wants to kick my ass, and if, morally, it's off limits (to take his woman, not kick my butt, which is probably the moral imperative in many situations). i seem to be a very f'ed up invidivual, but i think i have to decide if i just roll with my evil instincts (i am going to hell anyway, let's not pretend) or if i should keep playing by the afc rules. if you read this far pls give me a vote. i'd like to start by ****ing my doctor friend's horny wife, she's dropping hints all over the place (we'll be up all nite... hanging pictures), and he's always been an arrogant a-hole who once told me to my face i had a small ****. then i'd like to fvck his married sister, who, you never know, just might go for it, pregnant women being so goddammed horny and unpredictable. and then, just for the hell of it, i think i'd do his mom ;-)

A1 (your favorit board-hogging, attention-*****ing a-hole pervert with a small ****. do you know where your mother/wife/sister/gf is?)


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm, you seem to have taken a sip of the vile Haterade. It's very deadly, and there's only one antidote. KNOWLEDGE! How about instead of wanting to kill that guy because he's successful with women, you learn from him? He's doing something right and you're doing something oh, so wrong. You're not entitled! You call him a dweeb and yet he's the one laughing, having fun with women while you're sitting alone wishing bad thoughts against him. You need to look in the mirror and tell your pride fo bug off, because its keeping you from success.

Learn his ways, and then one day can revel in the sick, twisted thought that the losers sipping 5% by volume Haterade, sitting by themselves over in the corners wish they could be you. And you being grateful for your knowledge, and thankful of this Hataholics Annonymous lesson can pass on the knowledge to them by telling them to get online and instead of wacking it, come on over to the DJ bible.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
A1 u A**hole

A1 u r very bitter aren't u? Thats fine, we all are from time to time. But doing the dirty on a friend, shagging his wife? U deserve to go to hell for that. If u loved her or summat it mite be a little more understandable, but otherwise, you'd just be messing with their lives. THat guy hasnt done anything to u and u are fantasising about totally turning his world inside out? Shame on you. Come to think of it tho, if his wife went for it she's a wh*re to the extreme.

Plus i dont see y u have such a hatred for dentists, etc. They worked their asses off, putting in the hours of work, passing exams, stress, etc, to get where they are. THey have huge responsibility, they dont just "clean teeth". I think ur just jealous. Fair enough, perfectly natural. But im just sayin that when I become a doctor, it's cos i worked hard, and then, I DESERVE all the attention from women I get, assuming I get some...

And im not a show off, anyone who knows me knows that.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Just another guy who blames all his problems on everybody else, and would rather hurt others, than deal with what he needs to deal with.

Get some paxil.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Listen AI just lay down and accept life, man...

It seems like you spit dark while the rest of spit for a brighter day. If you didn't like the dude you should've just waited until he left the building and then attacked him or at least marked out and gotten his secret, venting does no good unless you learn something from it.

That's how it should be.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
"...when i see a guy like that in action getting what ought to b mine. i guess i need some medication or something..."

Medication, YA!! And an attitude adjustment! You sound like you think the world owes you. Guess what, the world was here first, it owes you nothing! You have to earn what you get, so read the bible and follow this forum!!